MacPay A web based and electronic banking & payment process for Student and Sport Clubs & Societies
MacPay Clubs and Societies will be able to operate a NAB Community Fee Saver Account , electronic/internet payment methods including a NAB Business Payments Card Entirely electronic web based on-line payments and receipts Allows authorised signatories to make payments in a number of ways for valid expenditure e.g. Bpay, Funds transfer and Payment Card Allows receipts to be made directly to you Clubs bank account No account or transaction fees on the Bank account, except for non NAB ATM’s
MacPay A standard NAB account set up process must be followed, which includes a Minute from your Club or Society Office bearers authorising each person to be set up as a bank signatory & Bank security identification of every authorised signatory Funds currently kept in trust by Campus Life will be transferred by Campus Life to the new Club account – sufficient to operate normal business ( not all funds will be transferred initially) Operation of the Debit Card will require funds already in the new bank account to be loaded onto the Card, for impending use on the card. This loading is done by Club bank signatories Monthly statements are obtainable and can be exported to excel, so any style of club reporting can be done by Treasurers. A daily internet transaction limit of $2500 or per transaction per day applies
MacPay The existing Profit & Loss statement will no longer be done by Campus Life accounts U@MQ Staff will be Authorised Parties on each account. We would not normally conduct a transaction but will be able to close a persons card and a Club account and will be required to make any changes to existing Club bank authorities 1 x Individual bank account per Student Group, 1 or 2 cards per Group, in name of each authorised Club officer. One of the cards per Group will have a emergency $200 Cash Advance facility Swapping cards or pin numbers will compromise the Controls. Fraudulent transactions will be treated as any other illegal activity. Accounts will be closed and Clubs and Bank will pursue the offenders.
MacPay Use of the Expense Authorisation ( green ) forms will continue, but with a new content format, sequence and timing. A new form will be created which will accommodate multiple payments summarised on one Authorisation form. The Club Expense form and the invoice for which the payment has been made, must be provided to Campus Life Club/Society Admin staff on a twice monthly basis, by 15th Month for payments made in the first half, and by end of month for payments made in the second half of the month. So, for 3 payments made during the 1st half of a month, three invoices but only 1 authorisation form need be submitted by 15th month. Copy or electronic scans are ok.
MacPay – how to get going Step 1 Club or Society to authorise the new bank signatories on a standard set of Club Meeting Minutes, see below Step 2 100 point ID for new NAB bank signatories at any branch Step 3 Make an appointment with Macquarie Uni NAB Branch via Student Connect or Sport Club & Alumni Coordinator Step 4 Attend NAB Uni Branch for Account Opening meeting together , bringing the Original Meeting Minute along . Step 5 Business Payments Card will be issued to NAB Uni Branch
MacPay – get going details Step 1 MEETING MINUTES A Club or Society meeting to be held to obtain completion of the standard Minute template attached. Step 2. IDENTIFICATION WITH THE NAB - AUSTRAC/100 Point ID If the Club/Society bank signatories are not existing NAB customers they must obtain an NAB Customer Number. In order to do this AUSTRAC 100 point identification must be completed by all signatories at any NAB bank. This is best done now, or before the Bank meeting (step 4) . Documents needed are Primary Document 70 points: Document such as Birth Certificate, Passport, Australian Drivers Licence. Secondary Document 30 points: Must have name & address such as Council Rates Notice, Medicare Card or international Drivers Licence . Step 3. BOOKING AN APPOINTMENT WITH THE CAMPUS NAB BRANCH, THROUGH CAMPUS ENGAGEMENT at the Student HQ office in C10A( Lauren Hargreaves and Melroy Rodrigues) or the Sport Club & Alumni Coordinator (Bill McMahon ) Meeting times available are 10am, , 11am, , 1pm & 2pm on M-F, ie 4 per day at Uni Branch only Step 4. The NAB meeting All Club/Society signatories must be present together. NAB will take the original Club minute, and take a copy and return the original to officer bearers. New bank signatories will sign a bank account opening form, prepared by the NAB New bank signatories will complete the Business Payments Card application form, and sign New bank signatories Students will be given Internet payment access and be given a paper ID card Step 5 BUSINESS PAYMENT CARD Will take 7-10 business days to be available from date of meeting Only the Authorised office bearers will be given a card Cards will be available for collection from the NAB Branch for student clubs and the Sports Centre for Sports clubs and the Branch will notify the new bank signatory on the contact number given at the NAB meeting.
MacPay – Questions Open for questions Or email / ask us