CTC Training Student Survey, STAAR Reminders, AP Testing Middle School – 9:00 am; High School – 1:30 pm April 6, 2017
This training does NOT take the place of reading the appropriate manuals.
Welcome/Announcements Student Survey STAAR Reminders AP Testing (HS) Closing Remarks TELPAS Closeout
STAAR Reminders Refer to your block calendar for important dates for shipment of materials and quality control, etc. Do NOT mark students absent until the end of the testing window because the students may show up; On the ETS orange label write your ORG number >>>> 057-905- ORG; You can use a stamp to mark void or online (optional). Do this at the end of the testing window. If a student is given the wrong the answer document and proceeds to test, VOID the answer document do not erase. Transcribe the answers on a new document. The Test Administrator needs a Form 1 booklet for paper based OA. Refer to OA guidelines.
STAAR Reminders Students taking the right test on the right day; Students do NOT receive OA on Writing paper administration; Remind Test Administrator to check answer document to ensure students have bubbled all their answers and completed the composition if time still remains for testing; Write the reason on the answer document if you are voiding the answer document; Flag all emails from Karen and DWTCs. Check the website and do an email search on the topic before calling. Bring your seating charts with the booklet numbers. This helps during quality control when a booklet number was overlooked on the answer document. Use the Quality Control document that we send you to help quality control answer documents on campus. Quality control is really for counting answer documents….NOT completing the missing information for students.
STAAR Reminders Please try to email before calling. Especially on the first day of testing! Contact the main number on quality control days because we are busy checking schools and are not able to answer calls or email until later. Mark the test O by selecting the attributes button next to the student’s name in STAAR Online testing. Hitting the attributes to mark a student absent should also be done if the student only tested online. Online testing logging a student in error and submitting it as an O Use the sample provided to assist you in creating a blank answer document. Local ID is left justified. Don’t forget calculator for Math 8, Algebra I and Biology tests. See calculator policy.
Test Dates (State Mandated) STAAR Tests/Action Items State Testing Window Test Dates (State Mandated) STAAR Tests/Action Items May 1 – 5, 2017 (EOC Testing) Algebra I Biology US History May 1 -12, 2017 AP Testing (See Schedule) May 5, 2017 (Friday) All make-up sessions for STAAR EOC Math, Biology, US History assessments scheduled to be administered from May 1 – May 5 must be completed by the end of the day.
Test Dates (State Mandated) STAAR Tests/Action Items State Testing Window Test Dates (State Mandated) STAAR Tests/Action Items May 8, 2017 (Monday) STAAR 6-7 Math Grade 8 Retest Math May 9, 2017 (Tuesday) STAAR 6-7 Reading Grade 8 Retest Reading May 10, 2017 (Wednesday) STAAR 8th Science Grade 7 Pre-AP Science taking Gr 8 May 11, 2017 (Thursday) STAAR 8 Social Studies May 12, 2017 (Friday) All make-up sessions for STAAR assessments scheduled to be administered from May 8 – May 12 must be completed by the end of the day.
Refer to Block Calendar for Critical Deadlines