Gerald R. Ford Becomes Our Nation’s 38th President: The 25th Amendment at Work
The Constitution of the United States of America was signed in 1787. The 25th Amendment is part of our Constitution and guides our country when the Vice President or President need to be replaced for any reason.
In 1973, the President needed to appoint a new Vice President and he chose a Congressman, Gerald R. Ford. Only a few months later, the President had to leave office and Gerald R. Ford became the 38th President of the United States! View the following photos and read the captions to learn why Gerald R. Ford was selected for this very special job.
Always come to dinner on time! The character traits that made Gerald R. Ford a great leader were taught to him as a young boy. He went to Madison Elementary School in Grand Rapids, MI and always followed his mom’s three rules: Work hard Tell the truth Always come to dinner on time! Do you think following these rules would make him a good leader?
The Boy Scout Oath states that a Scout is: Gerald R. Ford joined the Boy Scouts and was our only President to become an Eagle Scout. The Boy Scout Oath states that a Scout is: trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. Are these the traits you would look for in a leader?
Gerald R. Ford played football for the University of Michigan. What can you learn from playing sports on a team?
Gerald R. Ford served in the United States Navy during World War II. What character traits would someone need to serve in the military?
Gerald R. Ford worked as a Congressional Representative for many years Gerald R. Ford worked as a Congressional Representative for many years. He helped make laws for our country. All of the things he did in his life were preparing him to be a leader with good character…
Thanks to our Constitution, Gerald R Thanks to our Constitution, Gerald R. Ford was sworn in as President on August 9th, 1974. Gerald R. Ford did not expect to be President, but he showed courage when he rose to the challenge!