By Melina Rodriguez, Maddie Judge, Kayla Keith, and Moises Cervantes Checkouts By Melina Rodriguez, Maddie Judge, Kayla Keith, and Moises Cervantes
Summary The girl moves to Cincinnati She is very lonely Goes to grocery store because she likes to go shopping He drops her mayo Falls in love with the bag boy at the supermarket The bag boy likes the girl too because of her red hair Don’t see each other for awhile Sees him at the store but they ignore each other A boy asks the girl to the movies Stops liking the bag boy See each other at the movies
Major Conflicts She moved away from her childhood home She felt alone Her and the boy were both shy and afraid to talk to each other Person Vs Person The girl Vs The boy
Setting The setting is a grocery store in Cincinnati It takes place in modern time
Theme General Theme- Love Specific Theme- Is how the girl loves the boy
Literary Elements Simile- “Like a Tibertan monk in solitary meditation, she calmed to the point of deep, deep happiness; this feeling came to her reliably, if strangely, only in the supermarket”. Pathos- “[…] spent a majority of every day in a room full of beveled glass windows, looking through photographs of the life she’d lived and left behind”. Imagery- “[…] a large house with beveled glass windows and several porches in the history her mother liked to emphasize”.
Important Points The story is written in first person Internal Problem- they both were shy External Problem- the relationship The title has a double meaning
Quiz 1. What did the bag boy drop? A. Mayo B. Relish C. Mustard D. Cool Whip 2. What color was her hair? Blonde B. Brunette C. Orange D. Red 3. What city do they move to? Phoenix B. Cincinnati C. Tucson D. New York 4. What is the specific theme? Love B. Friendship C. Hate D. Revenge
Quiz Pt 2 5. What type of store did they meet at? Hardwood Store B. Corner Store C. Grocery Store D. Furniture Store 6. Short Answer- Why did they ignore each other the second time they saw each other at the grocery store? 7. Short Answer- Give two reasons why she liked the bag boy.
Answer Key A D B C They both are shy He is clumsy and the way he looks