SAE Technical Committee Operating Policy – Member Code of Conduct Follow the processes, rules and guidelines of the: SAE Technical Standards Board Governance Policy MVC Council Standards Committee Policy Individual Participation / Representation: Technical Committees members function as individuals and not as agents or representatives of any organization with which they may be associated No commercialism of products or services Avoid side conversations or “private” meetings Only one person speaking at a time (chair to grant floor rights and limit length) Do not dominate discussions Follow the agenda, keep the meeting moving and on subject Attack the issue, not the person Show respect to others Summarize major points and decisions during the course of the meeting and document in the minutes SAE International 2017
SAE Technical Committee Operating Policy – Member Code of Conduct Participate in committee meetings, activities and communications in a respectful and professional manner, and follow committee rules and the guidance and directives of committee chairpersons. Committee members who fail to abide by and respect the rules of order by persistent verbal, written, electronic or physical conduct of an offensive nature that disrupts the committee, subcommittee or task force’s ability to operate or function, or the chairperson’s ability to conduct the meeting, will be notified by the committee chairperson in writing and warned to desist from such behavior. If the offensive behavior continues unabated subsequent to the warning notice, the committee chairperson will provide a reprimand to the committee member and report the situation to their SAE support staff. The member shall be asked by committee chairperson to leave the meeting facility if offensive behavior does not stop after reprimand. In extreme instances, the standards committee membership of the offending member will be suspended. Suspension process: Committee Chairperson will notify SAE staff of suspension request SAE staff will review and submit the case of offensive conduct to the SAE Motor Vehicle Council SAE Motor Vehicle Council will review and make a decision at the next monthly meeting SAE International 2017