Nanotechnology in Korea Asia Nano Forum Summit 2016 July 14 2016, Korea Nanotechnology in Korea 안녕하십니까. 국가과학기술자문회의 위원 신미남입니다. 국가제조업 도약을 위한 소재기술혁신방안, Korea Material Initiative에 대해 말씀드리겠습니다. Chang Hyun Lee. Ph.D. Dankook University, Korea
I. Nanotechnology in Korea Milestones of Nanotechnology Initiatives and Policy 1 KNI : National Comprehensive Development Plan on Nanotechnology (NCDPN) The 4th Korea Nanotechnology Initiative(KNI) Korea Nanotechnology Initiative(KNI) Center for Nanostructured Materials Technology 1st Revise/Supplement Korea Nanotechnology Initiative Nano Fusion Industrial Development Strategy Nanotechnology Roadmap Center for Nanoscale Mechatronics & Manufacturing Centers for Global Research Program National Program for Tera-Level Nano devices Nanocore Project Nanotechnology Roadmap 2nd Revise/Supplement Korea Nanotechnology Initiative Nanotechnology Promotion Act 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 National Center for Nanoprocess & Equipment Nanotechnology Information Support System Nanotechnology Industrialization Support Center Nanocluster (Service Launched) IEEE NANO 2010 Korea Advanced NanoFab Center (Service Launched) Korea Nano Technology Research Society(KoNTRS) Nano Convergence Foundation Nano Technology Research Association National NanoFab Center (Service Launched) Nano Convergence Journal National NanoFab Center Nanocluster Construction National Nanotechnology Policy Center Nano Particles TIC Nano Particles Application Center Nano Convergence Practical Application Center
I. Nanotechnology in Korea Last 10 years Initiatives 2 The 3rd phase (2011~2015) The 2nd phase (2006~2010) World top level of R&D activities, related products, and industries on nanotechnology by 2020 Vision World top 3 country in nanotechnology competitiveness by 2015 Secure sustainable growth-potential based on NT & product Link to and incorporate with existing technologies Improve the quality of human life Develop key original NT Create new industries dealing with the green technologies and/or convergent technologies based on NT Responsible NT R&D with societal and ethical implications considered Educate highly trained NT workforce and maximize utilization of NT infrastructure Targets The 4th phase (2016~2025) World-class leading country based on sustainable growth though the technical innovation Technical realization by leading technique in manufacturing industries - Target to 92% level of NT (Compared with USA of 100%) - Cultivate 12,000 of Key HR A global leader in the industrialization of nanotechnology - Increase market share of NT based products(up to 12%, compared with new industries) - Promote company foundation related with NT(up to 1,000)
I. Nanotechnology in Korea Korean Government Funding on NT 3 For 14 years (Korea) : Total 3,983 Billion KRW(≃ 3.4B USD) ※ 우리 돈 약 3조 9천 8백 30억, 미국 돈 약 34억 달러
I. Nanotechnology in Korea Korean Government Funding on NT 3 Funding Status of each Ministry Ministry(or Organization) R&D Infra HR Total Min. of Science, ICT and Future Planning 177,462 4,500 2,625 184,587 Min. of Education 4,031 - 46,947 50,978 Min. of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs 2,930 Min. of Trade, Industry and Energy 51,587 6,218 1,500 59,305 Min. of Health and Welfare 950 650 Min. of Environment 15,146 Min. of Employment and Labor 280 Min. of Food and Drug Safety 1,600 Defense Acquisition Program Adm. 2,740 2,741 Small&Medium Business Adm. 44,762 Government-funded Research Org. 158,162 9,894 168,056 459,651 20,612 51,072 531,335 ※ The sum of MSIP and Government-funded research Organization is around 37% to total ratio
I. Nanotechnology in Korea Nanotechnology Related Publication 4 Number of SCI Papers by Korean researchers ※ China is No. 1(24,927), U.S.A. is No. 2(14,854), India is No. 3(6,570)
I. Nanotechnology in Korea Experts in Nanotechnology 5 Number of Experts in Nanotechnology Experts 2013 2014 Difference Research 8,158 8,548 +390 - Government-funded Org. 2,117 1,873 -244 - Universities 6,041 6,675 +634 Industry 123,588 138,256 +14,668 Number of NT departments 136 234 +98 Students from NT departments 19,448 34,146 +14,698 - BS Students 17,586 29,533 +11,947 - MS & Ph.D. Students 1,862 4,613 +2,751 Expectation of demand/supply of Manpower BS MS Ph.D Year Demand Supply Difference 2013~ 2015 2,000 4,100 +2,100 1,240 1,160 -80 480 400 2015~ 2020 3,200 +900 3,600 -2,440 900 -500
II. Korea Nano Technology Research Society Introduction 1 Purpose of Establishment
II. Korea Nano Technology Research Society Introduction 1 Purpose of Establishment
Number of Symposium Registrants II. Korea Nano Technology Research Society Major Activities 2 (1) NANO KOREA Symposium Number of Symposium Registrants 1,621 1,232 1,048 843 763 723 1,661 Number of Exhibitors 565 48 92 155 194 310 339
II. Korea Nano Technology Research Society Major Activities 2 (2) Nano Convergence Journal
II. Korea Nano Technology Research Society Major Activities 2 (3) Management of Basic NT Education Programs
II. Korea Nano Technology Research Society Major Activities 2 (4) e-Nanoschool
II. Korea Nano Technology Research Society Major Activities 2 (5) Network Activation Projects Participate in and host the Asia Nano Forum and Asia Nano Camp Korea-China-Japan Trilateral Nanotechnology Joint Forum Korea-U.S.A. nano workshop Host and support the international nano forum Participate in international events Support in hosting the SPM research society, since 2008 Operation of nano departments council, since 2008 National nano department council, since 2009 Supporting the ICNST(International Conference on Nano Science and Technology), since 2010 Hosted the Busan Gyeongnam Nano Forum, since 2011 Operation of 5 technical branch, since 2015
Korea Nano Technology Research Society Thank you Korea Nano Technology Research Society