Celebrities Using social media to connect with fans Suzanne Lanoue Unintended Use Case Scenarios Internet Communication (Spring Semester 2017) Mass Media 3123 Media Presentation 3
TV shows and movies often require actors to live tweet to the fans. The original intention of social media was for individuals to network with work friends, keep up with old school friends or distance family members, to make new friends and to share content and ideas with all. Social media has evolved to have many different uses. Celebrities, particularly actors, use social media to connect with their fans and to build their fan base to increase their fame and to get more jobs. They also use social media to keep in touch with other industry contacts, particularly casting directors. Top celebrities’ posts earn money via advertising revenue for their brands. TV shows and movies often require actors to live tweet to the fans.
Problems with celebrities on social media Like everyone else, some celebrities don’t like to use social media for privacy or other reasons. Interacting with fans adds risk to celebrities (i.e. stalkers), especially young women. Many fans are not very nice to celebrities. Sometimes celebrities get in trouble for things they say on social media. If celebrities bypass their publicist or studio reps, they may say or do things that can impact their show or movie. Results in fewer jobs for knowledgeable PR reps and for traditional press. Social media can take up a lot of time. Paying someone to do a celebrity’s social media has other risks as well as costs. Some worry that celebrities on social media may get jobs because they have more fans rather than because of talent. Fans may be offended if a celebrity has political or personal views they don’t like.
Benefits of Celebrities on social media Celebrities can connect with fans in a way that makes fans feel special yet doesn’t require the actor to travel or meet fans in person (which can be risky). Blogs and other online media can interview celebrities more easily. Fans can make their views about an actor and their shows or movies known instantly. Celebrities can get more fans to see their work (more followers = more ticket sales or more TV viewers). Fans can use social media in turn to spread the word to others about a celebrity’s work. Celebrities can use social media to get donations for their favorite charities or pet projects that require non-traditional funding, or to sell merchandise. Celebrities can urge fans to send emails/letters to TV networks to keep their shows on the air. Younger people use social media more, and they’re more coveted by advertisers, so it benefits the celebrities and their shows. Celebrities and fans can have instant interaction in a way that was never possible before.
Celebrities best at social media Actor Ashton Kutcher was one of the first to really use Twitter well. He was the first to get over 1 million Twitter followers, in 2009. The Shorty Awards give out awards each year to the best in social media, including celebrities. Katy Perry has the most Twitter followers. Kim Kardashian has the most Instagram followers. Portuguese soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo has the most Facebook likes, followed by singer Shakira. Justin Bieber has the most views on YouTube. Snapchat is also very popular with many celebrities.
More About Celebrities on SOCIAL MEDIA The top celebrities in each field, as one might expect, have the most followers. However, there are some that work hard to have more followers than their actual level of fame would suggest. According to a new report about social media reach, Beyoncé is the most valuable celebrity on social media, with a single post from her clocking in at more than $1 million worth of advertising value.
Celebrities That Don’t Do Social Media Some celebrities either don’t use social media, or they’ve quit it for various reasons. Sometimes they just quit Twitter. Sometimes they return. Sometimes they have private accounts just for friends and family, or they hire someone to do all of their social media. Some celebrities only post about their work or charity, nothing personal. Here are some celebrities who have don’t use social media: Keira Knightley Louis C.K. Emma Stone Method Man Dave Chappelle Scarlett Johansson Jennifer Lawrence George Clooney Johnny Depp VIDEO VIDEO #2 Kristen Stewart Julia Roberts Bradley Cooper Angelina Jolie Brad Pitt Daniel Radcliffe Mila Kunis Sandra Bullock Jennifer Aniston Tina Fey Amy Poehler Emily Blunt Kate Winslet The Olsen Twins Benedict Cumberbatch Daniel Craig
Celebrities on Instagram and Snapchat seem to have a more direct relationship with their fans It’s easy for a celebrity to hire someone to post for them on Facebook and Twitter, which are mostly text-based. However, if a celebrity wants to have a following on Instagram or Snapchat, which involve constant photos and videos, that’s a little harder. At the very least, they have to have someone taking constant photos and videos of them. This takes up a lot of time, but fans appreciate that they get a more personal glimpse into celebrity lives and thoughts. It’s difficult for busy celebrities to keep up.
Many Celebrities have gotten in trouble for their posts on social media Here are various reasons celebrities have gotten flack for their posts: Saying things perceived as racist or sexist Posts that are political Inappropriate or insensitive posts about news events. Using emojis in a poor context Jokes that backfire Naked or suggestive photos Posting about illegal/immoral behavior Fighting with other celebrities or exes Retweeting Arguing with fans Accidentally posting private information
The top celebrities in the fields of acting, directing, movies, music, sports etc. probably don’t have to use social media as much as lesser-known celebrities, but many do enjoy it. Conclusions Social media, and the way celebrities use it, are not going anywhere and will probably be around for decades (although it may not be in the same form, since the internet is constantly changing). Savvy rising celebrities use social media to their advantage but must be very careful or it could backfire on them and hurt their brand and popularity. Video appears to be the future of social media as all platforms move to live video “stories.” Videos are the best medium for most celebrities, rather than text or even photos.
SOURCES http://www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail/2016/10/daily-chart-9 http://www.indiewire.com/2016/05/emma-thompson-slams-young-social-media-friendly-talent-who-cant-act-290967/ https://www.backstage.com/advice-for-actors/casting-director-note/should-all-actors-use-social-media/ https://www.backstage.com/advice-for-actors/backstage-experts/dos-and-1-major-dont-social-media-actors/ http://socialifestylemag.com/how-aspiring-actors-can-use-social-media-to-their-advantage-2/ https://amyjoberman.com/social-media-for-actors-avoid-being-one-of-those-actors-facebook/ http://www.waitingforthecall.co.uk/10-rules-of-social-media-for-actors/ http://www.thewrap.com/how-hollywood-actors-twitter-followings-have-become-as-important-as-talent/ http://fortune.com/2014/08/01/in-hollywood-social-media-takes-a-leading-role/ http://deadline.com/2014/04/celebrities-social-media-hollywood-marketing-vin-diesel-jimmy-fallon-714091/ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-m-kirby/the-role-of-social-media-_b_10571026.html http://www.vanityfair.com/style/2016/12/celebrity-social-media-replacing-pr-publicists http://shortyawards.com/category/8th/influencer-celebrity-campaign https://socialmediaweek.org/blog/2017/02/strange-thing-celebrity-social-media/ http://friendorfollow.com/twitter/most-followers/ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/07/young-celebrities-not-on-twitter_n_3403998.html?slideshow=true#gallery/301758/11 http://crimefeed.com/2016/11/26099/ http://www.mtv.com.au/instagram/pictures/the-20-most-followed-celebrities-on-instagram https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQdB78lOHqY http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/132557-28-snapchatters-to-follow-for-their-awesome-snapchat-stories http://www.newsday.com/entertainment/celebrities/celebrities-who-ve-quit-social-media-kanye-west-adele-justin-bieber-more-1.12706108 http://www.instyle.com/celebrity/celebrities-who-dont-use-social-media#1231851 http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2016/12/20/biggest-celebrity-social-media-mistakes-2016.html http://www.digitalspy.com/tech/feature/a673262/16-biggest-celebrity-social-media-fails-from-caroline-flacks-nipple-to-susan-boyles-questionable-parties/ https://www.msn.com/en-in/money/yearinreview2016/forbes-worlds-highest-paid-celebrities-of-2016/ss-BBuhltT http://ew.com/music/2017/04/04/beyonce-social-media-worth/?xid=entertainment-weekly_socialflow_twitter http://www.franksreelreviews.com/shorttakes/shaeffer/shaeffer.htm https://www.forbes.com/sites/bishopjordan/2016/12/04/most-followed-instagram/#29976ab36041