KURZWEIL 3000™ Reading/Writing/Study Skill Supports For All Students Presented by Melissa Hawkins mhawkins@bcps.org
Identify how Kurzweil 3000™ supports all tiers of instruction. OBJECTIVES: Identify the reading, writing, and study skills tools available in Kurzweil 3000™ and how these tools can be customized to support individual students or class as a whole. Identify how Kurzweil 3000™ supports all tiers of instruction. Kurzweil is an integrated scan and read software program that provides multisensory access to reading material and tools for reading, writing, test-taking, and learning. BCPS has made Kurzweil available at school and just this year, made the availability for students to use at home in the form of a cloud based storage and full version download on a home computer. Although it is downloaded on the home computer, students still require internet connection. As time goes on, the product is being developed and improved. For example, a new feature is that Kurzweil can now read Google Docs.
BENEFITS OF USING KURZWEIL: Supports principles of UDL with customizable toolbars and templates. Supports multiple tiers of instruction Independence/Self-management: Allows students to plan, control, and evaluate their own work. Increases reading/writing fluency and comprehension.
BENEFITS OF USING KURZWEIL 3000 Students become proficient writers Supports the writing process Provides IEP accommodations/less reliance on a reader/scribe. reduces reading distractibility allows students to demonstrate their knowledge. Kurzweil is a technology tool that provides a digital environment for implementing proven learning strategies and accessing the general curriculum. As content becomes more complex and students are expected to read longer pieces of text, Kurzweil allows students to access multiple texts using speech to text software.
KURZWEIL 3000™ TIERS OF INSTRUCTION; How Kurzweil Benefits All students It is designed in aligned with the principles of UDL, providing multiple means of representation expression, and engagement in an effort to support all students with tools that are necessary for some, but beneficial to ALL. It supports the general, supplemental, and intensive intervention programs. It can also be used as a tool to differentiate learning and instruction for individual students, in small groups, or part of a whole-class strategy instruction. Teachers create templates and save them to the cloud library where they can be accessed by individual students or as an entire class.
How Blake Middle School uses Kurzweil 3000 in the Classroom Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3KSTxDShZo Here is how Blake Middle School Uses Kurzweil in the classroom. The video is 4:15.
KURZWEIL 3000™ Reading Tools: -Text-to speech software -picture dictionaries -sticky/bubble notes -bilingual dictionaries -Read-the-web access -translation -synonyms/thesaurus -pronunciation of words -syllabification of words Kurzweil offers a variety of reading tools that assist students with comprehension and retention of content material
KURZWEIL 3000™ Study skills Tools: -SQ3R Strategy -column notes (Cornell style) -highlighters -test taking tools -dictionary -vocabulary lists -note extraction and conversion to outline format -creating a study guide -translation -sticky note, footnote, voice notes Kurzweil offers a variety of study tools that assist students with fluency, comprehension and retention of content material
KURZWEIL 3000™ Writing Tools: -talking word processor and spell check -word prediction -form creation, conversion, and completion tools -writing templates -graphic organizers -floating word lists for technical vocabulary The Writing tools assist with creation of written compositions through pre-set graphic organizers or toolbar settings depending on the purpose for writing. The feature of the talking word processor enables students to review their own written work and edit for clarity. Word prediction is a feature many students are familiar with since they text often. It enables students to let their thoughts flow onto the paper without getting tripped up on spelling. Do you know those students who refuse to write b/c they can’t spell, but have great ideas? Kurzweil allows those students to feel confident and productive. Floating word lists are excellent if the student is writing an extended response and must use technical vocabulary, say in Science or Social Studies. The floating word lists allow for students to choose specific words when typing and add to their response.
KURZWEIL 3000™ A Student can begin the writing process by brainstorming ideas. The graphic based brainstorm diagram transfers information with the text-based outline. An alternative to brainstorming is to begin in the outline if that is a preference of the student. You can switch back and forth between the two views without losing data.
KURZWEIL 3000™ From outline or brainstorm view, the student could then begin drafting. The split screen view allows students to view their ideas while beginning to compose into draft form. As it may look complicated, have you seen students multitasking on a computer or device? They have multiple items open and are able to maneuver through them. In fact, I think this generation of youngsters are masters of multitasking! Kurzweil provides the student with a Review Feature on the write menu. Teachers can have a total of 10 items on the checklist.
KURZWEIL 3000™ You can choose from preset templates based on the purpose of the essay. Here is a list of brainstorm templates.
KURZWEIL 3000™ Here is a list of OUTLINE/DRAFT templates.
KURZWEIL 3000™ Steps to successful (whole class or individualized) lesson with Kurzweil embedded: Identify the learner profile and customize student toolbars or the template needed. Create the lesson or activity. View the many varieties of pre-set templates that may help reach the objective. Create the files needed and save them to appropriate locations. Do any materials need to be scanned or pulled from the web/creating a hyperlink? Set up the Review tailored to the writing task. Teacher training available through Department of Assistive Technology. NOTE: there are even teacher templates within Kurzweil. Kurzweil is free for all BCPS students
KURZWEIL 3000™ Steps to successful at home support implementation: Provide parents with directions on how to download the cloud based Firefly and full software version from the website. Call the team leader of the Assistive Technology Department, Kama Dwyer 410-887- 2299 or email kdwyer@bcps.org to receive passwords for the students. Relay the LIVE technical support information to parents. by Envision TECHNOLOGY 1-800-582-5051 Create a BYOD night for parents where students can bring in their devices and present a training for parents/students. Create webinars for parents or set them up through the Kurzweil website to view webinars. Kurzweil supports UDL principles, it is no longer necessary to request an Assistive Technology assessment to have the permissions to use Kurzweil. Another idea is to start an after school club with using educational technology and resources.
Go to Kurzweil website for: “How to” video library, webinars, self-study courses. http://www.kurzweiledu.com/default.html Now I’m going to exit from the power point and we can have some hands-on training on how the full version of Kurzweil work.
KURZWEIL 3000™ Hands-on Demonstration to show Writing supports. Click on Kurzweil icon on your device. Enter your username and passcode.
KURZWEIL 3000™ BCPS Assistive Technology wiki to gain access to the power point and files for Kurzweil. https://bcpsat.pbworks.com/w/page/32406116/FrontPage