Who we are? Largest aircraft maintenance organisation in central and eastern Europe Modern and well equipped facility consists of single span 11.680 m2 for maintenance of 2 wide-body or up to 6 narrow-body aircrafts with shops, stores and offices areas with total space of 7.300 m2 On the market since 1993
Where we are? JOB AIR Technic a.s. расположен на территории международного аэропорта Леошe Янaчка – Острава (OSR, LKMT) в Чехии. JOB AIR Technic is located at Leoš Janáček International Airport in Mošnov (LKMT; OSR) ONE STOP SOLUTION Painting facility / MRO Уникальность расположения (центр Европы) обеспечивает привлекательность с точки зрения удаленности от европейских хабов, в том числе и по отношению к городам, которые находятся на европейской части России.
Certificates JOB AIR Technic is holder of following certificates: EASA part 145, No. CZ.145.0054 - Aruba - Bermuda - Russian federation FAA approval No. 3J3Y421C EASA part 147, No. CZ.147.0016
Aircraft capability Coming soon A330 (GE CF6-80, Pratt & Whitney 4000) JOB AIR Technic provides maintenance services for following types of aircraft: SAAB (SF) 340 (GECT7); B737-300/400/500 (CFM56), B737-600/700/800/900 (CFM56); A318/319/320/321 (CFM56 & V2500) LET L410 series Coming soon A330 (GE CF6-80, Pratt & Whitney 4000)
MRO facility Wide range of services: - AD´s and SB´s accomplishment - Aircraft conversions - Avionics upgrades - Base maintenance - CPCP - Major structural repairs or mods - NDT level II, III - Shops (Metal, Composite, Interior, Avionic) - A/C weighing - Compass swing - Paint support
Parking/Storage JOB AIR Technic can offer storage capacity for up to 100 narrow-body aircraft Why to choose JOB AIR Technic for this programs? - Flexible slots for maintenance - Competitive prices for parking - Connection with next door painting facility can offer great choice for ONE STOP SOLUTION – parking/maintenance/painting
Contacts Job Air Technic a.s. Gen. Fajtla 370 742 51 Mošnov Czech Republic Phone: +420 556 789 111 Fax: +420 556 789 122 E-mail: contracts@jobair.cz http://www.jobair.eu