Dashboard + Regional View For new BART users
The Dashboard
The Dashboard is a web-based application that can be used on a tablet or PC by any registered user to view the status of your Group\ Brigade incidents The Dashboard was designed for fire station use. Each fire station will have its own login and password. We will discuss personal use later in the presentation The Dashboard will show your vehicles GPS location only and not the rest of the Group The Dashboard
You can zoom in or zoom out on a PC to adjust the view to suit your screen. This can be done by going to the settings menu on your browser or by holding the Ctrl + keys or Ctrl - keys
On a PC you can hover your mouse pointer over a menu icon to show that image’s function The Menu options are: Pause update Print pager message New Broadcast Settings Opens Teams Chat/Discussions Opens Groups Play pager message Refresh Roster Dashboard Menu
Settings Settings Prints pager message Speaks pager message How many times BART speaks message Shows Google Street View Zooms out to show GPS tracking Shows station pins plus incidents Shows incident messages only Hides completed incidents Displays large text Displays high contrast theme (must refresh browser) Hides the message list Shows weather radar Set you states radar location Settings
Groups On your home PC you will only be able to view your brigade Only Brigade Stations and GDOs will be a member of all brigades. Fire fighters won’t want to be alerted to another brigade’s tree down at 0400 hrs Brigade station will need to ‘request to join’ each brigade (BART calls this a Group) to enable this view Clicking on the tick will either hide or show that brigade Why use this feature? To view the status of other brigades responding to the same incident You can view who is responding by clicking that brigades pager message from the list Groups
Our Group won’t be allowing all members to join other brigades because you will receive notifications to all jobs twice. It’s just not necessary. The Dashboard was designed to be used at your fire station. You are welcome to use the BART Dashboard on your home PC if you choose to do so. Dashboard Summary
Regional View
The Regional View is a website that can be used on a tablet or PC by brigade stations and GDOs to view a summary of your Group\ Brigade incidents for set amount of hours You will need to use your fire station login to access the Regional View Next I will show you how to view a map showing the location of the incidents and the GPS location of our Group’s vehicles Regional View
When you first open the Region View you will see a list of incidents If you click the location icon the view will change to a map view Regional Interface
You can make changes to this view by clicking the Settings icon
The Settings Menu allow you to change the following options Set the time for message timeout Show/hide station locations Show appliances GPS location Make sure this box is ticked Setting Options
When you first view the map it will initially show New South Wales As soon as you click refresh you will be able to view a map of our Group’s incidents Mapping Interface
Now you can see the location of our Group’s recent incidents for the set time period By clicking on an incident icon you can view the pager message associated to that incident Incident Locations
When you click on the pager message you will be able to view who is responding to the incident from that brigade Incident Attendees
It is recommended that each brigade have a short cut to the Regional View website at your fire station. This will allow you to track other brigade’s vehicles. i.e. Station radio operators will be able to inform the incident controller of incoming appliances Summary
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