Annex A - 2012 Staff Survey - Headline Findings (1) Agenda item: 17 Paper no: CM/03/12/14A Annex A - 2012 Staff Survey - Headline Findings (1) Employee Engagement levels at CQC are moderate (EEI 55), but compared with 2010 (EEI 41% - ORC International) have improved significantly. Employees are more likely to: Be proud to work for CQC (53%, up 16%) Recommend CQC as a good place to work (42%, up 17%) Want to be working for CQC in 12 months time (61%, up 10%) Overall satisfaction at CQC 48% Most measures which can be tracked over time have increased since 2010 (20 out of 28 statements) Learning and Development is an area which has shown significant improvement Satisfaction with the reward package saw the biggest drop since 2010
Headline Findings (2) Employees are most positive about the team in which they work and the ethos of service focus within the organisation The lowest performing areas are morale, management of change and communications across the organisation The directorates with the highest engagement levels are: Human Resources (EEI 71) Strategic Marketing & Comms (EEI 62) The directorate with the lowest engagement level is: Intelligence (EEI 52)