England at the Middle Ages Made by: - David Pérez Tavernier Nº 20 - Javier de la Fuente Fdez. Nº10 - Carlos Rey Abril Nº 21 2º E.S.O C
Index 1- History 2- Kings 3-Battles 4- Building 5- Society 6- Culture
1. History The Middle Ages Started at: 476 d.C. Fall of Roman Empire. Finished at: 1492 d.C. Discover of America
2.Kings Edward the Confessor, 1042-1066 Harold II, 1066 William I, the Conqueror 1066-1087 William II, Rufus, 1087-1100 Henry I, 1100-1135 Stephen, 1135-1141 Henry II, 1154-1189 Richard I , Lionheart, 1189-1199 John Lackland, 1199-1216 Henry III, 1216-1272 Edward I The Hammer of Scots, 1272- 1307 Edward II, 1307-1327 Edward III, 1327-1337 Richard II, 1377-1399 Henry IV, 1399-1413
3.Battles 1066 Hastings, south of England: 16 of October. William of Normandy vs Harold of England.(Territoy) 1191 Arsuf, Israel: 7 of September. Richard Lionheart of England vs Saladino of Islam.(Territory) 1192 Take of Acre by Richard III of England to Saladino.(Crusade) 1214 Bouvines, France: 27 of July. Felipe II of France vs John of England y Otto IV of Sacrum Germanic Roman Empire.(Defiance) 1415 Agincourt, France: 25 of October. England vs France.(War) 1485 Bosworth, England: 22 of August. Henry Tudor of Wales vs Richard III of England.(Civil War) 1314 Bannockburn, Scotland: 24 of June. Robert I of Scotland vs Edward II of England.(Independence War) 1346 Crécy: 26 of August. Edward III of England vs Felipe VI of France.(War)
4.Building Castles Types Cathedrals Farms
5.Society The society was divided in differents stratas. There are these: 1-The King: He had got all the power in the kingdom 2-The high Nobility and the high Priesthood: They were the privileged strata and they didn´t pay taxations 3-The low Nobility and the low Priesthood: Vassals to the service of another higher charge 4- The People: They were bourgeois, peasants and merchants 5-Slaves: They hadn´t got any rights
6.Culture In the middle ages the culture was transmitted by the jugglers, that with his songs told to the plebeyans beautiful histories about great heroes, and the monks, that copied the few books that there were in this era.