Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, was born a prince in 563 BCE into a wealthy high caste family. He lived a sheltered life, never leaving the palace compound.
At the age 25 he became curious about world outside of the palace and he went on a journey. ☸He saw 4 men Old man Sick man Dead man Poor man
Siddhartha had not seen human suffering before and became deeply concerned. He rejected his luxurious lifestyle and sought an answer to the cause of human suffering. He became an ascetic and practiced extreme spiritual discipline.
Although Siddhartha gave up food and other basic necessities, (he nearly starved to death) he did not become enlightened. He then meditated. After 40 days, he “awakened” or reached enlightenment and became the Buddha which means, “the Awakened one.” Enlightenment or Nirvana is an end to suffering, a release from the cycle of reincarnation and a spiritual awakening.
The Buddha then began to teach others that the causes of human suffering are their desires for material things. The Buddha taught that there are four noble truths and an eightfold path which will lead to enlightenment or Nirvana.
The Four Noble Truths Everyone has suffering or sorrow Suffering is caused by desires for material things. Overcoming desires ends suffering One can overcome desires by following the eightfold path.
The Eightfold Path (Middle Way) Right view: Understand the four noble truths. 2. Right intention: Know what you really want 3. Right speech: Always speak truthfully and speak well of others. 4. Right action: Do not steal, lie, kill, be unchaste, or take drugs or alcohol. 5. Right livelihood: Do not perform a job that harms others. 6. Right effort: Always give your best effort. 7. Right mindfulness: Maintain self-control. 8. Right concentration: Meditation brings an understanding of the world.
Buddhists believe in reincarnation but they reject the caste system Buddhists believe in reincarnation but they reject the caste system. They believe that the endless cycle of reincarnation ends with Nirvana. Nirvana is attainable within one lifetime.
Buddhism later split into two branches as it spread eastward Buddhism later split into two branches as it spread eastward. Mahayana Buddhism is the primary religion of China today. Theravada Buddhism is a stricter form that closely follows the teachings of the Buddha. Most followers of Theravada Buddhism are monks.
The Bodhi Tree Siddhartha Gautama reached enlightenment under this tree. This is the holiest site for Buddhists.
Buddhists do not believe in gods. The Buddha is not considered a god. But, all relics of the Buddha are important connections to him. Any relic, fabric or item that belonged to the Buddha are kept in Stupas, or Buddhist shrines. Sanchi Stupa in India
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