Ignite Your Membership Fall Recruiting


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Presentation transcript:

Ignite Your Membership Fall Recruiting 2017 One More Tiger!

Agenda Overview Membership goals Back-to-school night Recruiting/sign-up night Recruiting activity Pack plan District resources Courtney

Overview Cub Scout Packs survive by recruiting Recruiting brings new kids and adults into the program Recruiting is a VERB Recruiting is a TEAM SPORT Courtney

Council Membership Goals Every traditional unit has at least 1 Tiger den of 6 or more scouts Every LDS unit has at least 1 Wolf den of 6 or more scouts Every Pack participating in the Lion pilot has a den of 6 or more scouts Over 90% of Boy Scouts graduated from Cub Scout packs. By focusing our recruiting efforts on Cub Scouts, and building quality programs, we build a solid base of Scouts in the Mount Baker Council year after year

Council Membership Goals Area Membership Goal Growth Goal % Tigers 450 30% Lions 200 100% Total Cub Scouts 3600 6.7% Total Boy Scouts 7000 4.8% Why? Because growing membership provides opportunities to serve more youth, creating stronger leaders and building better communities where we live and work Lori Many Councils have dropped 8-10% annually in membership.

Membership Goals Tigers  Webelos  Boy Scouts Increase total membership 90% Retention Increases Adult Volunteers Lori So it’s not only a matter of recruiting new scouts, but retention, keeping them. I hope the new Cub program packed with more Adventures will keep the scouts you work so hard to recruit.

Recruitment Plan Denise

Recruitment Plan STARTS with Annual Planning Meeting (usually in May/June, but NOW if you haven’t done so) Calendar all next year’s activities Includes Fall Recruiting Budget/Fundraising based on Activities planned Don’t forget Summer Activities! Back to the Pack Meeting in Aug/earlySept Denise Handout planning sheets Fall Recruiting: Rocket Launch, Stampede What are some of your back to school recruitment ideas? Summer: Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award & National Summertime Pack Award

Recruitment Plan Who is in charge of recruiting? To whom does that person answer? Who is responsible for recruiting? Denise

Recruiting Meeting Committee/parent meeting — ASAP! Review current membership Set goals for membership increase If you don’t have a goal, you can’t meet it! Set a budget 3 activities/meetings to meet goal Use every resource, Journey to Excellence What are your target schools – Build Relationship, Fall School Calendar Meet with Principal School District information distribution policy Do your goals meet requirements for Spring Membership Campaign? What is Journey to Excellence? Place scout information on school bulletin boards or with chartered organization (bulletins, newsletters, etc)

Activities/Meetings #1 — Back to School Night “Get the word out night.” Draw them to sign-up night #2 — Recruiting/Sign-up Night Recruit boys to join Boys hand out invitations Post Flyers and Yard Signs Recruit adult leaders #3 — Big activity “The hook” Make sure they come back Denise #1 Open House, Back to the Pack Night #2 Successful sign up night needs #3 ENTHUSIASM! FUN!

Back to School Night Jenny

Back to School #1 “Get the word out night.” School open house Flyers Increase Recruiting Night attendance School open house Flyers Classroom In the neighborhood, library, church Yard signs Booth Jenny

Back to School Booth “Attention-getter” (Pinewood Derby cars, Rockets, Field Day, etc.) Interest Signup list (get contact info.) Display boards Cubmaster Boys in uniform & Hand out invitations Pack flyer (Available from the Scout office) Pack calendar Jenny

Back to School Booth. Cub Scouting information/flyers Handbooks Mini-Boy’s Life Swag Printed invitation to Recruiting Night Positive attitudes! Jenny

Back to School Follow up Contact everyone on interest list Invite to Recruiting/Signup Night Invite to recruiting activity Answer questions Refer them to Pack website/Facebook for more information Jenny

Recruiting/Sign-Up Night Lori

Sign-up Night #2 Recruiting night as a Pack meeting Actively publicize Boys hand out invitations Yard signs Flyers in classrooms Flyers in neighborhood, library, church Pack website/Facebook Call or email interest list from Back to School night Lori

Sign-up Night Basic agenda Welcome and introductions Audience participation skit or song Describe BSA program Tigers -Webelos Brief description of Unit details Meeting times and locations Key events Stress Scouting is family activity Lori

Sign-up Night Break out adults and youth Shift from presenter-style to station-to-station model (den groups) Open house format Leaders at each station Increases flexibility for attending families Encourages relationship building Removes pressure for adult leaders Lori

Sign-up Night Activities for kids Displays Away from the parents (outside) Games, rain gutter regatta, rockets! Scouts in uniform Ask troop to help Reduces adult workload Positive role models Displays Campsite Pinewood Derby track Lori

Sign-up Night Information for Parents Cubmaster and Den Leaders in uniform Membership packets Pack information sheet Leader/parent roster Pack calendar List of vacant leadership positions Display board with uniform examples Treasurer and Membership Chair Receipt book Lori

Sign-up Night Registration table Invitation to big activity Youth and adult applications Pack calendar Cost information Leader/parent roster Turn in applications Pay fees Receive handbook Parent talent survey Invitation to big activity Lori

Recruitment/Sign-up Night Sign in What we do Sign in Welcome What is Cub Scouts Get contact info When/where we meet Calendar Activity fliers Check out Lori Sign up Registration forms Meet and talk with Den Leaders Questions Volunteer opportunities Turn in forms Pay registration fees Receive handbook Big activity invitation Complete registration forms Cost information Leaders/roster

Recruiting Activity !TNEMETICXE! Denise

Big Activity #3 Big activity during the next month WHY? Bike Rodeo Camping Trip Service Project Hike Rocket launch Critter Racing Cub Olympics Ice Cream Social WHY? Give written invitation to this activity at the open house & sign-up night Denise Call and follow up with all!

Pack Plan

Let’s Make a Plan to Reach Every Boy! Pack Plan Let’s Make a Plan to Reach Every Boy! Hand out Pack planning sheets and Membership Growth and Retention Plans. Have each Pack complete both forms. Explain how to fill out and what numbers they should come up with. Give them 10 minutes to complete.

Pack Plan Order recruiting materials — August Back to School night — when is yours? Recruiting/Sign-up night — Based on timeline of flyers going out to students Turn in all applications — Sept 30th Recruiting activity Stampede at Fire Mountain – Oct. 21 Follow up. Follow up. Follow up. Denise Let your District Membership Committee know your recruitment night events/schedules

BeAScout.org Every pack can receive inquiries Get new Scouts with little effort Are you set up correctly? Jenny





District Resources Brian

District Resources Unit Commissioner District Executives Roundtable District Membership Chairs District Executives Roundtable Scout Office Information and training Posters, signs, handouts, etc. District Newsletter & Facebook Page. Brian

Incentives Free Weekend of camping and fishing at Fire Mountain for: Any traditional unit that registers at least 6 Tigers Any LDS Unit that registers at least 6 Wolfs Camping is subject to availability on a first come, first serve basis Brian

Start, Stop, Continue Follow up Committee meeting after the big activity. Did you meet your goals? What went right? What did not? What could be improved? What should you continue to do? Put the date of the next recruiting meeting on the calendar. Recruiting is year round activity. Courtney

Questions? Courtney