Boy Scouts of America Journey to Excellence
Market Research What do your Cub Scouts want from your Pack? Fun, Adventure, Excitement, New Opportunities, Chance to be with and know adults What do you probably want from your Pack? Fun, Rewarding, Chance to help youth, Chance for service Efficient, Help from others, not take too much of your time, be and feel successful What do your Cub Scout’s parents want from your Pack? Growth, improved character, Cub Scout has fun and is happy Safe, Well Organized, not too expensive, doesn’t take too much time, opportunity for youth to do service What does Scouting want from your Pack? Serve youth, use BSA methods and policies, be strong, healthy and growing 2
JTE Overview Outline – Criteria for Performance Recognition Advancement Service Project Retention Budget Building Scouting Parent Involvement Activities Recharter On-time Camping JTE Assessment Trained Leadership Point System Bronze – 700, Silver – 1,000, Gold – 1,600 Measure for Success Help Direct Program Success Successful Performance = Strong Program 3
Pack Overview Performance Achievements Maximum Points: 2,650 Bronze Criteria Max. Points Advancement 400 Retention Building Cub Scouting 300 Outdoor Activities Trained Leadership 200 Day/Resident Camp Service Projects Leadership Planning Webelos-Scout Transition Budget 100 Pack/Den Meetings Recharter On-Time 25 Annual Assessment Maximum Points: 2,650 Bronze 700 Points + 10/13 Criteria Silver 1,000 Points + Bronze Gold 1,600 Points + Bronze
Troop Overview Performance Achievements Maximum Points: 2,650 Bronze Criteria Max. Points Advancement 300 Retention Building Boy Scouting Trained Leadership Short-Term Camping 200 Long-Term Camping Patrol Method Service Projects Webelos-to-Scout Transition Budget 100 Court of Honor/Parent Mtg Recharter On-Time 50 Annual Assessment Maximum Points: 2,650 Bronze 700 Points + 11/13 Criteria Silver 1,000 Points + Bronze Gold 1,600 Points + Bronze 5
Crew Overview Performance Achievements Maximum Points: 2,650 Bronze Criteria Max. Points Activities 400 Building Venturing 300 Retention Youth Leadership Service Projects Trained Leadership Super Activity Parents Meeting 100 Budget 50 Recharter On-Time Annual Assessment Maximum Points: 2,650 Bronze 700 Points + 9/11 Criteria Silver 1,000 Points + Bronze Gold 1,600 Points + Bronze 6
Advancement 50% 75% 100% 50% 75% 100% 7
Retention 50% 75% 100% 50% 75% 100% 50% 75% 100% 8
Building Scouting 19 Members OR +1 Gain 5% Increase
Trained Leadership Cubmaster BALOO Committee (3) OWLS This Is Scouting Fast Start Training YPT (3 Months) Scoutmaster Asst. Scoutmaster Committee (3) Youth officer installations before November 15th Venturing Advisor Asst. Advisor Committee (3) Leader Specific (6 Months) 10
Service Project Yes – They may be joint projects with other groups! 2 3 4 At least one project must benefit the sponsoring organization 4 5 6 Project and Project Hours MUST be entered into JTE website 2 3 4 11
Scouts are involved in the budget process Have a written budget reviewed at committee meetings and that follows BSA policies. Scouts are involved in the budget process Have a written budget planned by the youth and committee, continually review the budget, and follow BSA policies. Earn previous medals, plus budget is complete by 05/31 for NEXT program year 12
Register On-Time AND Assessment ON TIME REGISTRATION – UNIT RECHARTERING Super Saturday – December 3, 2011 JTE FORM COMPLETE Need EVERYTHING complete: Tabulations Signatures Blue and Gold Dates Unit FOS Dates
Pack Specifics Day/Resident Camp Leadership Planning Participates at Camp! Attendance: 25% Attendance: 40% BY MAY 31: 2012 Leadership Completely Assembled BY SEP 30: Membership Recruitment! BY OCT 15: EVERY 2012 Leadership Position Assembled CM DL WL
Pack Specifics Pack and Den Meetings Committee meets 6 times throughout the year During the year: 9 meetings throughout the year Committee meets 10 times throughout the year
Pack/Troop Specifics Webelos – to – Scout Registration: 60% Hold two (2) joint activities, one of which is a parent orientation and camp promotion meeting. Recruit 2 Webelos Recruit 5 Webelos
Troop Specifics Short-Term Camping Long-Term Camping 4 8 10 Short-Term Campout = One Overnight Participate in LT Camp > 60% participate in LT Camp > 70% participate in LT Camp Summer Camp Camp Staff Jamboree High Adventure
Troop Specifics Court of Honor/Parent Meetings Patrol Method 2 3 4 Scouts recognized for badges and cards Troop plans reviewed with parents - Have Patrols Each Patrol has a leader SPL if more than one patrol Patrol Leader Training PLC meets 4 times a year PLC meets 6 times a year PLC meets 10 times a year Annual Planning Annual Planning NYLT
Pack Overview Criteria BRONZE SILVER GOLD Advancement 100 200 400 Retention Building Cub Scouting 75 150 300 Outdoor Activities Trained Leadership 50 Day/Resident Camp Service Projects Leadership Planning Webelos-Scout Transition Budget 25 Pack/Den Meetings Recharter On-Time Annual Assessment Criteria Total Achievements 10 Points 1,225 Score SILVER