Chapter 5: India’s First Empires Lesson 2: Buddhism Pages 96 – 99
Part A: Buddhism’s Emergence Siddhartha Gautama was the son of a princely family in a small kingdom in the foothills of the Himalayas in what is today part of southern Nepal In his late twenties he set out to find a solution to the pain of illness/suffering, the sorrow of death, and the effects of old age on ordinary people
Part A: Buddhism’s Emergence 3. After a period of asceticism did not yield results, he turned to meditation, and found enlightenment. 4. Though it may have begun as an attempt to reform Hinduism, Buddhism became a new religion dedicated to awakening / enlightenment and seeing the world anew.
Part B: The Principles of Buddhism 5. In Buddhism, Bodhi, or wisdom, is the key step in achieving Nirvana, or the union with the ultimate reality / enlightenment (release from reincarnation) 6. The Buddha taught a path of moderation he called the Middle Way, also known as Eightfold Path to enlightenment
Part B: The Principles of Buddhism 7. Siddhartha accepted the idea of reincarnation, but rejected the Hindu caste system and Hinduism’s multitude of gods. 8. Overtime, Siddhartha agreed to accept women into the Buddhist monastic order, and though they held an inferior position, their status was higher in Buddhist societies than elsewhere
The Four Noble Truths Ordinary life is full of suffering This suffering is caused by our desires and greed The way to end suffering is to end desire, selfishness, and greed The way to end desire is to follow the Middle Path or Way through moderation
The Eightfold Path Right View Right Intention Right Speech Right Action Right Livelihood Right Effort Right Mindfulness Right Concentration