Maria Eva Duarte de Peron The First Lady of Argentina (1946-1952) 1919-1952 Lived from 1919-1952, was first lady 1946-1952.
Early Life Born María Eva Ibarguren on November 21, 1919 Illegitimacy-product of Juan Duarte’s mistress 1926-kept out of father’s funeral At 15, Evita went to Buenos Aires Her father was a middle class man who had an affair with the seamstress who worked for his family. They had several children together. Because the children were born out of wedlock, they were shunned. When he died in 1926, they were forbidden to enter because of their illegitimacy. Eva held a grudge for the rest of her life against the middle/upper class. She was fascinated with actors and models, wanted to “be” someone. Went to Buenos Aires. There are two conflicting stories. One is that she went with a man, one is that her mother took her. There is no concrete evidence of which is true. Her family insists the mother took her.
Eva in Buenos Aires Loved the “Big Apple” Began career as actress Started as radio soap actress Had relationships with many men Her relationships with many men are unclear as to what kind. Again, there is not evidence to show if she had physical relationships with them or if they were more like managers or advisors who merely helped her career.
Juan Perón Eva met Colonel Juan Perón in 1944 at a charity event in Buenos Aires Through military, gradually made his way up February 1944, Perón became Vice President and Secretary of War October 1945 arrested and soon released-married Eva four days later Elected President February 1946 Juan was also raised poor and had harsh feelings towards the middle class.
Perón in Power Eva’s public appeal helped Juan rise in power Kind to the poor, vengeful against the wealthy Military did not approve of her influence on Perón or the country “Descamisados” encouraged her candidacy for Vice President but military threatened to revolt The people (working class) loved Eva because she had been poor like them and made something of herself. And she shared their loathing of the wealthier classes. “Descamisados” translates as “the shirtless ones” which is a nickname for the working class because they do the grunt work where they may take shirts off or only wear a tshirt.
Her death Maria Eva Duarte de Peron died on July 26, 1952 Country went into mourning 8 people killed in rush to see her body Body preserved and hidden in Italy Not buried permanently until after Juan’s death Eva had a long struggle with Cancer. Many doctors and scholars believe that the reason she died so young is because she refused to stop her charity work and service of her country even after she became sick. This is evidence that supports many scholars opinions that she really was just a simple woman who wanted to help her country. He body had to be taken out of the country after her death because political radicals would have desecrated or done something to hurt the Peronist party through her.
The plaque on her grave stone.
Her legacy People rallied for her to be made a martyr-refused but masses still held for her Considered one of Argentina’s greatest leaders On Broadway-music by Andrew Lloyd Webber Movie starring Madonna
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