Regional Pacific Food Security Cluster Who we are and What we do
Who are we? The Regional Pacific Food Security Cluster (fPFSC) is composed of a cluster support team, consisting of specialists in Cluster Coordination and Information Management. The Regional Pacific Food Security Cluster is led at the global and regional level by FAO and WFP, two U.N. agencies with a mandate and expertise in the food security sector . The Team: Iulia Petelo, Regional Cluster Coordinator (FAO) Sandra Uwantege Hart, Regional Cluster Coordinator (WFP) Scott Higgins, Regional Information Manager (WFP)
What do we do? The primary function and objective of the rPFSC is to support national governments, country-level actors, and regional stakeholders in the coordination of actions in the food security sector, with a specific focus on: Emergency preparedness and response: Working with country-level actors to ensure pacific communities at risk of food insecurity receive the right assistance, at the right time, in the case of a natural disaster Resilience-building : Working with country-level actors to ensure that pacific communities reinforce and build their resilience to a changing climate and recurrent natural hazards in the region
What do we do ? 5 Strategic Objectives Regional Coordination & Partnerships Provide a regional, sector-specific platform for information, exchange, strategic decision-making and research on Food Security in the Pacific, with a strong focus on enhancing preparedness, response and DRR initiatives in national-level clusters Information Management Support the effective management, sharing and production of timely and relevant information for and between food security stakeholders in the Pacific region Capacity Support & Training Reinforce knowledge and capacity of national authorities, staff, and members in country-level clusters to lead and design preparedness, response, and resilience actions in the food security through training and on-call, in country and remote capacity assistance Assessments, Monitoring & Analysis Build and facilitate access to comprehensive data on food security and vulnerability in the Pacific Region and foster local capacity lead and contribute to assessment and monitoring efforts Research & Cross-Cutting Issues At regional level, research, compile and provide general guidance on the integration of cross-cutting issues into food security preparedness, response and resilience initiatives
How DO WE SUPPORT AT THE COUNTRY LEVEL? The rPFSC provides support in a variety of ways and seeks to be demand-driven and responsive to the needs of country-level clusters. We only provide assistance based on requests by and agreement with country-level clusters. Standard or country-specific tools, manuals, SOPs and guidance Website, Mapping and GIS services In- Country Training and Workshop Facilitation Surge Support Staff Cross-cluster learning and support Annual rPFSC Forums & Regional Training Courses
Support provided to date: Fiji Food Security & livelihoods cluster February - March 2016 Provision of standard 4W reporting format and guidance Production of Fiji FSL Cluster maps Creation of Fiji FSL Cluster Webpage Support to CERF and Flash Appeal submissions Standard guidance on cash-based transfers June 2016 Support & guidance for ration definition with FSL Cluster and Fiji National Food and Nutrition Centre September 2016 Guidance for development of FSL Recovery Needs assessment methodology Provision of technical expertise and backstopping by WFP Vulnerability Analysis & Mapping Unit Provision of budgetary support for assessment (FAO) Provision of Assessments Expert to support facilitation, implementation and drafting of report
Support provided to date: Other clusters Papua New Guinea Cluster inception and foundational documents (TORs, Strategy Note, meeting launch, cluster architecture) Cluster staffing – deployment of cluster coordinator and information manager Vanuatu Support, guidance and faciliation for La Nina Contingency Planning workshop Drafting of Food Distribution SOPs Solomon Islands Cluster support mission: Capacity & Strategy Development Workshop (October) Development of Cluster Capacity Development Plan Other Planning of deployment of additional Cluster Coordination Support Officers for Cyclone Season (2 countries, more if needed)
Pacific Regional Food Security Cluster Newsletter Jul-Aug 2016 Key Achievements (Jul-Aug 2016) WFP Food Security Cluster Coordinator recruited and on-site WFP Food Security Cluster Information Management Officer/GiS Specialist recruited and on-site Cluster presence matrix created across 7 PICs Support to Fiji FSL Cluster on design and delivery of Food Security Vulnerabilty & Recovery Needs Assessment (with WFP Vulnerability Analysis & Mapping Unit) Regional FSC Strategic Workplan completed Facilitation support to Vanuatu FSAC for Cyclone & Flood Contingency Planning exercises WFP’s support to and co-leadership (with FAO) of the Regional Pacific Food Security Cluster food security sector seeks to leverage the expertise amongst and between these actors to drive disaster preparedness and response design at the country level. WFP seeks primarily to bolster past efforts by building regional knowledge and capacity for rapid food assistance response to emergencies in the region. We aim to build a response-oriented approach to food security coordination in the region that capitalizes on the existing potential of nationally-based actors and builds capacity. The work of the cluster is guided by 5 strategic objectives. • • Strategic Objective 1 : COORDINATION - Establish and expand the Pacific Food Security Cluster as a regional, sector-specific platform for information, exchange, strategic decision-making and research on Food Security in the Pacific, with a strong focus on enhancing preparedness, response and DRR initiatives in national-level clusters Strategic Objective 2: INFORMATION MANAGEMENT - Ensure effective management, sharing and production of timely and relevant information for food security stakeholders in the Pacific region Strategic Objective 3 CAPACITY SUPPORT & TRAINING National authorities and staff in country-level clusters have the knowledge & capacity to lead preparedness, response, and resilience actions in the food security sector Strategic Objective 4 ASSESSMENT - National authorities and country-level cluster partners have access to comprehensive data on food security and vulnerability and are able to lead and contribute to assessment and monitoring efforts Strategic Objective 5 CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES AND RESEARCH regional level, compile and provide general guidance on cross-cutting issues in the food security sector and integration of cross-cutting issues into food security preparedness, response and resilience initiatives WFP/Firstname Lastname Sandra Hart, WFP Regional Food Security Cluster Coordinator: Iiulia Petelo, FAO Regional Cluster Coordinator: Scott Higgins, Regional Cluster Information Management Officer IMO:
Upcoming Activities (2016) Pacific Regional Food Security Cluster Bulletin Active Country Updates Month to Month Year Fiji Food Security and Livelihoods Cluster Vanuatu Food Security and Agriculture Cluster Katerina Sefeti Nabola, Cluster Coordinator/UNDP PRRP Officer: :James Wasi, Director, Department of Agriculture, Chair, FSAC The Fiji Food Security and Livelihoods Cluster was established after Tropical Cyclone Winston hit Fiji hard in February 2016. The cluster is led by the Ministry of Agriculture, and supported by WFP and FAO. The Cluster Coordinator for the Fiji FSLC is supported through the UNDP Pacific Risk Reduction Program. 17 International 14 National The Vanuatu FSAC is co-led by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) and FAO. The FSAC was first established during the response for Cyclone Pam in 2015. 10 International 04 National Cluster Activities to date: Completed Emergency Response Phase for TC Winston. Completed the consultations for the Review of the Emergency Food Basket Content with the Nutrition Sub-Cluster. Connection with the Private Sector Network. Conduction of 1 refresher training session with FSLC Members. Completed translating and deployment of the Initial Rapid Assessment Form and Drought Monitoring Survey form into I Taukei. Post-Winston Food Insecurity Assessments are currently being planned. National and International agency partners active in Fiji: DFAT, MFAT, FAO, UNDP, USP, SPC, IFRC, SCF, WFP, ILO, OXFAM, UNWOMEN, CARE, WAP, ADRA, PHAMA, EU, PCDF, FRIEND, LLEE, Red Cross, NDMO, MoA, National Food & Nutrition Centre, MoFF, BAF, FLMMA, FCLC, Digicel Fiji, PDF, Rama Krishna, Disaster Resilience Council Cluster Activities to date: A Contingency Response Plan has been developed for Vanuatu, as well as supporting a MALFFB Emergency Response SOP. Standard guidelines for emergency humanitarian response have been created, including a SOP for Food Distributions. Revisions to the recent Vulnerabilities and Capabilities Technical Assessments and the Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) are currently ongoing. National and International agency partners active in Vanuatu : FAO, GIZ, WFP, UNDP, Oxfam, World Vision, Care, Save the Children, Live and Learn, DFAT, MALFFB, NDMO, Wan Smol Bag, Vanuatu Direct • • Papua New Guinea Food Security and Agriculture Cluster Tonga Food Security and Livelihoods Cluster Pelenatita Kara, UNDP PRRP Officer: The Food Security Cluster in Papua New Guinea was initiated early 2016 in response to the onset of severe drought due to the El-Niño Southern Oscillation. The Cluster is led by the Department of Agriculture and Livestock (DAL) and the National Disaster Centre (NDC) of PNG, and co-lead by WFP and FAO. The Cluster Coordinator is currently sponsored through RedR and FAO until October. 17 International 14 National The Tonga Food Security and Livelihoods Cluster was formally established in February 2016 by Tongan Cabinet approval. The cluster lead is the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Forestry and Fisheries. Funded by the UNDP Pacific Risk Resilience Program there is one dedicated staff person currently as country point of contact as the cluster lead. 30+ National and International agency partners active in Tonga : FAO, PRRP/UNDP, Australian High Commission, NZ High Commission, Live & Learn, IFAD, SPC, NEMO, MORDI, TCDT (Tonga Trust), Red Cross, IDS, MALFFF Cluster Activities to date: FAO and FSAC supported the Department of Agriculture and Livestock in developing an Agricultural Recovery Plan this past June and July. The Cluster is participating in rapid multi-sector post drought assessments, and consulting with regional actors in regards to implementing Recovery Plans, WFP is leading ongoing Food Distributions. Seed multiplication and distribution activities are being facilitated in country through support of national agencies.. Cluster Activities to date: The first FSLC meeting was held in March spurred on by the need for response to Tropical Cyclone Winston. An FSLC Contingency plan has been developed and is currently being implemented. A Disaster Risk Reduction Country Note has been adopted. FAO has assisted in the creation of Assessment tools and exercises, which will be formally adopted and rolled out as funding allows. Upcoming Activities (2016) Facilitation and leadership support for Fiji Divisional FSLC Assessment Workshops Cluster Capacity Assessment development and roll-out Cluster support mission to Vanuatu to develop Food Distribution SOPs Cluster support mission to Solomon Islands to develop workplan, key objectives, and TORs Cluster support mission to Solomon Islands to conduct Food Security in Emergencies Training for Provincial Agriculture Officers WFP/Firstname Lastname