Michael Bazarov, Esther Li, Christian McGuirk, John Tong William Byrd II (1674 – 1774) Michael Bazarov, Esther Li, Christian McGuirk, John Tong
Biography Born on March 28, 1674 at Westover, Virginia Son of plantation owners Went to England at age 2 Studied law in London Elected to the Royal Society for his accomplishments in improving natural knowledge Agent to the Virginia House of Burgesses Went back to Virginia upon the death of his father and got married
Biography cont. Age 35: began Secret Diary Wife died of smallpox Age 54 – 62: Surveyor + wrote journal Westover Library – collected 4,000 volumes President of Virginia Council of State Died August 26, 1744
Reflection of Time (intro.) Westward expansion Religious impact WB – “modern” vs. the devoted Puritans The different nature of the societies
Literary Contributions – Titles The Secret Diary (in code)– secular life A Discourse Concerning the Plague The Westover Manuscripts A History of the Dividing Line – Virginia to North Carolina, New England A Journey to the Land of Eden A Progress to the Mines In modern language
Literary Impact on British North American Colonies The Histories of the Dividing Line Betwixt Virginia and North Carolina Negative Southern stereotype Positive Native American depiction Assimilated into white society Nature is a source of great bounty Inspired settling of the West A Discourse Concerning the Plague Proposed use of inoculation for smallpox defense Led to successful development of vaccine
Physical Impacts Westover estates Richmond Surveyed dividing line between Virginia and North Carolina Observed the New England colonies and the Indians