GRIFFON CIVIL-MILITARY COORDINATION CENTER Thursday the 10th of July Search and Rescue by GRIFFON PHEO Health situation by GRIFFON Hospital Director Food and Water by WHO/Health Minister Shelter by GRIFFON Red Cross, Health Minister Infrastructure and Logistic Cluster by Health Minister Security concerns by Griffon Chief of Police/Health Minister Main coordination concerns
CTF 171 Navy Expeditionary Force Who does What Where? As of 10 July 2014 Ke’e Papamua Aawaa Medicine Sans Frontiers CTF 171 Navy Expeditionary Force
Search And Rescue – Response GRIFFON CIVIL-MILITARY Coordination Center Current/Next 24h 3250 Dead bodies recovery in process – most from landslides and from coastline. Received 2000 body bags, down to 450. Burials beginning. Many bodies identified, many still unknown 6680 injured 2650 missing Do not expect to recover more living victims Injuries from rescue efforts Search And Rescue – Response Trend Needs/Concerns Engineer capabilities Mortuary support Awaiting 3 backhoes, one for each designated cemetery Ke’e, Aawaa, Waipalamu 300 Dead Tourists 10 US (Lelehana) 10 Japanese (Ke’e) 10 Canadian (Aawaa) 200 500 1300 1200 500 1380 Ke’e Aawaa Waipalamu Papamua Lelehana 500 650 1100 500 1500 550 500 1400 Thursday the 10th of July
Health situation – Response GRIFFON CIVIL-MILITARY Coordination Center Current/Next 24h Supplies and generators arrived. NGO hosp ahead of projected dates Ke’e: 1300 200 400 700 Papamua: 1100 30 150 950 Aawaa: 1380 200 400 780 Lelehana: 1500 50 400 1050 Waipalamu: 1400 144 300 1100 HN Moved 30 pts by air to SE. All FULL HAM radio support provided to all hos Measles: 3421cases (23 dead) 2 camps Cholera: increasing, 3 camps affected Lepto, Rabies, and Malaria: Endemic Health situation – Response Trend Needs/Concerns Hospitals - medicine/abx Cholera camps - Fresh Water Sewage - Animal control Incinerator - Antimalarials Sewage PGH 30 beds IRC 200 beds Total Current Beds: Pts Treated: Beds Needed: Injured: Ke’e Aawaa Waipalamu Papamua Lelehana MSF 200 beds IRC 200 beds Cholera LCH 50 beds Cholera Measles SD Community 44 beds Tripler SD Catholic 100 beds Tripler Thursday the 10th of July
Food and Water – Response GRIFFON CIVIL-MILITARY Coordination Center Current/Next 24 - Japanese Ship Ichiriki Nabe arriving 13 July with 3 months food o/b. Port clearing u/w -Food supplies shrinking, stores at risk for looting -Desalination by ships and portable devices requested Canada to provide ~100k L/day WASH providing ~300k L/day HN providing ~100k L/day Food and Water – Response Trend Needs/Concerns Water: 2M liters/day Security for food stores Desalination Ke’e Aawaa Waipalamu Papamua Lelehana Thursday the 10th of July
GRIFFON CIVIL-MILITARY Coordination Center Shelter – Response Trend Needs/Concerns Current/Next 24h - Total displaced currently 50,000. 24,000 in satellite shelters. - 5000 tourists displaced - 20,200 tents & 62,000 blankets distributed - Security concerns @Lelehana camp - Lepto among camp and staff - 2 Measles Quarantine camps - Cholera affecting 3 camps - Pet shelters w/ Vets established. -Immunizations arrived -Trench and burn out latrines being built w/ NGO and HN Vector control Security needed Ke’e Aawaa Waipalamu Papamua Lelehana 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Thursday the 10th of July
Infrastructure – Response GRIFFON CIVIL-MILITARY Coordination Center Current/Next 24h - The results of the harbor assessment complete - The commercial harbor is clearing underway - First WFP ship to arrive 13 July. - One fresh water plant should be operational in a week. - Coordinating air delivery of goods Infrastructure – Response Trend Needs/Concerns No estimated time for services coming back on line. Can’t unload cargo – pier damage/berths blocked Ke’e Aawaa Waipalamu Papamua Lelehana Oyster Bay Hickam Pearl Harbor Int Thursday the 10th of July
Oyster Bay Channel Status ** based on surface observation only; Griffon requests assistance in Channel survey and obstruction removal H4 Dry dock
Flooded – Damaged areas Minimal Damage Badly Damaged
GRIFFON CIVIL-MILITARY Coordination Center Current/Next 24h - Security of the warehouse will be assessed by police, UNOCHA and USN - Minor looting cases reported country wide. Nothing significant - 20% police force efficiency SECURITY – Response Trend Needs/Concerns Security in commercial harbor on the pier should be assessed. Tuesday the 8th of July
Agenda for today 0800 to 0830 – Morning Update Briefing - CMCC 0830 to 0900 - Health Cluster Meeting – Mr Dave Polatty– CMCC 0900 to 0930 – Security meeting – Chief of the police – CMCC Tuesday the 8th of July
HQ Ford Island in Oyster Bay Who does What Where? As of 8 July 2014 Ke’e Papamua Aawaa HQ Ford Island in Oyster Bay
Main coordination concerns Recommend experts from OCHA, OFDA, DFAIT-D and other Role players determine these as the exercise progresses per the MSEL Tuesday the 8th of July
CCMCC (GRIFFON Civil-Military Coordination Center) UNOCHA MIL LNOs Information Management HN Incident commander USAID/DFAIT-D/ACMC CJTF IOs/NGOs Police Fire Department Medical Civilian Protection Infrastructure Department Law enforcement Search & Rescue Hospital Food/Shelter Water Ambulances Mortuary Electricity Investigation K9 Communication Transportation Air Land Sea
WFP - Japanese Merchant Vessel ICHIRIKI NABE ETA Griffon 13 July
Who does What Where? As of 8 July 2014 Ke’e Papamua Aawaa