Presenter: Shirley Johnson RETURNED CHECKS Presenter: Shirley Johnson
Checks from parents must be complete Date Pay to Order of (School) Amount ($__.__) Amount (written out) Signed Reason or Account Current address* Current phone number* *Check Redi will not guarantee checks without a current address and phone number. Starter or Counter checks should not be accepted.
Sample Bank Statement If the bookkeeper is not notified of the NSF check prior to receipt of the bank statement, the bookkeeper will need to call or e-mail the bank for the name of the check writer and copy of the check. There are two NSF checks, one for $155 and the other for $25. But without the notification, the bookkeeper will not know who wrote the check.
Sample NSF check Please note the School Name, Account #, Date, Item Amount, and Reason Returned at the top of the Notification. The check should include the account/reason for collection (student) the address and phone number of the writer. Without the address and phone number, Check Redi will not guarantee the check.
Second NSF Check Sample Note: this check does not have an address or phone number. Check Redi will not guarantee this check. Please provide this information to Check Redi.
Returned (Worthless) Check Log
NSF entry into KEV Funds will be removed from the account/category automatically when the NSF entry is saved. When reconciling, please check the NSF entry, do not add “A Record for the NSF check.
Check received from Check Redi
Redeposit of NSF (Monies Collected and Deposit Slip)
KEV Entry – Part I (Payment Received in NSF Module) When funds are received to pay an NSF check (by Check Redi), there are two parts. Showing funds were received and a deposit to put the funds back in the proper account.
KEV Entry – Part II Deposit of NSF Check (Check Redi)
Our Second NSF Check was not paid by Check Redi because the debt was not valid Note: Remember Check Redi would not guarantee this check. Parent placed a Stop Payment on the check, because he did not receive the t-shirts ordered prior to withdrawing his student out of the school.
Write Off NSF Check Don’t forget to notify Check Redi not to pursue as the debt as been cleared.
Write Off Check (No debt incurred – notify Check Redi) No further entry is needed in KEV, because it has been already adjusted with the original entry in the NSF Module.
Any questions? Thank you for your attendance, attention and participation. For more assistance, please contact your Financial Records Analyst.