Student Programs Session III – November 29th, 2016
The Four C’s: Making 21st Century Education Happen Using the ‘Four Cs’ to engage students is imperative. As educators prepare students for this new global society, teaching the core content subjects—math, social studies, the arts—must be enhanced by incorporating critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity.
Opportunities for Involvement Fine Arts & Athletics LT CLASS Project 2016-2017
Academics Accounting Current Issues and Events Computer Science Lincoln Douglas Debate Persuasive Speaking Calculator Applications Spelling and Vocabulary Editorial Writing Poetry Interpretation Feature Writing Number Sense Literary Criticism Headline Writing Computer Applications Mathematics Ready Writing News Writing Social Studies Debate Science One Act Play
Engaged Students Touch-Points 1550 Athletic 1407 Fine arts 452 Clubs/Organizations 2100 CTE 1780 Advanced Level Opportunities Clubs/Student Organizations UIL Athletics, Fine Arts, & Academic Events
So What? Better grades Increased social/emotional health Authentic character development Increased school safety Increased sense of community Develops the “whole child” Engaged Citizens LT CLASS Project 2016-2017
Lake Travis High School Career & Technical Education (CTE) Programs
Introduction CTE by the numbers: 20 high school teachers 40+ unique courses 2000+ students
CTE Programs Offered
Computer Science and Engineering 4 levels of courses Women in Computer Science & Engineering club Engineering 7 course options Technology Student Association and Robotics club
Film Audio Video Production courses learn fundamentals of film and can pursue the content through: Football games School events Community events
Health Science Acute care clinical observations Hands-on skills training at Brookdale Long Term Care and Texas Nurse Aide licensure Pharmacy Technician certification preparation program Future offerings may include EMT and/or Medical Assistant certification Student organization: HOSA – Future Health Professionals
Business & Marketing 18 different Business and Marketing courses offered Student Organizations: DECA – Business, Finance, Marketing & Hospitality Jr. Chamber of Commerce
Tonight’s highlighted program: Agricultural Sciences
So much more than just “sows, cows and plows!”
Growth and Awareness 250+ students enrolled in courses Continue to add new Ag course options Courses available for Science, Technology and Fine Art credit 100+ paid FFA Members Growth and Awareness
What do we teach? Kelly White Principles of Agriculture Horticulture/ Landscape Design Vet Tech Wildlife/Range Ecology FFA Advisor What do we teach?
What do we teach? Perry White Ag Mechanic and Metal Fabrication Ag Fabrication and Design/Welding Livestock Production Advanced Animal Science Ag Power / Small Engines FFA Advisor What do we teach?
FFA Officers
Together we all make up the Lake Travis Ag & FFA Community Student success, is our success, as it is your success! Please encourage other community members and parents to be as involved in their child’s education as you are and help support this worthy cause! We teach our kids to be humble and gracious winners and to take their losses as a learning experience by which to grow. Together we all make up the Lake Travis Ag & FFA Community
Head to the Barns!