WELCOME TO Room 420 MRS. MATHIS’ CLASS Find your child’s seat and take a look at the paper on their desk. Write a little note to your child for them to find in the morning. Look around the room to see what we have been learning this year.
Who am I? 4th year at Apollo Graduated from UW in 2004 11th year teaching 4th year at Apollo Graduated from UW in 2004 Received Teaching Certification from WWU in 2006 Received National Board Certification in Childhood Literacy in 2011
My Favorites Family- grew up in Issaquah My husband, John, our 2 kids, Max & Ayla & our dog, Baker Reading anywhere Hiking, biking, Sunflowers Chocolate Kitchen remodeling
Why am I a teacher? Connect with young people & form positive relationships. Positive & active role model for kids. Encourage children to have dreams and lifetime goals. Make a difference in the life of a child. My greatest strength is my positive mental attitude.
What is my job this year? Need to be at grade level Get your child ready for 2nd Organization and being prepared Learn how to solve your own problems Work completion Asking for help Following multi-step instructions Taking responsibility for your actions
Apollo’s Positive Behavior Expectations Be Responsible Be Respectful Be Safe
Respect Leadership Making Decisions Solve Problems Honesty Community Building Respect Leadership Making Decisions Solve Problems Honesty
First Grade Curriculum 1st GRADE READING *Read to Self each day: about 20 minutes of in-class reading and 10 minutes of at-home reading *Conferences with students *developing: phonemic awareness, decoding skills, word recognition, comprehension and oral reading fluency. *The more sight words a student knows, the more fluently they will read. *Fountas and Pinnell testing: Fall, Winter, Spring
First Grade Curriculum Units of Study Writing Curriculum 4 Parts: Personal Narrative, Informational, Opinion, Fictional Narrative We do lots of writing in first grade. use phonetic spelling when they first start. encourage risk taking and independence in writing. As high frequency words and spelling rules are introduced children are expected to move toward more conventional spelling.
First Grade Curriculum Eureka Math: Story of Units Comprehensive curriculum written by a team of teachers & mathematicians Flexible grouping Hands-on- manipulatives & math games Computers – Xtramath, IXL, Zearn Seat work – journal page Teacher time Math review
First Grade Curriculum Science Sun, Moon & Stars Force, motion & magnets Plants & Animals Hands on “Science to Go” instructions
First Grade Curriculum Art Art Docent program needs volunteers Fantastic curriculum from PTA Once monthly Dates will be posted on website, dress students accordingly
First Grade Attendance New state mandate Being present is important for learning You must report absences to the office or myself Being on time helps students start the day off right
First Grade Homework www.issaquah.wednet.edu Team Homework Menu of Activities Goes home on Friday Return following Friday Earn warm fuzzies for the class Class prize when jar is full Reading At Home (RAH) & Math in Action! www.issaquah.wednet.edu
Positive Reinforcement Warm Fuzzies *Gains: kind actions, following directions, being prepared & ready *Homework completion Whole school *Rocket Way slips Daily *Rocket Recognition Monthly
First Grade Grading 4 = Above Expectation of a 1st grader, at or near perfection, fabulous 3 = Meets the 1st grade Expectation, where they should be, great job 2 = Approaching the 1st grade Expectation, needs a little work 1 = Below the 1st grade Expectation, needs a big improvement *Not equivalent to the A, B, C, D, F
First Grade Field Trip Late Spring Alki Beach with chaperones and naturalists Further our study of Habitats Our goal is to provide a “real life” connection to our curriculum
Fundraisers Step it Up: Apollo PTA Cookie Dough : Camp -as well as others throughout the year
Helping Students Achieve
Be a part of PTA greatness Be a part of PTA greatness. Sign up for YOUR Apollo Elementary PTA today at: apollopta.org or by completing a membership form today. When you do, you are supporting the nation’s largest volunteer advocacy group for children in this country. Did you know? Your child is attending 1 of 3 schools in the state awarded the School of Excellence Award for 2014-2016.
Last Minute Business Write down any questions or comments. Leave them on your child's desk.
Please call or email me if you have questions or concerns! How to reach me? Hayley Mathis (425)837-7493 mathish@issaquah.wednet.edu Please call or email me if you have questions or concerns!