KEY TAKEAWAYS KEY TAKEAWAYS Multi-tiered program catering to affluent influencers with an affinity for grooming, style, and music First-ever CraveOnline “Valentine’s Day” singles bash Custom sponsorships/alignment with lifestyle and music editorial content Top notch music event coverage with unparalleled access (SxSW or WMC) Sampling opportunities to maximize awareness for Nivea Men’s brand amongst music event attendees Social Integrations Creative and interactive social experiences Social Media promotion across CraveOnline and affiliate sites KEY TAKEAWAYS Syndication & Distribution Creative solutions syndicated and distributed throughout key CraveOnline sites High impact executions to create awareness for Nivea Men’s brand Award-winning creative Promotion & Awareness Monitors at event allow users to share their augmented reality experience on Facebook and Twitter Promotion across CraveOnline Facebook and Twitter pages Homepage call-outs across key sites Multi-platform reach
PROGRAM OVERVIEW PROGRAM OVERVIEW Educate Nivea Men’s core audience to sample and adopt a new skin care regimen, further establishing that shaving isn’t all there is to keep their skin healthy. **ADD TITLE IN BLACK HEADER: “PERFORMANCE”
THE ALL NEW CRAVEONLINE Expanded reach! Content organized in a more user- friendly, navigable way Beefed up content from respected and renown editorial contributors New IAB friendly ad opportunities such as super billboards that are HTML5 ready Enhanced video offering with professional content, branded entertainment and original programming tied with partnerships through ICM Talent More Pre-roll opportunities
THE POWER OF BLUE DESTINATION CUSTOM DESTINATION THE POWER OF BLUE DESTINATION Before that jaw line of yours can be brooding and rugged, you need a little Nivea Men skin care products to get that sexiness to its fullest potential. We’re giving users grooming challenges, guides to style and more! THE GROOMING CHALLENGE HOT SPOT CALENDAR Interactive hot spot calendar giving guys grooming challenges Month challenge for our Mr. Down to Earth CUSTOM EDITORIAL SERIES AND EVENT COVERAGE Our editorial team covers CraveOnline’s Valentine Day bash + chosen music event (SXSW or WMC) Guide to grooming Relive App – photos and images from event Custom Twitter hash tags (#bluepower) and encourage users to use these hashtags when tweeting
THE GROOMING CHALLENGE HOT SPOT CALENDAR CRAVE “FASHION” THE GROOMING CHALLENGE HOT SPOT CALENDAR Custom and interactive hub featured within CraveOnline’s Life and Style section Our editorial team and Mr. Down to Earth (aka a suave, ladies man that has his grooming style on point and exudes charisma from every pore) take on these daily challenges. Each day reveals a blurb, grooming guide advice and suggestions/short video “challenges”. Social share (via FB tools) allowing the users to virally seed out engagement Fully branded environment with roadblocks and syndication units Hub promoted via drop down sponsored nav
CRAVEONLINE’S “SEXY SINGLES VALENTINE’S DAY BASH” CRAVE “FASHION” CRAVEONLINE’S “SEXY SINGLES VALENTINE’S DAY BASH” Valentine’s Day sexy and smooth singles bash hosted at one of LA’s hottest, upscale lounges (or swanky hotel venue such as The Standard or The W) Performance from known musician or popular band Attractive and fashionably dressed female models distributing branded merchandise and alcohol beverages Fashion show partnering with one of LA’s top/rising fashion designers (or possibly partnering with a celeb with a clothing line or boutique in LA) Fashions modeled to be tasteful, elegant, evening wear and high class style
CRAVEONLINE’S “SEXY SINGLES VALENTINE’S DAY BASH” (CONTD) CRAVE “FASHION” CRAVEONLINE’S “SEXY SINGLES VALENTINE’S DAY BASH” (CONTD) Client sponsorship opportunities to include the following: On-site “Nivea Men’s The Power of Blue” blue carpet ushering in attendees and guests into the event “The Power of Blue” Grooming Station sponsored by “Nivea Men” Fully branded client environment Monitors allow users to upload their face. Through the use of a filter, they’ll be able to add on damaging effects to their face caused by UV rays and age Monitor shows users the aftermath of using Nivea Men and how suave they could look by using the products (FB share tools included) Sexy ladies at booth passing out swag featuring Nivea Men’s products
RELIVE APP Mobile App Web CRAVE “FASHION” CraveOnline invites you to “relive” your Music Event Experience! Our Music event coverage (SXSW or WMC) will tie-in the mobile app, Relive, allowing users to share photos and memories Attendees of the music event will be urged to use the mobile app to share their photos Relive photo event link/gallery will be promoted via co-brands driving to our event coverage hub All images will be shared on a custom CraveOnline live link Mobile App Web
HIGH IMPACT CREATIVE SOLUTIONS DUD TO STUD COMPLEX OVERLAY User has the ability to clean up a guy’s sun beaten face with Nivea Men’s skin care products. By clicking and running their mouse over the face, it’ll erase the signs of aging, revealing a suave, sexy and absolute ladies man Fully branded environment with custom experience Includes client trailer with video player + buy now buttons and social click outs
INgage UNIT BRANDED CANVAS SYNDICATION & DISTRIBUTION CraveOnline will utilize various interactive products to distribute and syndicate custom content throughout our portfolio of sites. INgage UNIT BRANDED CANVAS Unit mirrors the look of the site it’s running on Integrate within content that thematically fits highlighting the “Ultimate Influencers” Complete social experience Aggregation of editorial content from multiple sites and hub Store locator and coupon download :15 sec snack video featured in 300x250 Single and multi-video capabilities Fully branded environment HTML 5 Ready Social Click Outs
+5MM +1MM +15MM PROMOTION & AWARENESS Custom hub will feature Facebook share tools Homepage presence and exposure across multiple sites Facebook and Twitter shout-outs on key CraveOnline sites Navigation bar inclusion on CraveOnline Co-branded promotional units across CraveOnline properties Cross-platform reach and promotion
SWIPER GALLERY SWIPER GALLERY DEMO SWIPER GALLERY User sees a picture of a guy’s face with accentuated UV skin damage Prompt above image drives user to “Rub finger over face to Reveal the Power of Blue” As the user rubs his finger over the image, the signs of aging/UV damage are erased revealing to the user the true “Power of Blue” in Nivea Men’s skin care products Fully branded environment ADDITIONAL CREATIVE SOLUTIONS: Mobile Animated Banner Mobile Overlay Mobile Countdown Clock Mobile Anchor/Adhesion Unit DEMO
The premium male lifestyle publisher CRAVEONLINE’S MALE OFFERING The premium male lifestyle publisher Premium OWNED & OPERATED websites
64% more time watching video than our competition CRAVEONLINE AUDIENCE ENGAGEMENT & CONSUMPTION 28.5M 698M UNIQUE VISITORS PAGE VIEWS 30% more pages than our competition 65% 27+ MALE 18-34 PAGES TURNED 64% more time watching video than our competition 16.5+ 12+ MINUTES SPENT VIDEOS WATCHED Source: comScore, Q3 2012
9x AUDIENCE HABITS AND CONSUMPTION 607 530 573 536 430 449 CRAVEONLINE AUDIENCE AUDIENCE HABITS AND CONSUMPTION 607 530 Consider themselves trendsetters in fashion Spender rather than saver 573 536 9x Constantly engages in physical activity Spend $100+ on grooming 430 449 Frequently advises friends on fashion Consider themselves fashion conscious Source: comScore, Q3 2012
AWARD WINNING CREATIVE ACHIEVEMENTS APPENDIX AWARD WINNING CREATIVE ACHIEVEMENTS Best creative Best in-banner video Best video sponsorship Cross video offline to online campaign Best use of display advertising TRANSFORMERS RESIDENT EVIL EA MMA
David Amdur Account Executive (646) 461.9060 x2408