Kaiser Permanente Apply Online Sign Me Up (SMU) System Training & Review Broker Path Presented by: The KPIF National Team As of: June 2016 NOTICE TO RECIPIENT: If you are not the intended recipient of this document, you are prohibited from sharing, copying, or otherwise using or disclosing its contents. If you have received this document in error, please notify the sender immediately and permanently delete this document and any attachments without reading, forwarding or saving them. Thank you.
SMU HomePage Registered Brokers will login here 1/7/2018 SMU HomePage SMU Production URL = https://smu.kaiserpermanente.org/expressweb/user/Welcome.action#4 Registered Brokers will login here Always log in to see Dashboard and records such as quotes, started applications. All OFF-Exchange records should be tied to your SMU Account. Browser Compatibility - IE Broker Registration Link – First Time a Broker Uses the system (And needs a User ID) 1
Broker – Dashboard & Search Screens ALL REGIONS Broker Welcome & Dashboard Screen
Broker Dashboard The Broker’s Welcome Screen Broker Dashboard Tool Bar. “Activities” and “Tools” have drop downs with activities – ( see general guidelines) The Broker Dashboard Screen is the main page once you log in. The Message Center widget will have the “Case” details.
Customizable Dashboard Features Available Widgets – drag and drop , clickable layouts and widgets. The user can personalize their dashboard. Take away and add whatever might be needed. Search Features and Advanced Search
Work Queue The work queue page also has an advanced filter button 1/7/2018 Work Queue The work queue page also has an advanced filter button When the broker selects the “Work Queue” from the Dashboard Toolbar – this page will be displayed. The broker can “View” by the following fields in the drop down: Pending Attestation All Cases Quoting Applying Approved Cancelled Inactive Pending Review Appeal Pending Appeal Cancelled Appeal Denied Appeal Approved
Work Queue with Advanced Filter Screen 1/7/2018 Work Queue with Advanced Filter Screen Within the “Work Queue” the Filter button can be used to create Case Filter criteria. This is a more advanced filtering page that will be displayed if the Filter button is selected. Filter button selection – screen with form to apply filters to search
Advanced Filter Results 1/7/2018 Advanced Filter Results Results page for “View” “Applying Cases” with “CA” State Filter applied any and all results should be tied only to the Broker’s SMU account. “View” = All Cases + Filter by State GA
Broker – Creating a Case (For Quotes and/or Applications) ALL REGIONS Create a Case from the Dashboard “New Case”
Creating a new IFP Case from the Dashboard Using the Dashboard toolbar select the “Activities” drop down Select New Case Create a Case Option
Create IFP Case / New Case selection from Dashboard Complete all required fields (with Red * ) and “Continue” to the Case Summary to create the Case. Select the Continue Button.
1/7/2018 Case Summary Once the Case has been created, the Case Summary page is displayed. From this Case Summary page, the Broker has the option to “Create Quote” or “Start Application Process” The Case Summary page also allows broker to ‘Edit Profile’ information – if any changes need to be made. Selecting a Case page 11
Broker – Creating a Quote ALL REGIONS Create a Quote from the Dashboard “New Quote”
Creating a new IFP Quote from the Dashboard Using the Dashboard toolbar select the “Activities” drop down Select New Quote Create a Quote Option
Quote Profile – Creating a Quote Broker has selected “Create Quote” and requested effective Date in this example. The “Show Plans” Button is then clicked.
Create Quote – Available Plans The Broker can do several things from the “Available Plans” page. They can “Modify Quote”, “Compare Plans”, “Save Quote” and “Apply” The Broker can use the Compare Plans button to Compare up to 3 plans at a time. Click on “Plan Name” link, to launch the additional details page ( html version) will also include a link to a pdf Plan Brochure The “Create Quote” Left Navigation allows the broker to see progress.
Modifying a Quote Modify Quote will take the Broker back to the Quote Profile page from here the broker can make any changes needed. From this page the Quote can be saved using the Save Quote button.
Generating Proposals via SMU Once Save Quote is clicked, the broker can then confirm the data that has been input … and click “generate proposal” in order to get to the screen which allows them to email the quote to their applicant.
Broker Generated Proposals via SMU (Part 2) Below is the text of the email Consumer will receive if Broker/Agent has generated a Proposal: Email inclusive of quote proposals that were generated through SMU do not have a link back to the online application site. Please be sure to provide Direct Apply URL. The body of the email will include a Proposal in pdf format which can be opened with all the details of the proposal. See the next 2 slides.
Quote Proposal – pdf. Page 1 Page 1 of the PDF Quote This page is customized with the Broker’s Information … and the consumer’s information
Quote Proposal PDF - Page 2 Page 2 of the PDF Quote This page is customized with the Plan Options. The following Pages are the Plan Collateral Documents.
Creating a new IFP Application from the Quote Screen or Case Summary ALL REGIONS Apply from Quote Profile page or Case Summary page
Application Process from Quote Profile or Case Summary Apply process: When the “Apply” button is selected, The “Prior to Applying” page is presented. In this example the broker has selected “My Client will complete the application online” path (1st Option on the List).
eMail to Client Broker sets up demographics and user profile information. From here they can forward application with email to client NOTE: Last Name & BirthDate are very important, since that is what is used to “verify” the recipient.
Email to Client Confirmation Screen Once the Broker clicks “Email to Client’ the Application Delivery Confirmation screen will appear.
eMail Received by Client Consumers will be prompted to register before an online application can be accessed or completed. Using the link on the email sent by the broker/agent, consumer will prompted to enter Last Name and Date of Birth.
Consumer Registration (Part 2) Consumer verifies profile information. They must enter last name and birthdate exactly as the broker previously keyed it for them.
Consumer Registration (Part 2) Consumer/Applicants creates contact information, USER ID, Password and Security Question.
Broker – Starting an Application ALL REGIONS Broker Starts Application for Client Online
Broker Starts the Application for Client Online In this example the broker has selected “I will Start the application for my client (2nd Option)
Applicant Information Screen Applicant information – demographics page A link to ‘Forward the Application to Consumer’ is displayed throughout the Broker path in the Left hand navigation box along with application progress.
Family Members Screen The broker can view the progress of the application in “Application Progress” Navigation Box” – and at any time can use the “Forward Application to Consumer” link in the left navigation box. This will generate an email to the client to log in and complete the application.
Plan Choice Screen Plan Choice page – Plan selected by Consumer with broker to apply for
Application Questions Answers to the Questions can be populated by the broker while preparing the application for their consumer / applicant
Broker – Starting an Application General Guidelines For Brokers and Producers
Message Center – Broker Dashboard Brokers may review messages found in the “Dashboard” via the upper right set of links called “Messages.” They are also available on the Dashboard Page. Messages that have been reviewed, acted upon and no longer needed can be deleted. This will help with system performance and page view load time.
Viewing an Application through the Message Center Through any message in the Message Center, the broker is able to access an application by clicking the "application ID". This will direct broker straight to the application case summary of the impacted enrollment application.
Setting Up Broker Profile A broker can update their Broker Info and/or Create Any “Custom” Links using the Profile Section.
Use of Previous and Back Buttons 1/7/2018 Use of Previous and Back Buttons Applicants and system users should not use browser's back and forward buttons. Instead, use application navigation buttons to move backward or forward to the next page. Using the browser's back and forward buttons will lead to potential loss of information entered on current screen. I do not see anything in here about the browser capabilities. Please add a slide. 38 38
Online Application Status Quoting - The applicant has only created (or been sent by a Agent/Broker) a quote. No actual application, for that specific record, has been started. Initiated - The broker or sales agent has started the application for the applicant, and emailed it to the applicant for completion. The applicant, however, has not yet continued the application (i.e. they have not clicked the link on the broker's/agent's email for completion. Applying - The applicant has started their application, however they have not yet completed/submitted the app. They either dropped off at some point of the app, or they saved and exited with the intention to come back and complete at a later day/time. Submitted- The app has been submitted to KP and is pending. Received - The app has been received by the KP system and is pending. Expired - The application went from "applying" to "expired" because there was at least 30 days of inactivity (meaning it was not touched at all for 30 days straight). Cancelled - The application was cancelled. Possibly due to missing info. Accepted- The consumer was accepted for coverage Withdrawn - The applicant, or broker/agent, or Reviewer withdraw the application ... either because they are no longer interested or because it is a duplicate. 39
E-Signatures All online enrollment applications need to be eSigned by applicants. Applicants need to type his/her name in the spaces provided to electronically sign pages of the Agreements and Authorizations sections. “By typing in your name, applicant is electronically signing this authorization and verifying his/her identity as the person affected on the application. Applicant is also attesting that his/her electronic signature to have the same legal effect as a written signature by hand.” Names should appear EXACTLY as shown on blue header or top of section with those enter in boxes.
Password Assistance If applicant gets a message box that link has expired, this means that he/she has created a user ID, password and security question for his online account. Try “Forgot password” and enter USER ID and Email Address. If a match is found, security question will be presented. See User ID or Forgot Password for more information. 41
Applicant Requesting For Assistant Applicant forwarding the application to broker for assistance
Forwarding Application Forward application button
Applicant Viewing Application The application forwarded to broker and applicant can only view it now
Broker’s Message Center Broker can see the e-mail from the applicant in their message center
Broker Forwarding Application Broker forwarding the application to application to complete it now
Broker E-mail Button Broker e-mail to applicant
Applicant Complete the Application The applicant can view and complete the application