First Quarter 2006 interim report Petri Markkanen CEO Birdstep Technology
Agenda First Quarter 2006 Highlights Financial figures Market outlook SmartRoaming demo on Windows Mobile Questions and answers
T-Mobile expands the relationship with Birdstep and signs a substantial agreement that cover 2006 license requirements. Buy the package or download the software from their web Campain with a CD send through a magazine to encourage people
T-Mobile and Birdstep launches the world’s first connectivity client solution with HSDPA technology at CeBIT in Hannover, with embedded data cards in Siemens Fujitsu notebooks. T-Mobile’s business customers can now have everything they need for wireless communication at broadband speed. The first all-inclusive package comprises a notebook, web’n’walk Card and an "almost-flat" rate. It uses T-Mobile’s high-performance mobile infrastructure to provide access to the Internet as well as your corporate intranet. This bundled offer marks the start of the strategic alliance between T-Mobile and Fujitsu Siemens Computers, Europe’s leading IT manufacturer. At the heart of the package is the AMILO Pro V2035 Edition notebook equipped with web’n’walk Card and pre-installed communications software. The package also includes the "DataConnect Laptop" price plan and the new web’n’walk XL data option for a total monthly price of just EUR 69 that includes the TMCC client developed by Birdstep
SmartRoaming based on Windows Mobile Birdstep launched SmartRoaming, seamless roaming and connectivity for WLAN enabled Windows Mobile devices at 3GSM World Congress in Barcelona
SmartRoaming based on Symbian launched at 3GSM World Congress Information on many pages on their web, both for the product applications and for the enterprise market
Birdstep SmartRoaming will be marketed on the Nokia S60 portal for Nokia enterprise phones
Financial highlights Revenue in first quarter 2006 is NOK 11.4 million compared to NOK 13.4 million in first quarter 2005 Wireless first quarter revenue more than 60% higher than fourth quarter 2005 revenue with NOK 6.8 million Order backlog increased with 24% to NOK 30,0 million compared to fourth quarter 2005
Income Statement
Consolidated quarterly Performance
Wireless quarterly performance
Cash flow statement
Balance sheet
Monthly customer activations shows steady growth
Market Outlook Laptop client license activations increased with 24% compared to fourth quarter 2005 Nokia E-series phones to be launched during May and SmartRoaming revenues expected during second half of 2006 Birdstep well positioned to address the growing market and targets revenue growth on a full year basis Birdstep believes in substantial revenue growth 2007
Events in April New substantial agreement signed with TMN, Portugal Birdstep nominated at the Wireless Broadband Innovation Awards in London as Most Innovative Wireless Broadband company New Vice President Marketing, Robert Vangstad, started on May 2, 2006
Thank you for your attention Birdstep Technology