CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS BLUE REVOLUTION CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS COUNTRY INTEGRATED SYSTEM OF SOLAR ENERGY AND GREENHOUSE POND FOR RE-CIRCULATORY CARP HATCHERY AND SEED REARING Abhijit Mallik, Chittaranjan Raul, Tapas Paul Central Institute of Fisheries Education,Mumbai INTRODUCTION MATERIALS AND METHOD RESULTS CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS BLUE REVOLUTION Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing food production industry and India is the 2nd largest country in aquaculture production. In India wide variety of fish species are being cultured and both conventional and intensive farming practice is well adopted in different parts of India. However, the quantum of aquaculture products generated by aquaculture including conventional fisheries is not sufficient to meet the demand. The main reason is deficient of quality seed and mortality of seed and brooder during transportation. This prevents to use many of aquatic resource of their potential level. To meet the rising demand of protein, breeding and rearing of several potential and candidate freshwater fishes are carried out in different hatcheries. The Problem associated with Indian carp hatcheries are: Temperature and growth- in high altitude areas the drop of temperature cause slow growth rate and late maturation of brooders. Scarcity of water resource “One drop more crop” – in the hilly areas where the rain water availability is decreasing now a days we should develop the technology for maximum efficient use of available water. Effluent generated by hatchery or aquaculture—the method of effluent treatment will help in reuse of the treated water and outer environment contamination. Climate change and disease incidence—the monsoon rain water decreasing which a major concern of hatchery management and disease outbreak can be prevented by proper water disinfection. Availability of power and its supply to remote place – the remotes areas where electricity supply is difficult due area configuration so solar energy can be quit that constraint. Several hatcheries are being set up for the successful breeding of indigenous fish species like Indian Major, medium and minor carps. Along with IMC several exotic species are also being breed in different places of India. Fish hatcheries are a key component of the cultured fish value chain. Hatcheries provide fish seed, which is one of the main inputs required by fish farmers. The availability of fish seed is a primary constraint on the broader development of fish farming. The fish fingerlings are only available at a high cost to farmers, one of the main obstacles to developing countries. To achieve success as a commercial business, an intensive fish farm must typically avoid failure in every aspects of business management, marketing, fish husbandry, biosecurity, and culture system design. In remote and hilly area electricity is one of the major factor. Solar greenhouse based hatchery can reduce the cost of production without having any impact on environment. In addition, in this model applied solar energy as a source of low-cost energy to keep the water temperature increases using plastic greenhouses to raise the temperature. Components of the model: 1. Greenhouse brood stock pond 2. Two 1HP solar water pump 3. FRP carp hatchery unit (Breeding pool, Hatching pool, spawn collection chamber) 4. Overhead tank with conventional filter and aeration 5. Column bed filter 6. UV filter 7. Greenhouse Nursery and Rearing pond 8. Solar energy power house METHOD Brood stock rearing: It is done in green house pond for temperature regulation and reducing maturation time of brooders. The polyethylene sheets are used to cover the pond area for increasing the pond environment temperature by retention of the solar radiation. The stocking density of brooder @ 1000-1500 no requires an area of 0.1 ha brood stock pond. The 1 HP solar aquaculture pump used to pump the water from brood stock pond to the overhead tank through conventional mechanical filter. The overhead tank is provided with perforated plastic sheet for aeration by splitting of water. Carp hatchery unit: It is having FRP breeding pool, hatching pool and spawn collection chamber and water comes to this pools from overhead tank by gravitational pool. The roof of the hatchery having solar panel for generation of power and the power will used for operation of pumps, UV filter ,lights . After the spawn collection the used waters are pumped from the spawn collection chamber and passed through column bed filter for purification and also passing through UV filter to prevent the disease outbreak by killing the bacteria, viruses and pathogens. The treated water is then re-circulated to the overhead tank for next breeding operation. Column bed filtration: It is having 3 layer columns; the upper most first hanging small meshed nylon net and synthetic foam over which the water sprinkled so the suspended egg shells and other material retained and some amount of metals and also if the nylon mesh is clogged then it can be removed and washed . The middle layer of column bed acts as biological filter having films of denitrifying bacteria to reduce ammonia load and the lower bed made up of biodegradable pretreated bagasse or polyurethane foam to remove metal , element and phosphorous also. Nursery and Rearing Greenhouse pond: The spawn and fry are grow-out in greenhouse based nursery and rearing pond to control over temperature and acceleration of growth rate. ECONOMICS: Total water required for running hatchery for one day is 250 m3. Generally in a day 1HP pump work 10 times to fill the overhead tank. So, 10 HP = 10*746= 7460 watt power is used. In a hatchery normally 10 watt bulb are used and if we consider 10 number of 10 watt bulb, so total (10*10) i.e 100 watt power will be used. UV filter used for filtration use 100 watt power in a day. If small aerators are used they may use upto 100 watt power in a day. So, in total approximately 8000 watt energy is required for hatchery operation for one day. The standard size of solar panel used is 18*18 ft2 and which can produce 265 watt. So, 1100 m2 area of solar panel is required to produce 8000 watt .The electric production cost in solar based carp hatchery is Rs 3.5 / kwt / hr. But the commercial built electricity cost Rs 30/Kwt/hr. Total fixed cost of solar power plant < approx. Rs 1 lakh Cost of panel Rs 40,000 Cost of mounting structure Rs 12,000 Cost of Invertor Rs 1,000 Installation cost Rs 15,000 Government of India provides subsidy for installation solar power plant.(as per new rule from 15 march 2012 there is 40% subsidy on capital cost of solar system installation) The solar energy based system 10 time more cost effective than general electricity operating hatchery and energy efficient. The successful breeding operation depends on good water quality. By column bed filtration re-circulatory system, the water quality is maintained by preventing disease outbreaks and the same water can be reused in breeding operation water scarcity areas. By the use of greenhouse pond in brood stock maturation, rearing and nursery system, we can regulate the temperature and also decreases the maturation period of brooders. In case of spawn and fry rearing, the growth rate of fishes increases than the normal weather condition in that particular area where temperature variation is high. Advantages of solar power plant Long shelf life more than 25 years. 100 % efficient in 1st 6 year of life period. Utilization of renewable source of energy. The seed production quantity will increase by this integrated model in that areas where carp seeds are not available for grow-out culture. As IMC is the most preferred fish in India, due to this integrated model the production and consumption will increase. As the global climate is changing and water availability is reducing due to monsoon change the re-circulatory hatchery technology will help in efficient use of water resource. The small scale farmers in those selected areas can adopt this model as successful interpreneurship. This solar driven model will result in formation of fish market channel in non- fish food areas CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS COUNTRY It results in the establishment of brood stock and seed trading. Seed trading can be enhanced among the different sates of India. It results in the increase of Inland fish production of country. It results in optimum utilization of water resources in remote areas where water scarcity is more. Replacement of hydro-electric power to solar power which results in the save of energy. During the non-hatchery operation period the solar energy can be used in domestic purposes in remote areas. OBJECTIVE To develop integrated system of solar energy and greenhouse pond for brood stock and nursery rearing for IMC. To develop a re-circulatory carp hatchery in water scarcity area. GENESIS OF IDEA The water scarcity due to the climate change and late monsoon. The water resource which are available mainly emphasizes on the hydroelectric sector, agriculture and industrial purpose so the aquaculture sector getting low budget of water. The untreated effluent getting from aquaculture may contaminant to the other aquatic systems. The energy demand is growing so there should a natural renewable source of energy which can be used in a commercial sector REFERENCES Piyaphong Yongphet, Rameshprabu Ramaraj, Natthawud Dussadee, Effect of Greenhouse Cages Integrated with using Solar Energy on the Growth Performance on Freshwater Fish. International Journal of New Technology and Research (IJNTR), ISSN:2454-4116, Volume-2, Issue-3, March 2016 Pages 100-107