From GLEs to LSSS Introduction


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Presentation transcript:

From GLEs to LSSS Introduction The goals of this session are to introduce the newly drafted LSSS, provide an opportunity to dig in to gain familiarity with most components of the standards, offer strategies that will support the empowerment of your students as learners as you work towards the performance expectations Moving from a checklist to a multi-dimensional science skill building process Wendy DeMers / New Orleans

TO PARAPHRASE Jim Bentley’s analogy  I’m referring to our willingness to change our thinking. Accdg. to Jim Bentley: “Build the culture” is essential ….this is comparable to what project-based learning involves…the LEARNER MUST have a more active role in the processes Gold Standard Project Based Teaching Practice. One way a PBL unit differs from a traditional unit is by incorporating the learner more in the process. This means both teachers and students must shift their understanding of what instruction looks like in the classroom. .

LSSSMulti-Dimensional! Performance Expectation ultimately, what students must be able to do to show what they have learned Clarification Statement provides details, recommendations, and may include areas of emphasis or de-emphasis Science and Engineering Practices what scientists and engineers engage in to understand the world or to solve problems Crosscutting Concepts the “Big Ideas” Disciplinary Core Ideas foundational concepts (3 DOCUMENTS to SUPPORT PARTS) What is different? Before a sometimes disconnected, low level accumulation of information through teacher-guided lessons, often just “checked off” 3 dimensions of the new science standards building skills and engagement with content to develop higher order communication, promote critical thinking, & problem solving Where do these new standards correlate with the science content you will be planning for in your classes? The foundational concepts are still required but they fuel the outcome instead of become the outcome.

(Screen Shot of 5th Grade Standard) Louisiana Student Science Standards (Screen Shot of 5th Grade Standard) One example of a standard from 5th grade……note-- all components= one standard

Science and Engineering Practices (SEP) 1) Asking questions and defining problems 2) Developing and using models 3) Planning and carrying out investigations 4) Analyzing and interpreting data 5) Using math and computational thinking 6) Constructing explanations and designing solutions 7) Engaging in argument from evidence 8) Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information Science and engineering practices ( 2nd dimension) form the backbone of the new science standards. How do you stage the lesson so that it is the students who are asking the questions? Each Performance Expectation spotlights one practice. The SEP becomes the “verb phrase” in the PE. The student must be engaged at a level to initiate these responses. The student will….. Consider the 8 Practices here. Some are clearly science practices (asking questions, constructing explanations) while other are clearly engineering practices (defining problems, designing solutions)…where other practices overlap in both fields (solicit input here) How will you facilitate the development of these skills in order to engage student in these practices? (consider a recent or past group of students) Identify 2/4/8 (depends on group size) ways to initiate and/or build these skills and write one on each post-a-note. (if you feel the grade is relevant to the strategy, add the grade level) Place your post-a-note on the corresponding pages posted on the wall. --- DISCUSS---

Crosscutting Concepts (CC) 1) patterns 2) cause and effect: mechanism and prediction 3) scale, proportion, and quantity 4) systems and system models 5) energy and matter: flow, cycles, and conservation 6) structure and function 7) stability and change Crosscutting concepts…once called the “Big Ideas” in science, are threads that are woven through various science content areas and concepts. The CCC are the portion of the PE that identify through what lens the student understanding is viewed. CCC even slide into math, social studies, and language arts at times. These are the concepts that provide a point of reference and connection. These concepts tap into the foundation of developing understanding and allow even the earliest development of science concepts to take root and grow. HOW ARE THESE CONCEPTS EMBODIED IN YOUR LEARNING EXPERIENCES IN A WAY THAT HELPS STUDENTS CONNECT AND UNDERSTAND? , …

2nd Grade Standard (components) Three components of one 2nd grade standard. The specifics of each component guide the investigation that will ultimately lead to the performance expectation.

Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI) Develop a simple model that mimics the function of an animal in dispersing seeds or pollinating plants.* Grade 2 PERFORMANCE EXPECTATION: *Plants depend on animals for pollination or to move their seeds around What animals move pollen from plant to plant? What animals carry seeds on or inside their body to deposit somewhere else? “Models and designs can be sketches, drawings, or physical models to communicate an idea to others”* WITH WHAT DO THESE DCIs CORRELATE? These are the foundational skills and knowledge that students must have to accomplish the performance expectations. The DCI also contributes to the structure of the PE by pinpointing through what understanding the PE will be presented. The asterisk connects the specific core ideas stated to support this PE. The DCI for models has been paraphrased.

Multiple Dimensions of Science CODE Performance Expectation 2-ESS2-2 Develop a model to represent the shapes and kinds of land and bodies of water in an area. 3-LS4-3 Construct an argument with evidence that in a particular habitat some organisms can survive well, some survive less well, and some cannot survive at all. MS-PS2-2 Plan an investigation to provide evidence that the change in an object’s motion depends on the sum of the forces on an object and the mass of the object. Science with the new standards means students should have rich experiences that enable them to make observations, ask questions, develop and use models, plan and carry out their own investigations where data is collected, analyzed, and interpreted. They need to be able to construct explanations and design solutions. Students should have opportunities to engage in argument based on evidence and become better able to communicate information. science and engineering practices disciplinary core ideas crosscutting concepts

Skill Progression Builds Year to Year K-2  plant and animal parts and uses are spotlighted 3-5  internal and external structures in plants and animals serve various functions for growth, survival, behavior, and reproduction 6-8  cells, reproduction, structure and function of subsystems, and specialized systems 9-12  the details: hierarchal systems of multicellular organisms, feedback systems, and more As each teacher at each grade level gains more experience and familiarity with the new science standards, students should become progressively more and more able to engage in science and engineering practices in more meaningful ways which will ultimately improve problem solving abilities and content knowledge. With the skill progressions considered, teachers have a greater responsibility to make certain their students master the skills assigned to their grade level or grade band (MS).

So, How Do YOU Begin? Where are the Louisiana State Science Standards ? emic-standards Access the standards AND resources

Then… Review the Performance Expectations and the clarification statements. What must students be able to do to demonstrate understanding/mastery? What is the Crosscutting Concept that will be the underlying theme or big idea for your unit of study? What do the Disciplinary Core Ideas indicate your students must know or be able to do to accomplish the PE? How will you plan for your units of study? How will students recognize the big idea through this unit of study? In order to provide an opportunity for students to be able to frame the expected practice, students need to have a reference point for the CC.

Bundling and Planning Grade Level/Code Crosscutting Concept Science and Engineering Practices Performance Expectation Disciplinary Core Ideas 3 - LS1-1 Patterns Developing and using models Develop models to describe that organisms have unique and diverse life cycles but all have in common birth, growth, reproduction, and death Growth and development of organisms DOC # 7 (A synopsis of a 3rd grade standard) In a grade level there will be a number of standards (kdg / 10) (1st / 9) ( 2nd / 11) ( 3rd / 21) ( 4th / 14) (5th / 13) (6th /19) (7th / 16) ( 8th / 19) Each grade will have representative concepts from Life, Earth, Physical, and possibly Environmental. Of the standards represented in each grade level, there are some that can be readily “bundled” to form the basis of a unit of instruction for the year… each grade options to develop their own units of instruction. I have taken one grade level (3rd) and created a synopsis of all of the standards for that grade and cut them apart into individual strips.(see slide) Each person will receive a strip (may be duplicates) and is instructed to find other standards that could logically and relevantly be connected for 3rd grade student understanding through various learning experiences in a unit.

These Standards “Bundle” to Support a Unit on… Locate a “theme” that might support your standard Think about how one standards can lead to other standards Some standards might fit in more than one bundle The level of engagement asked of the student should increase in intellectual demand in content and practices when ordering the standards addressed Create a logical order through which these standards might flow and identify what core information will students need to know and what skills must they acquire to successfully accomplish the performance expectation Participants move to one of four areas indicated by labeled chart paper where they find others who have identified with the same theme Participants review the standards of others at the same theme and create on order Participants identify the content and skills needed to successfully achieve each milestone/PE

Bundling is the beginning… Use PEs and consider potential “storylines” Look for Natural Connections Note any prerequisite knowledge or practices students will need Stick to the storyline so that students make connections Increase cognitive complexity throughout the year What curricular needs will be addressed in order to meet the end-of-instruction PEs? Doc # 8

Consider what students need to understand…. How will you stage a rich, authentic experience for your students that will promote student generated questioning, planning and carrying out of investigations, development of models, & data analysis? How will you develop the student’s awareness and understanding of the Crosscutting Concept? Tell a story, share images or photos, read a story, select a video clip, recall a significant event at school or in the community, use a “misconception” to prompt discourse, enrich their exposure to places and organisms of interest, … DOC # 6 Staging a rich authentic experience….experience or observation is the key! Students have less and less opportunity to interact and observe the natural world. Using Phenomena educators can provide stimuli needed to get students thinking, talking, and asking questions.

Next Steps… How do we plan lessons that will entice our students to ask relevant questions, to wonder about the world around them, and to pay attention to the details? What stories or images do you use to provoke thought? One resource NGSS provides is the use of “phenomena” to spark student interest “Phenomena should drive units and keep students working to “figure out” rather than “learn about.” Doc#5 *

“The new standards call for changes in the science classroom”. Apply content knowledge Content knowledge is critical and evident in the standards in the Disciplinary Core Ideas, the key ideas in science that have broad importance within or across multiple science or engineering disciplines. However, simply having content knowledge is not enough. Students must investigate and apply content knowledge to scientific phenomenon. Investigate, evaluate, and reason scientifically Scientists do more than learn about science; they “do” science. Science instruction must integrate the practices, or behaviors, of scientists and engineers as they investigate real-world phenomenon and design solutions to problems. Connect ideas across disciplines For students to develop a coherent and scientifically-based view of the world, they must make connections across the domains of science (life science, physical science, earth and space science, environmental science, and engineering, technology, and applications of science). The crosscutting concepts have applications across all domains. The new standards call for changes in the science classroom. Key shifts called for by the Louisiana Student Standards for Science: Contact with questions.

Louisiana Student Standards for Science PHASE TIMELINE FOCUS Phase 1 Spring – Summer 2017 Framework and make-up of the standards Shifts in science instruction Progressions of learning Phase 2 Fall 2017 Educators begin implementation of the new standards, practice implementing aligned tasks, pilot 3-dimensional lessons LDOE releases scope and sequence documents, revised instructional tasks, sample EAGLE items Phase 3 Spring –Summer 2018 Quality curriculum piloted Suite of assessment items/item sets released on EAGLE Field test in grades 3-8 *The trainings you are doing at the Summit, as well as those held over the summer will all focus on Phase 1. Be clear about this to participants. Contact with questions.

Louisiana Student Standards for Science Area Support and Timeline Professional Development Self-paced Learning Live and recorded webinars on new standards Monday, June 19 @ 9:00 a.m. - LSS Science Series Part 1: Overview of the Louisiana Student Standards for Science Monday, June 26 @ 9:00a.m. - LSS Science Series Part 2: Instructional Shifts Monday, July 10 @ 9:00 a.m. - LSS Science Series Part 3: Three-Dimensional Learning Monday, July 17 @ 9:00 a.m. - LSS Science Series Part 4: Learning Progressions Monday, July 24 @ 9:00 a.m. - LSS Science Series Part 5: Phenomenon-Based Instruction Summer Opportunities Louisiana Tech will provide intensive four-day summer training institutes this summer in both north and south Louisiana LSU Cain Center will provide summer training in an intensive two-day workshop to be held in June in Baton Rouge Collaborations Sessions at 2017-2018 collaborations

A Process! Remember to cultivate a Mindset of Growth! Build a network of peers with whom to brainstorm and share! Find a partner, even if they are in a different grade or at a different school! Ask questions! Ask for help! This is a process of change. Please complete the short exit ticket so that I may improve this process OR provide additional assistance for you

Thank You! Wendy DeMers CSSS 2016 Workshop “Adapting Curriculum for 3 Dimensional Learning” (multiple files incl. lesson plan template) adapting-curriculum-for-3-dimensional-learning Bundling Standards to Better Guide Units of Instruction Resources Phenomena for NGSS