MySuccess Enhancements Fall 2017
Update Reviewed system settings Created Technology Advisory Groups Identified key information needed Created IT project Implemented new enhancements Updated resource documents and website Updated testing Site More space for text option
Enhancements Clean up system settings New functionality Intervention Strategy MySuccess vs. SCRT Decision Tree Additional student data
CLEAN UP Updated Email notifications Reduced number of flags Consistent advising roles Created additional roles Updated Services information
ADDED FUNCTIONALITY Flag and Referral Clear Reasons Close the Loop MySuccess Network Default to Term
FLAG / REFERRAL CLEAR REASONS (pg. 1 of 2) When clearing a flag or referral, users are now able more-quickly provide a reason for why the item is being cleared. A flag reason must be selected before clearing is complete. The reasons are used to indicate whether an item is being cleared after a successful intervention with a student or because it is no longer relevant. More icons available at:
FLAG / REFERRAL CLEAR REASONS (pg. 2 of 2) The green highlighted reason represents a positive intervention while the red represents a negative intervention. Having pre-defined reasons allows for better tracking and reporting. Additional comments can be added in the text box when needed. When resolving multiple items at a time, users will select the reason and enter the comment that applies to all the items being resolved. More icons available at:
CLOSE THE LOOP (pg. 1 of 2) Close the Loop functionality provides an easy way to follow up with flag raisers after clearing a flag. This functionality encourages best practices of communicating to the flag raiser that the issue has been addressed. When clearing a flag someone else raised, the checkbox controlling whether or not a close the loop message should be sent to the flag raiser will be selected by default. If no close message is needed, the box can be unchecked by the user. More icons available at:
CLOSE THE LOOP (pg. 2 of 2) If the checkbox is selected, a message is sent to the flag raiser whether or not additional comments are added. You have the ease of copying the comments used in ‘Add a comment’ area by clicking the ‘Copy my comment’ link just above the lower text box. More icons available at:
MySUCCESS NETWORK TERM DEFAULT The student’s My Success Network now defaults to the current term. Students can look for additional connections by modifying filter options in the dropdown at the top right of the screen. More icons available at:
INTERVENTION STRATEGY Early Alert Intervention Strategy Urgency Levels
URGENCY LEVELS More icons available at:
More icons available at:
STUDENT DATA Admissions Demographics Term Data Attributes
ADMISSIONS For those assigned to roles with view access, you will now be able to see certain admissions data. The Admissions area on the info screen contains information about a student when they were admitted to KU. TEST SCORES (ACT, SAT, TOEFL, MPT) HIGH SCHOOL GPA TRANSFER FIRST TERM AT KU
DEMOGRAPHICS For those assigned to roles with view access, you will now be able to see certain demographics data. The Demographics area on the Into screen contains information useful to identify a population to which a student belonged when admitted to KU. GENDER (Female / Male) RACE / ETHNICITY CITIZENSHIP RESIDENCY PELL ELIGIBILITY FIRST GENERATION EDUCATIONAL OUTREACH PROGRAM (Trio)
STUDENT TERM DATA KU CUM GPA TERM GPA TERM ATTEMPTED CREDIT HOURS TERM EARNED CREDIT HOURS TERM FULL / PART-TIME STATUS TERM ACADEMIC LEVEL TERM HONOR ROLL TERM FINANCIAL AID STATUS For those assigned to roles with view access, you will be able to see information found under the Term Status area. This view provides a term by term look at a student’s performance while at KU. MySuccess is limited to KU term information.
ATTRIBUTES Attributes are available for viewing for users in roles with this permission selected. All attributes appear on the Overview screen. Individual attributes only display if the student is considered a part of a particular group or contains data for which an attribute has been created. Please refer to the Attributes Guide for further detail regarding each attribute and criteria used. More icons available at:
ATTRIBUTES GUIDE (pg. 1 of 2) Definition Specific Value(s): Options & Examples Academic Accelerated Program (AAP) Student is active member of at least one AAP student group in Enroll & Pay (E&P). Academic Program Academic Standing Student's academic standing by term and program Academic Level Student’s academic level in the institution Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Graduate Admitted Student Student has been admitted to KU but not matriculated. Admit Type Student's official type of admission to KU. Admit Type for UGDL only. AEC Applied English Center - Student is active in AECU or AECG program. Student Athlete NCAA Student Athlete. Data is pulled from athletic tracking pages in E&P. CLAS Online Student is taking online courses through CLAS Online program. Degree Partnership Program (DPP) Student is a member of a partnership with Johnson County Community College. Student is an active member of a DPP student group in E&P. Edwards Campus Student Student has an active plan or sub-plan identified as an Edwards Campus major/minor. More icons available at:
ATTRIBUTES GUIDE (pg. 2 of 2) Definition Specific Value(s): Options & Examples Exception Admit Student is a member of the Conditional Admit student group in E&P. Enrollment Holds Holds on a student's record restricting them from enrolling. Lists a student's active negative service indicators related to enrollment. Student was admitted by Admissions with exception. Student is a member of the Conditional Admit student group in E&P. Undergraduate Research Emerging Scholars Program Student is a member of the Emerging Scholars student group in E&P. First Generation Student has self-identified on their KU admissions application as the first member of their family to attend college. Hawk Link Student is a member of the HKLK student group in E&P. Honors Student is a member of the University Honors Program. International Student Student has a citizenship type = 4 in E&P. Military Affiliation Student has military affiliation based on data pulled from military status in E&P. e.g., Active Duty/VA Benefits, or National Guard, or Dependent/Spouse/VA Benefits Pell Eligible Student is Pell Eligible based on financial aid. Transfer Student Student has an admit type of 'TRF' in E&P TRIO First-generation students, low-income students, and/or students with disabilities. Students are Trio Targeted, Trio Active, Trio Designated, or Trio Possible. Data pulled from E&P. More icons available at:
RESOURCES & HELP Starfish Help Library Desk Side Training Website Email More icons available at: