Focus on Fluency Nouns, Adjectives, and pronouns Developing Latin Literacy Skills, Step-by-Step Nouns, Adjectives, and pronouns
Parsing Pronouns Pronouns in Latin have three aspects to be identified Gender – masculine, feminine, neuter Number – singular, plural Case – nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, ablative, vocative Use Section 5 in A Student’s Latin Grammar to parse pronouns quārum hōs mihi
Parsing Nouns Step 1: Look up the word to find the gender Memorize the gender of a noun when learning the vocabulary for each unit Step 2: Look at the second principal part to determine the noun’s declension. First declension: -ae Second declension: -ī Third declension: -is Fourth declension: -ūs Fifth declension: -eī
Parsing Nouns Step 3: Go to Section 1 in A Student’s Latin Grammar and find the chart for the matching declension. Match the ending of the word to the chart If there is more than one match, write down the information for all matches. We will use context later to narrow down the correct form.
Parsing Adjectives Step 1: Look up the word to determine the adjective’s declension. First and Second Declension: -us, -a, -um OR –er, -ra, -rum Third Declension: Anything that doesn’t match the form above Step 2: Go to Section 2 in A Student’s Latin Grammar and find the chart for the matching declension. Match the ending of the word to the chart If there is more than one match, write down the information for all matches. We will use context later to narrow down the correct form.
Adjectives Always Agree With Their Nouns! Adjectives describe or modify nouns They always agree with their nouns in three ways: Gender Number Case The endings of a noun-adjective pair may not match, but they will agree Pay close attention when parsing! If a noun and adjective have the same identification, they most likely should be read together