What were the origins of the Weimar Republic?


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Presentation transcript:

What were the origins of the Weimar Republic? Abdication of the Kaiser after World War One Formation of the Weimar Republic The Weimar Constitution How did the Weimar Republic deal with the challenges it faced? 1919-1923 Impact of the Treaty of Versailles Spartacists Freikorps Kapp Putsch French occupation of the Ruhr and hyperinflation To what extent did the Weimar government recover between 1924-1929? Economic recovery - Rentenmark, Dawes Plan, Young Plan Foreign relations - Locarno Pact, League of Nations, Kellogg-Briand Political stability How did society in Germany change between 1924-1929? Living standards Women Culture - Otto Dix What were the origins of the Nazi Party? 1920-1922   25 point programme Party organisation Role of Sturmabteilung How did Hitler learn from the Munich Putsch? 1923-1929 Causes and consequences of the Munich Putsch Mein Kampf Party reorganisation Bamberg conference Why did support for the Nazis grow? 1929-1932 Impact of the Wall Street Crash (1929) Bruning and unemployment Appeal of Hitler and the Nazis How did Hitler become Chancellor in 1933? Presidential elections in 1932 Unstable governments - elections of 1932-33 Role of Hindenburg, Von Papen and Von Schleicher Why did Hitler become a dictator? 1933-1934 Reichstag Fire Enabling Act Removal of opposition Night of the Long Knives Hindenburg’s death How did the Nazis create a police state? Schultzstaffel (SS) Sicherheitsdienst (SD) Gestapo Control of the legal system Controlling the Church How did the Nazis control and influence people’s opinions? Goebbels and propaganda Media Rallies Sport, Culture and Art To what extent was opposition to the Nazis effective? Reasons for support for the Nazis Opposition from the Church - Niemoller Opposition from the young - Edelweiss Pirates and Swing Youth  How far did women support Hitler? Marriage laws Women and employment Nazi views on appearance and role How effective were Nazi policies to the young? Nazi views on the young Hitler Youth League of German Maidens Control of teachers and education How did the Nazis attempt to improve living standards? Solving unemployment - Labour Service (RAD) Strength through Joy (KdF) Beauty of Labour (SdA) How did the Nazis persecute minorities? Racial hygiene and eugenics Treatment of minorities - Slaves, Gypsies, homosexuals Jews - Nuremburg Laws (1935), Kristallnacht (1938), propaganda

What were the origins of the Weimar Republic? Abdication of the Kaiser after World War One Formation of the Weimar Republic The Weimar Constitution How did the Weimar Republic deal with the challenges it faced? 1919-1923 Impact of the Treaty of Versailles Spartacists Freikorps Kapp Putsch French occupation of the Ruhr and hyperinflation To what extent did the Weimar government recover between 1924-1929? Economic recovery - Rentenmark, Dawes Plan, Young Plan Foreign relations - Locarno Pact, League of Nations, Kellogg-Briand Political stability How did society in Germany change between 1924-1929? Living standards Women Culture - Otto Dix What were the origins of the Nazi Party? 1920-1922   25 point programme Party organisation Role of Sturmabteilung How did Hitler learn from the Munich Putsch? 1923-1929 Causes and consequences of the Munich Putsch Mein Kampf Party reorganisation Bamberg conference Why did support for the Nazis grow? 1929-1932 Impact of the Wall Street Crash (1929) Bruning and unemployment Appeal of Hitler and the Nazis How did Hitler become Chancellor in 1933? Presidential elections in 1932 Unstable governments - elections of 1932-33 Role of Hindenburg, Von Papen and Von Schleicher Why did Hitler become a dictator? 1933-1934 Reichstag Fire Enabling Act Removal of opposition Night of the Long Knives Hindenburg’s death How did the Nazis create a police state? Schultzstaffel (SS) Sicherheitsdienst (SD) Gestapo Control of the legal system Controlling the Church How did the Nazis control and influence people’s opinions? Goebbels and propaganda Media Rallies Sport, Culture and Art To what extent was opposition to the Nazis effective? Reasons for support for the Nazis Opposition from the Church - Niemoller Opposition from the young - Edelweiss Pirates and Swing Youth  How far did women support Hitler? Marriage laws Women and employment Nazi views on appearance and role How effective were Nazi policies to the young? Nazi views on the young Hitler Youth League of German Maidens Control of teachers and education How did the Nazis attempt to improve living standards? Solving unemployment - Labour Service (RAD) Strength through Joy (KdF) Beauty of Labour (SdA) How did the Nazis persecute minorities? Racial hygiene and eugenics Treatment of minorities - Slaves, Gypsies, homosexuals Jews - Nuremburg Laws (1935), Kristallnacht (1938), propaganda