Welcome to Cub Scouting


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Cub Scouting Cub Scout Pack 909 Collins Elementary Welcome to Cub Scouting Megan Jones-Willis Cubmaster Pack 909

Cub Scout Sign Teaching the Cub Scout Sign… How: Make the sign with your right hand. Hold your arm held straight up. CUB SCOUT MOTTO: "DO YOUR BEST"

Cub Scout Sign Why: The two fingers stand for the two parts of the Cub Scout Promise: "to help other people" and "to obey." They look like a wolf’s ears ready to listen to “Akela.” CUB SCOUT MOTTO: "DO YOUR BEST"

Cub Scout Sign When: Give the Cub Scout sign when you say the "Cub Scout Promise" and the “Scout Law" or when Akela raises the sign to ask for silence. When you raise the sign, everyone becomes quiet and makes the sign themselves CUB SCOUT MOTTO: "DO YOUR BEST"

Cub Scout Salute Why: You salute the flag to show respect to our country for the Pledge of Allegiance. Touch your fingertips to your right eyebrow or cap When: Give the Cub Scout salute when you are in your Cub Scout uniform, indoors and out doors CUB SCOUT MOTTO: "DO YOUR BEST"

CUB SCOUT PROMISE/OATH: On my honor, I will do my best  To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;  To help other people at all times;  To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight. CUB SCOUT MOTTO: "DO YOUR BEST"

SCOUT LAW : A Scout is: CUB SCOUT MOTTO: "DO YOUR BEST" Trustworthy Loyal Helpful Friendly Courteous Kind Obedient Cheerful Thrifty Brave Clean and Reverent. CUB SCOUT MOTTO: "DO YOUR BEST"

Cub Scout Handshake Why: Hold out your right hand to shake, then put your two fingers along the inside of the other boys wrist. This means that you help each other to remember and obey the Scout Oath and Scout Law CUB SCOUT MOTTO: "DO YOUR BEST"

Agenda Leader Introductions How cub scouting works Uniform Dens Pack meetings How you can help Pack Committee Cost Boys Life Pack 909 calendar Registration CUB SCOUT MOTTO: "DO YOUR BEST"

Leader Introductions All Leaders please stand up so you can be introduced. Tiger Den Leader – Cindy Tremblay tigercindy94@yahoo.com  Wolf Den Leader – Beth Mitchell mitchellbeth72@gmail.com Bear Den Leader – Jeff Ringle jringle22@aim.com Webelos 1 Den Leaders - Nicole Raimond, Kurt Willis mikeysmommy6807@gmail.com, captinkurt@verizon.net Webelos 2 Den Leader – Colleen Gallivan-Goss colleen9763@hotmail.com  

Purpose of Tonight’s Meeting To explain the Cub Scouting program. To complete registrations forms and collect Scouting fees. To explain opportunities for parents to participate with son in Scouting program.

Purpose of Cub Scouting Year-round family program designed for boys who are in 1st through 5th grade. Purposes are: 1. Character Development 6. Respectful Relationships 2. Spiritual Growth 7. Personal Achievement 3. Good Citizenship 8. Friendly Service 4. Sportsmanship 9. Fun and Adventure 5. Family Understanding 10. Preparation for Boy Scouts CUB SCOUT MOTTO: "DO YOUR BEST"

Cub Scout Membership Family-centered program. Boys and parents join a Pack. Dens (same grade boys) meet weekly, beinging and ending meeting with entire Pack. Pack meeting is once a month where we present awards Pack Leaders run the Pack programs Parent’s committee runs the Pack business CUB SCOUT MOTTO: "DO YOUR BEST"

Cub Scout Membership

Uniforms Class A full uniform for Pack and optional for Den Meetings Class B t-shirt for Den Meetings & Weekend events We’ll let you know when to wear which uniform CUB SCOUT MOTTO: "DO YOUR BEST"

Den Organization Separate by age group (Tigers, Wolf, Bear, Webelos). Dens meet weekly at 6:30pm. This is when the boys work together on age group achievements so they can earn their adventure beltloops. Event Sign ups CUB SCOUT MOTTO: "DO YOUR BEST"

Pack Meetings Usually the first Thursday of the month at our Chartered Organization, SCC United Methodist Church All dens attend. Boys sit with their den and parents sit to the outside tables. Advancements Games Event Sign ups Parent meetings CUB SCOUT MOTTO: "DO YOUR BEST"

Parent Involvement We are volunteer led. We need parents help – The boys enjoy the program more when YOU are involved. There is a parent info sheet in your packet – Please fill it out and turn it in with your registration. CUB SCOUT MOTTO: "DO YOUR BEST"

Pack Committee The Committee is made up of leaders and parents. The Committee meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at the regular den meeting Committee meetings are when the pack events are planned. Your help is needed, the committee is for leaders and parents.

Cost Tonight’s registration fee of $100 covers: BSA Scout registration fee Class B uniform (t-shirt) Pack activity fees This will cover advancement, graduation, all awards, pinewood derby, raingutter regatta, and much more Administrative fees All annual fees can be paid by the individual “good turn” accounts Our fees cover from June 2016-May 2017. CUB SCOUT MOTTO: "DO YOUR BEST"

Cost Tonight’s registration fee of $55 covers: BSA Scout registration - (pro-rated) Class B uniform (t-shirt) OR Cub Scout handbook Pack activity fees - (pro-rated) Administrative fees Option 2 is $65 and includes Class B uniform (t-shirt) AND Cub Scout handbook BSA annual scout registration fee - $25 + Pack activity fee - $85 Total due - $110 for Jan-Dec 2016 This will cover advancement, graduation, all awards, pinewood derby, raingutter regatta, and much more All annual fees can be paid by the individual good turn accounts CUB SCOUT MOTTO: "DO YOUR BEST"

Cost Fundraising POPCORN POPCORN POPCORN Camp Cards You’ll have the opportunity to let your child earn his activity and offset the cost of their scouting fees by participating in the Popcorn fundraiser. More info on popcorn will be available at the meeting next week. Camp Cards Other events - concessions CUB SCOUT MOTTO: "DO YOUR BEST"

Boys Life Boys life is a scouting magazine that is super fun and full of great information. This comes with your registration – there is a sample in your parent packet. The monthly magazine is a full size magazine. The cost is an additional $10 for a subscription CUB SCOUT MOTTO: "DO YOUR BEST"

Calendar of Events A listing of upcoming Pack activities is included in your parent pack. Add these things to your calendar; RSVP to Events in Scoutmanager or on sign up sheets Den meetings are fun, but the monthly pack events are the best!!! Sign up sheets with some of our upcoming events are located in the back of the cafeteria. See what exciting Pack events we have coming up. CUB SCOUT MOTTO: "DO YOUR BEST"

Scout Manager Our Pack’s main system to track advancements. Scout good turn account balance Calendar with ability to sign up for events online Newsletter – keep up to date of our upcoming activities and recent fun Pack directory CUB SCOUT MOTTO: "DO YOUR BEST"

Now What Fill out the BSA registration and parent info forms. The health form is required for all family members. We’ve given one copy – if you can make copies for your family members. If not we can provide more copies. See our committee members in the back to turn in your forms and payment Once you are home: Watch for your scoutmanager login invitation and set up your account – this is the official calendar Join our Facebook page – Cub Scouts Pack 909 Complete Youth Protection training (all adults): http://www.scouting.org/Training.aspx

Now What Fill out the BSA registration and parent info forms. The health form is required for all family members. We’ve given one copy – if you can make copies for your family members. If not we can provide more copies. See our committee members in the back to turn in your forms and payment Once you are home: Watch for your scoutmanager login invitation and set up your account – this is the official calendar Join our Facebook page – Pack 909 Complete Youth Protection training (all adults): http://www.scouting.org/Training.aspx

THANK YOU If you have any questions please contact Megan Jones-Willis at pack909fl@gmail.com or 813-838-8636 If you would like a copy of this presentation please email Megan. CUB SCOUT MOTTO: "DO YOUR BEST"