Operational Data Store
Operational Dashboards Data Collections continue as usual Uses the same SR and SCP formats as Data Collections Initially populated with 2011 SR and 2012 SCP data. Operational Dashboards are driven by students currently enrolled. The SLDS system integrates data from Georgia Test Identifier (GTID) , Certified Personnel Information (CPI), Student Record (SR), Student Course Profile (SCP), Assessments, and now the new Operational Data Store (ODS). Data Collections for CPI, SR, and SCP, with required district sign-offs, will continue. While districts are not required to upload SR multiple times during the year, they are encouraged to keep SCP schedule records up to date.
ODS and SCP Pilot Districts Bleckley Effingham Pike
Student Demographic Update Options for Pilot Districts Student Record (SR) GTID Application Student Course Profile Student’s Name Student’s Date of Birth Student’s Grade Level Course Teacher School Year Marking Period Student’s Name Student’s Date of Birth Student’s Grade Level
Student Demographic Update Process for Non-Pilot Districts GTID Application Student Course Profile (SCP) Student’s Name Student’s Date of Birth Student’s Grade Level Course Teacher School Year Marking Period Districts need to update both of these if they want their student demographic data (grade levels, DOB, etc.) to be correct in ODS.
Student Course Profile Extract New Layout allows… 00 course numbers that can be used for homeroom, advisement courses, etc. Multiple Teachers to view the records of students assigned to them for instruction 12/15/2017
Hubert – Visualization Changes 12/15/2017
SLDS Dashboard Contents Historical Dashboard Operational Dashboard Attendance Enrollment Assessments CRCT EOCT GHSWT G8WT GHSGT/EOCT Transition Assessments CRCT EOCT GHSWT G8WT 21 CSA Operational dashboards show historical results for current students. In contrast, Historical dashboards show historical results for a given school/district based on where the students were enrolled at the time of testing.
Historical Dashboard Operational dashboards show historical results for current students. In contrast, Historical dashboards show historical results for a given school/district based on where the students were enrolled at the time of testing.
Operational Dashboard
Operational Dashboard Though the teacher’s dashboard does not have an operational Dashboard. Teachers have a new Classroom Assessment Performance link that allows them to view the data in this format. 12/15/2017
Operational Dashboard 12/15/2017
Multiple Teachers 12/15/2017
Multiple Teachers The Student Course Profile (SCP) data collection has been enhanced to allow co-teachers, counselors, and other teachers with an educational interest in the child to view the student’s schedule, attendance, and assessment scores.
Multiple Teachers Previously, the student’s schedule, attendance, and assessment scores were only provided to the Teacher of Record.
Teacher’s Resource Link Integration into the SLDS Toolbar Teachers can access to the TRL application via the following methods: a link to TRL in the SLDS Toolbar a drill to TRL from the blue bubbles in the 21st Century Skills Assessment
Accessing TRL from the Toolbar Navigational Menu
Accessing TRL from the Blue Bubbles Navigational Menu
Cohort Group In the example below, the user clicked the blue bubble that corresponds to the 7 students in the first quartile (0-25% correct). This page allows the user to assign resources to the entire group of students or to an individual student via TRL. Click Assign Resources to select resources for the entire group of students. Click a student name to select an individual student. Upon making a student selection, the list of applicable resources is displayed.
Search Results with an Add to Cart Feature The Add to Cart functionality is used to select resources. Simply place a check next the resource name and click the Add to Cart button to assign resources to a student, cohort, or folder. Two resources are selected in the example below.
Saving Resources to a Folder The folder tab is displayed in the example below. Teachers can save resources to a new or existing folder. Teachers are required to enter the folder’s name and description for all new folders.
Saving Resources to a Cohort
Saving Resources to a Roster This tab allows a teacher to assign resources to any assigned student. The roster is determined by the data provided in the Student Course Profile data collection. The student’s Grade level, Gifted, ELL, and SWD data are displayed when the teacher clicks the Show Student Details box.
Searching for Resources Search by Grade, Subject, and Standard
SLDS Graduation Assessment Status Report Secondary Assessment Transition Discussion
Secondary Assessment Transition The Secondary Assessment Transition Plan was approved by the State Board of Education on April 13, 2011. This plan provides for the phasing out of the Georgia High School Graduation Test (GHSGT) and an increased “weight” of the End of Course Tests (EOCT). All students will continue to be required to take and pass the Georgia High School Writing Test (GHSWT).
Students who enter grade 9 for the first time in SY2011 -2012 or after Secondary Assessment Transition Changes go into effect beginning with the 2011-2012 school year. Cohort 1 Students who enter grade 9 for the first time in SY2011 -2012 or after Cohort 2 Students who entered grade 9 for the first time between July 2008 and June 2011 Must pass the GHSWT to be eligible for diploma Are not required to take or pass GHSGT ( test not administered) Are required to pass courses* associated with EOCT, with EOCT contributing 20% to course grade Are not required to pass EOCT Must pass the GHSWT to be eligible for diploma Must pass one of the two subject-area EOCT or the corresponding subject-area GHSGT Are required to pass courses associated with EOCT, with EOCT contributing 15% to course grade *In science, students may take Physical Science or Physics (no EOCT for Physics).
Accessing the Graduation Assessment Status Report The Graduation Assessment Status Report is located in the Assessment section of the Historical menu. The report is named GHSGT/EOCT Transition on the menu.
Accessing the Graduation Assessment Status Report The Graduation Assessment Status Report is school level report. This means that district level users must select a school prior to running the report. School level users can only view the report that pertains to their school. Once a school has been selected, click the View Report button to run the report.
Graduation Assessment Status Report for a School
Understanding the Report The green “P” indicates the student passed the assessment. The red “DNP” indicates the student did not pass the assessment.
Understanding the Report GaDOE Statewide Assessments Loaded into the Report District and school level users can view whether or not a student meets the graduation assessment requirements by viewing the Graduation Assessment Status Report. This report is generated based upon the student’s historical Graduation Assessment scores. Course grades are not included in this report. File Has Not Been Received by the SLDS Team File was received by the SLDS Team but not loaded File loaded into SLDS
Exporting the Data Printer Friendly Version Allows all of the columns of the report to fit on one page Data can be exported in an Excel Other Export Options The export options are below. Excel CSV Word TIFF XML MHTML
eBOARD Integration into the SLDS Tunnel
eBOARD’s Tunnel eBoard members must access SLDS through the eBOARD site instead of through their local SIS.
eBoard’s Members eBoard members are school board members Only school board members residing in a district connected to SLDS can access SLDS data via eBoard
eBoard’s Privileges Can view aggregate level SLDS data for their district Can drill from the district to the school level Cannot drill to the individual student level Cannot view the data from any other district
eBOARD’s SLDS Dashboard
GTID Integration into the SLDS Tunnel
Authorized users may now access the GTID application via the SLDS tunnel. This enhancement provides Local Education Agencies (LEA) access to the GTID application through SLDS. A link to the GTID application is now in the menu bar of the SLDS District, School, and Teacher dashboards.
Upon clicking the GTID icon in the menu bar, the user is seamlessly directed to the GTID application. Users may perform the same GTID functions as they can through the GTID application in the MyGaDOE Portal.
GTID Student Record Exchange Users may also download the GTIDs claimed during the current day in a CSV or PDF format.
Assessment Loads
Assessment Loads CRCT GHSGT Loaded: Spring 2007 – Spring 2011 To be loaded: Summer 2011 (File has not been received.) GHSGT 12/15/2017
Assessment Loads EOCT GHSWT Loaded: Winter 2008 – Winter 2011 To be loaded: Spring 2011 (Currently in QA) GHSWT Loaded: Summer 2008 – Summer 2010 To be loaded: Fall 2011 and Spring 2011 (Currently in QA) Summer 2011 (File has not been received.) 12/15/2017