Lesson Objectives: Explain the importance of reflective practice in continuously improving the quality of service provided (Outcome 2.1) Describe how own values, belief systems and experiences may affect working practice (Outcome 2.3) BREAK
Evaluate own knowledge, performance and understanding against relevant standards Identify sources of support for planning own development Demonstrate how to work with others to review and prioritise own learning needs, professional interests and development opportunities
Reflective Practice
What is reflective practice and why is it important? Reflective practice is a tool which we use in all aspects of our lives to analyse our actions. Reflective practice enables us to make sense of what we have done, said or thought and makes us think about possible actions and consequences. Reflective practice can be seen as a tool to further our knowledge or development. Reflective practice enables the practitioner to provide best practice in service delivery to children and families
Benefits of Reflective Practice. Meeting the individual needs of children Developing and improving working relationships with colleagues Analysing your own effectiveness in practice Developing and maintaining effective relationships with families Evaluating assessments and observations carried out on children Benefits Assessing further areas of development to enhance the service you offer Identifying how the environment meets the care, learning and development needs of the children Developing effective relationships with other professionals
David Kolb`s model of experimental learning is recognised as an effective model for reflective practice. >>>>>>>>>>
Techniques of reflective analysis: · Questioning what, why and how · Seeking alternatives · Keeping an open mind · Viewing from different perspectives · Thinking about consequences · Testing ideas through comparing and contrasting · Asking ‘what if?’ · Observing and learning from children · Being aware of and focussing on issues
Donald Schon Donald Schon (1983) is well known in the field of reflection and is recognised for his model “reflection in practice’ and “reflection on practice’. Reflection in action- requires workers to reflect whilst carrying out duties or to use Schon`s words “ think on their feet”, to connect feelings with the current situation and act upon them.
Cont .. Reflection on action- requires more of a step back and think approach after the event, many strategies you will have come across- questioning what, why and how. Talking things through with colleagues, writing things – what happened and what are you going to do as a result, what needs to be improved, how can it be improved. Critics believe that there is very little time for Schon’s model of reflection and snap decisions often need to be made, however there is ALWAYS value in applying previous experiences to new situations.
Paired Activity: Think of an activity that you have done that has gone particularly well or particularly not so well. Discuss what happened with your partner and reflect on your practice.
2.3 Describe how own values, belief systems and experiences may affect working practice. Activity 1 re: case studies: How might each case study affect working practices? What might have made the staff speak like this? What action should be taken to help the members of staff think differently? Activity 2: What values, belief systems and experiences have you had that may affect the way you work?
3.1 Evaluate own knowledge, performance and understanding against relevant standards. See table.
4.1 Identify sources of support for planning and reviewing own development Formal support Informal support Supervision Appraisal Within the organisation Beyond the organisation
4.2 and 4.3 will be covered by the completion of your Personal Development Plan paperwork in your front of file documents
Smart targets:
Outcome 5 You may need to return to this outcome later in the course.