The ACT® State Testing Program in Arkansas
TODAY’S GOAL Provide insights into what the districts and schools can expect. Prepare for the coming months. Share some the Best Practices for ACT’s State Testing programs.
2015-2016 ARKANSAS STATE TESTING DATES for the ACT Administration Dates The ACT Standard Time Initial Test Date March 1, 2016 The ACT Standard Time Makeup Test Date March 15, 2016 The ACT Accommodations Testing Window March 1 – 15, 2016 ACT taken Online Testing Window (weekdays only)
ACT Arkansas State Testing Website ACT State Testing Information ACT Aspire Testing Information Navigating to Additional Information
CHOOSING STAFF Reliable, dependable, trustworthy Staff to student ratios Make sure that staff attend training and are prepared Conflict of interest policy Relatives Tutors Coaches
PREPARATION AND TRAINING Watch the Webcasts available online for individual viewing Accommodations Test Administration Attend Accommodations a Q&A session November 4 at 10 & 2 November 10 at 10 & 2 Attend Test Administration Q&A sessions December 9 February 9 Checklist in the Administration Manual
TESTING ENVIRONMENT Shut off bells and PA Quiet area away from distractions Offsite testing Adequate spacing Large writing area Adequate lighting Comfortable temperature
ACCOMMODATIONS ACT APPROVED ACT-Approved Accommodations result in ACT scores that are fully reportable to colleges, scholarships, and other entities. Currently on an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Section 504 Plans Professionally Diagnosed and Documented Disability Submitted through Test Accommodations and Accessibility (TAA) Materials are student specific Non-College Reportable Scores
ACCOMMODATIONS ACT APPROVED Submitted through Test Accommodations and Accessibility (TAA) College and Career Readiness System (CCRIS) Login Screen: Requesting ACT-Approved Accommodations using TAA (video):
ACCOMMODATIONS ACT APPROVED TAA User Guide: ACT Accommodations Overview - TAA: Scheduled Question & Answer sessions for all test coordinators Nov 4 & 10 at 10 am & 2 pm
ENROLLMENT CONFIRMATION & PRE-ID FILE SUBMISSION In January schools will be asked to confirm enrollment. This used for material shipments. Have student database current with the state. ADE will provide ACT with a student data file by December 11th. This is used to create student Pre-ID labels.
RECEIVING MATERIALS PAPER TESTING Non secure shipment Week of February 1 Secure shipments – Week of February 22 Standard time ACT Approved Accommodations Receipt and check-in of materials Secure Storage
PRE-TEST SESSION FOR STUDENTS PAPER TESTING Must be conducted before test day – preferably 7-10 days in advance Verbal instruction in the Administrative Manuals All students – don’t forget accomms students Taking the ACT for State Testing for each student Highlight fields Address, College choices, EOS, Email, Interest Inventory and SPS Usually takes about an hour
TEST DAY PREPARATION Make sure students know what to do and expect Where to report No cell phones Bring calculators and pencils Train staff Prepare testing rooms Assign staff keeping requirements in mind Count & prepare materials for each room
TEST DAY – PAPER TESTING Briefing session for staff Last minute reminders Distribute materials -- document Admitting students ID and mark the roster Seat assignments Administering the test is the only thing they do Administration Forms completed accurately Collecting the materials following testing
MAKEUP TESTING – PAPER TESTING Makeup test date March 15 Place orders for Makeup test materials by March 3 Makeup materials arrive in schools the week of March 7 Do not use Test Books from the Initial day of testing on the Makeup Test Day.
PACKING AND RETURNING MATERIALS PAPER TESTING Following Packing instructions Do not put polymailers in the boxes Scorable items are returned in polymailers for standard time testers Different instructions for Standard Time vs. Accomms Keep Standard Time materials separate from Accomms Have material ready for pick up on scheduled date Initial test date pickup scheduled on March 3 Makeup and Accomms material pickup on March 17
USING THE SCORE REPORTS There is a wealth of information for school and student use Student score report –mailed to the address provided Can be viewed online at School reports District data files State data file Use to inform student and curriculum choices
FOR MORE INFORMATION Website -- ACT State Testing 800/553-6244 x 2800 ACT State Testing Accommodations 800/553-6244 x 1788 Contact Us Via Our Contact Us Webpage: Standard Customer service hours: M-F 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Central Time
FOR MORE INFORMATION Website -- ACT State Testing 800/553-6244 x 2800 ACT State Testing Accommodations 800/553-6244 x 1788 Contact Us Via Our Contact Us Webpage: Standard Customer service hours: M-F 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Central Time