Earth Science - Minerals $10,000.00 Pyramid Game (minus the $10,000.00..I am a teacher you know. )
Intrusive Igneous Rock Large Crystals Granite Coarse Grained Magma Slow Cooling
Extrusive Igneous Rock Obsidian Vesicular Fast Cooling Lava Fine Grained
Igneous Rock Cooling Molten Rock Extrusive Magma Lava Intrusive
Sedimentary Rock Compaction Cementation Weathering Erosion Deposition
Organic Sedimentary Rock Dead Plants and Animals Coal Fossils Dead Plants and Animals Weathered Sediments
Clastic Sedimentary Rock Breccia Conglomerate Particles of Rock Weathered Sediments
Chemical Sedimentary Rock Limestone Minerals Dissolved Minerals Weathered Sediments
Answers to the Study Guide Minerals and Organic material Coarse – large crystals, slow cooling, made of magma, inside the earth Fine – small crystals, fast cooling, made of lava, outside the earth Molten rock cools (magma or lava) Intrusive – slow cooling magma inside the earth, thus forming large crystals or coarse grains Extrusive – fast cooling lava on the earth’s crust, forming small crystals or fine grains 4. Lava is magma that has erupted to the Earth’s surface. Magma is molten rock below the surface of the Earth.
5. Conglomerate and Breccia are clastic sedimentary rocks 5. Conglomerate and Breccia are clastic sedimentary rocks. Conglomerate is made of rounded rock fragments. Breccia is made of jagged, sharp rock fragments. 6. Weathering breaks rocks and organic material into pieces called sediments. No weathering = no sediments. 7. Chemical – made of dissolved minerals; limestone 8. Clastic – made of rock fragments; conglomerate and sandstone 9. Organic – made of once living plants and animals; limestone and coal Weathering breaks sediments, erosion carries sediment, deposition drops sediment, compaction presses sediment, and cementation glues sediment.