Quantifying Dark Energy using Cosmic Shear Thank introducer. Thank everyone for coming. Sarah Bridle University of Manchester
Quantifying Dark Energy Using Cosmic Shear Introduction to Cosmic Shear Potential limitations Shear measurement Intrinsic alignments Dark Energy Survey LSST
Quantifying Dark Energy Using Cosmic Shear Introduction to Cosmic Shear Potential limitations Shear measurement Intrinsic alignments Dark Energy Survey LSST
Concordance Model 75% Dark Energy 5% Baryonic Matter 20% Cold Dark Matter
Why is the Universe Accelerating? Einstein’s cosmological constant A new fluid called Dark Energy Equation of state w = p/ General Relativity is wrong Answers: 50% Lambda; ~3 people DE; ~ no people MG
Comparison of different methods Galaxy clustering Supernovae Gravitational shear Quality of dark energy constraint Example for optical ground-based surveys Dark Energy Task Force report astro-ph/0609591
Seeing the Invisible: Is there something in between us and the wall and tree?
Simulated Dark Matter Map
Shear Map
Results from the HST COSMOS Survey
Credit: NASA, ESA and R. Massey (California Institute of Technology)
The Visible The Invisible Credit: NASA, ESA and R. Massey (California Institute of Technology) Credit: NASA, ESA and R. Massey (California Institute of Technology)
In 3 Dimensions Pictures + videos from http://www.spacetelescope.org/news/html/heic0701.html
Quantifying Dark Energy Using Cosmic Shear Introduction to Cosmic Shear Potential limitations Shear measurement Intrinsic alignments Dark Energy Survey LSST
Comparison of different methods Galaxy clustering Supernovae Gravitational shear Quality of dark energy constraint Example for optical ground-based surveys Dark Energy Task Force report astro-ph/0609591
Cosmic Shear: Potential systematics Shear measurement Photometric redshifts Intrinsic alignments Accuracy of predictions
Quantifying Dark Energy Using Cosmic Shear Introduction to Cosmic Shear Potential limitations Shear measurement Intrinsic alignments Dark Energy Survey
Cosmic Shear gi~0.2 Real data: gi~0.03
Atmosphere and Telescope Convolution with kernel Real data: Kernel size ~ Galaxy size
Pixelisation Sum light in each square Real data: Pixel size ~ Kernel size /2
Noise Mostly Poisson. Some Gaussian and bad pixels. Uncertainty on total light ~ 5 per cent
Bridle et al 2010
A typical galaxy image for cosmic shear Intrinsic galaxy shape b/a ~ 0.5 Uncertainty due to noise σb/a ~ 0.5 Modification due to lensing Δb/a ~ 0.05 Effect of changing w by 1% δb/a ~ 0.0005
GREAT08 Results in Detail Bridle et al 2010 See also GREAT10 Kitching et al, and GREAT3 Rowe, Mandelbaum et al
m3shape Shear Measurement Code Tomek Kacprzak Barney Rowe Michael Hirsch Sarah Bridle Lisa Voigt Joe Zuntz Forward model and fit Default: Galaxy is sum of two co-elliptical Sersics; PSF is Moffat Default: Maximum Likelihood. Takes about 1 second per galaxy Zuntz, …, SB et al 2013
What causes the bias? For model fitting methods Noise bias Refregier, SB et al; Kacprzak, SB et al 2012 Maximum likelihood methods are biased Calibration works well enough Model bias Voigt & Bridle 2009 e.g use wrong profile in fit e.g. use elliptical isophote model in fit
Noise Bias Many identical images with different noise Kacprzak, Zuntz, Rowe, Bridle et al 2012
Bias disappears at high S/N Above requirements at low S/N Refregier, Kacprzak, Amara, Bridle, Rowe 2012 Kacprzak, Zuntz, Rowe, Bridle et al 2012
What causes the bias? For model fitting methods Noise bias Refregier, SB et al; Kacprzak, SB et al 2012 Maximum likelihood methods are biased Calibration works well enough Model bias Voigt & Bridle 2009 e.g use wrong profile in fit e.g. use elliptical isophote model in fit
But galaxies aren’t simple…
The effect of realistic galaxy shapes
Impact on dark energy constraints Kacprzak, SB, et al 2013
The GREAT3 Challenge From the GREAT3 Challenge Handbook (Mandelbaum, Rowe, et al 2013)
The GREAT3 Challenge From the GREAT3 Challenge Handbook (Mandelbaum, Rowe, et al 2013)
Typical data – multiple exposures
How to deal with overlaps?
Quantifying Dark Energy Using Cosmic Shear Introduction to Cosmic Shear Potential limitations Shear measurement Intrinsic alignments Dark Energy Survey LSST
The Dark Energy Survey Blanco 4-meter at CTIO Survey project using 4 complementary techniques: I. Cluster Counts II. Weak Lensing III. Large-scale Structure IV. Supernovae • Two multiband surveys: 5000 deg2 grizY to 24th mag 30 deg2 repeat (SNe) • Build new 3 deg2 FOV camera and Data management system Survey 2013-2018 (525 nights) Facility instrument for Blanco
DES Collaboration The DES is an international project to “nail down” the dark energy equation of state. Funding from DOE, NSF and collaborating institutions and countries Fermilab, UIUC/NCSA, University of Chicago, LBNL, NOAO, University of Michigan, University of Pennsylvania, Argonne National Laboratory, Ohio State University, Santa-Cruz/SLAC Consortium, Texas A&M UK Consortium: UCL, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Portsmouth, Sussex, Nottingham ET Zurich LMU Ludwig-Maximilians Universität Spain Consortium: CIEMAT, IEEC, IFAE Brazil Consortium: Observatorio Nacional, CBPF,Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul 120+ scientists 12+ institutions CTIO
DES First Light 12 Sep 2012
First Confirmed SNe from DES Nov. 7 Dec. 15 SN Ia at z=0.2 confirmed at AAO
DECam image of deep SN field will be visited many times during survey, resulting in very deep co-add
grizY co-add image of SPT DECam 1x1deg grizY co-add image of SPT cluster z=0.32 ~50,000 galaxies in this image
High Redshift Cluster Discovered by DES from DES Science Verification data in November
DES Cluster Weak Lensing Stacked (statistical) Weak Lensing cluster shear profiles will calibrate cluster mass-observable relations Preliminary cluster mass map from DES Science Verification data Melchior et al in prep
Quantifying Dark Energy Using Cosmic Shear Introduction to Cosmic Shear Potential limitations Shear measurement Intrinsic alignments Dark Energy Survey LSST
Sign up to get involved https://docs. google. com/spreadsheet/ccc Current status: 2 page SoI went to Science Board on Friday! Hopefully invited to submit full proposal for ~April
Summary Cosmic shear the greatest potential of all for DE Intrinsic alignments can be marginalised away We plan to calibrate shear measurement biases Dark Energy Survey early data now in Survey started September for 5 years Get involved in the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST)