Shropshire Rugby Conference 2017 Application Form Book Volunteer Sessions Safeguarding First Aid 6 hours Tick one box Name Address Postcode Tel Email Club/School and Age Group coached Special Requirements (diet/disability etc) Polo shirt size S M L XL XXL XXXL (Please circle appropriate) Book Rugby Sessions Session 1 Session 2 Choose 1 of A, B, C, D or E for session 1. Choose 1 of F, G H or I for session 2 . Put one letter in each box Payment by bank transfer to Royal Bank of Scotland Sort code 16-31-23 Account No. 10101143 Please quote your name in reference box Cheque made payable to SRDG Please return cheque and application form to Rae Evans, 28 Porthill Drive, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY3 8RS £30 Inc VAT