Department of Medicine Faculty Meeting June 27, 2017 Announcements Education Evaluation Unit Budget AY 17 and AY 18 Clinical Faculty Compensation Plan
Announcements Section Chief Search updates Infectious Disease Hematology-Oncology Hemant Roy to be inducted as the Franz Ingelfinger Professor of Gastroenterology, July 20, 3-5 pm, Wilkins Board Room New intern class started rotations on Sunday, June 25 Reminder - new White Boards in Evans 115 and 118, soon to be in Evans Seminar room and Wilkins
Announcements (Con’t) VOIP Phone changeover at BU New number if you are in BU space Will need to use outside line to call BMC numbers Will not need to use outside line to call BU CRC numbers At least six month period of rollover from your old number to your new number System will have large speed dial capacity Less expensive LCME preparation for February 2019 visit will begin in earnest in September 2017 (self-study period) Committee on Clinician Satisfaction (Alice Jacobs, Chair) to assess current state and strategies for improvement in clinician satisfaction-report completed, ideas for improvement to be discussed at Section Faculty meetings
Faculty Grants Faculty Development & Diversity Grants Open to ALL DOM FACULTY at all levels seeking to further their professional development in research, education, clinical skills, and/or leadership Next deadline is July 9th
Congratulations to DOM faculty accepted to 2017-18 Academy for Faculty Advancement Aysha Gueve, General Internal Medicine Ankur Karnik, Cardiology Juhee McDougal, General Internal Medicine Sun Lee, Endocrinology
Congratulations to DOM faculty accepted to 2017-18 Mid-Career Faculty Leadership Program Christopher Shanahan, General Internal Medicine Claudia Hochberg, Cardiology Gopal Yadavalli, Infectious Diseases Julien Dedier, General Internal Medicine
Congratulations to DOM faculty accepted to 2017-18 Women’s Leadership Program Karen Jacobson, Infectious Diseases Rebecca Mishuris, General Internal Medicine Sarah Bagley, General Internal Medicine
DOM Education Evaluation Core Located in Robinson 2 The purpose of the Core is to provide support to faculty whose scholarship focuses on medical education Articulating theories of change and research questions Creating logic models Designing studies Developing analytic plans Disseminating scholarship (conference presentations, journal articles) Writing and submitting grants To schedule an appointment 8-8379
Performance Actual to Budget AY 17 Currently in deficit but expenses moved into AY 17 from AY 18 Actual includes funding for Faculty Bonus Pool Anticipating reimbursement for lower fringe rate (currently funds held in FPF) to credit in AY 17 Formal close in August-will present final figures at that time
AY 18 Budget Projection Approximately $1.19 m projected operating deficit Projections are conservative, most sections net positive Incorporates new lower fringe rates for FPF and non-FPF faculty Grant revenue uncertainty introduces less precision in budget projection New initiatives included (e.g., medical data science, single cell sequencing core, clinical research unit in endocrine, recruitments, section chief recruitment packages) Continued funding of existing centers – Translational Epidemiology Center, Center for Implementation and Improvement Science, Evans Center for Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research Assumes 1% COLA for faculty Anticipate a non-operating gain (dividends and interest income) of about $1.25 m resulting in net breakeven budget
Clinical Faculty AY 18 Clinical Faculty Compensation Plan Section Chiefs will set individual wRVU targets for faculty, the sum of which must exceed the UHC median based on 2015-16 benchmarks and should be no less than the modified budgeted wRVU target; Primary Care MD’s in GIM can opt for a panel size target of 1500 unique patients over 18 month “look back” period from January 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 (must include one visit during this period)
Clinical Faculty AY 18 Compensation Plan (con’t) 3. For AY 18, sections will need to achieve the modified budgeted wRVU target. a. adjusted to account for alterations in cFTE during the academic year b. must exceed the UHC median 4. Bonus pool from DOM and Sections with positive operating margin will be distributed as in AY 17; 5. Criteria for Bonus will be distributed early in AY 18 by each section chief and will include wRVU based (65-85%) and non-wRVU based components
Faculty Below wRVU target 1. Faculty with wRVU’s between 90% and 100% of the applicable wRVU target at the end of the year will be ineligible for bonus payments; 2. Faculty with wRVU’s below 90% of the assigned target will be a. Ineligible for COLA in the following year (AY 19); b. Subject to an increase in their respective wRVU targets in the following year (AY 19) by the amount in AY 18 below 90% of their wRVU target (i.e., faculty must make up the wRVU deficit below 90% of target in the following year); c. Assisted in the following year (AY 19) to help the faculty improve their ability to meet the wRVU target; d. Subject to salary reduction only if fail to meet >90% of the assigned wRVU target plus the wRVU deficit from the previous year after the one year “grace period” (AY 19); e. Salary will be reduced in AY 20 by 2% per 1% below 90% of wRVU target prorated to clinical effort (capped at 20%); f. Faculty subjected to salary reduction can restore full base salary by the start of the following academic year (AY 21) by increasing wRVU’s to an amount over target equivalent to the deficit from the prior year and by meeting 100% of their wRVU target (AY 20);
Exclusions or Modifications to Possible Salary Reductions Salary reduction will not: exceed 20% of total compensation; apply to faculty in the first two years of their appointment; be applied if the section reaches the section’s modified budgeted wRVU target; be fully executed for faculty at or below the 25th AAMC northeast salary benchmark by specialty.
Requirement for 45 Half Day Clinic Sessions per Year per Weekly Session Faculty who do not meet the requirement of working 45 half day clinic sessions per year per weekly assigned session: Must “make up” the missed sessions in the following academic year (AY 19) in addition to meeting the 45 half day clinic requirement; Individuals who work four or more half day ambulatory sessions per week and attend on the inpatient medical/subspecialty services or on the consult services will be expected to make up two weekly sessions incurred during their inpatient attending responsibilities; Will be subject to financial penalty in AY 20 if they have two consecutive years of not meeting the 45 half day clinic requirement. Amount will be pro-rated to the number of missed sessions
Clinical Faculty AY 18 Compensation Plan (con’t) As in past years, special mitigating circumstances (e.g., medical or family leave beyond the customary two weeks of sick leave) for individual faculty will be weighed in decisions regarding potential adverse financial impact to individual faculty.