TOP 10 Records Management Tips Countdown


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Presentation transcript:

TOP 10 Records Management Tips Countdown With David Letterman With David Letterman Opps, I mean With Caroline Walters University Records Officer

No. 10 What is a Record/Public Record anyway? And why should I care? Virginia Public Records Act defines a record UVa is a state agency.

What is a Record/Public Record? "Public record" or "record" means recorded information that documents a transaction or activity by or with any public officer, agency or employee of an agency. Regardless of physical form or characteristic, the recorded information is a public record if it is produced, collected, received or retained in pursuance of law or in connection with the transaction of public business. The medium upon which such information is recorded has no bearing on the determination of whether the recording is a public record.” (Code of Virginia §42.1-77.)

What is really a record? Anything you use, create, receive to do your job Any format – paper, electronic, video, audio, etc. Can a public record be confidential?? YES

No. 9 Do I need to keep all public records “forever”? How can I destroy public records? Virginia Public Records Act assigns records management to the Library of Virginia LVa sets retention of records for state agencies Requires designation of a Records Officer for the state agency.

Destruction of Public Records No agency shall destroy or discard a public record unless : (i) the record appears on a records retention and disposition schedule . . . and the record's retention period has expired; (ii) a certificate of records destruction . . .has been properly completed and approved by the agency's designated records officer; (iii) there is no litigation, audit, investigation, request for records pursuant to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (Code of Virginia §42.1-86.1.)

Records Retention Schedules

No. 8 But I just have copies?? Do I have to follow the retentions?? They are mine!!! You work for a state agency, the records belong to the University!

Official Record vs. Reference Copy Official Recordkeeper is required to follow the retentions and document destruction. Reference copies owners can retain the records for as long as the retention, but no longer, and do not need to document destruction. Reference copies are still University Records, although not the official record, and are still subject to FOIA, litigation, and investigations. Employees are the custodians of the University’s property – records – they do not own them.

No. 7 Do you spend loads of time trying to find records?? Electronic or Paper?? Do you have off-site storage and have no clue what is out there? Do you have file cabinets or server space and don’t know what is in them?? DO AN INVENTORY!

Records Inventory For both physical and electronic records Make it simple Include all the information you need Use Excel Spreadsheet so you can order and sort

No. 6 Do you have a file cabinet that you never open?? Not sure what paper or electronic records/information you use? Do you worry that if you destroy something then you will need it? Use the “post-it note” test!!

Post-It Note Test For physical records: Put a post it on each file cabinet or binder Each time you open and use information in the cabinet or binder put a dash on the post-it. After 6 months or longer – review the post-its – no dashes = you don’t use that information Look in all the drawers/binders that you don’t use – evaluate based upon requirement retention and destroy if retention is met. Alternate Option – TAPE THE DRAWERS SHUT

Reference Log For electronic records or paper records: Keep a log (electronic, paper) Everytime you use a resource (email, electronic information/database, paper records) document what you actually used Enter the earliest year of information you used Purpose of use Importance of information After 6 months review Destroy records you are not using that have met retention

No. 5 Can’t find what you need in the file drawers? Are the records you use most down the hall? Shared paper records are filed haphazardly? Reorganize you paper records!!!

Organize your paper files Use your inventory to review what you have Don’t have an inventory – see hint No 7. Destroy everything that you don’t need Choose an organizational scheme Subject Case Practice scheme virtually

Organize your paper files Share paper records/central file room?? Work with everyone who shares the paper to make rules/decisions on how they will be organized Standardize language/naming conventions Organization Tips Reorganize in sections/areas – don’t try to do it all at once Document, Document, Document

No. 4 Can’t find what you need in shared drive, hard-drive or email? Multiple copies of the same thing on shared drive? Everyone uses different names?? Reorganize you electronic records!!!

Electronic Information Organization Paper records are placed in . . . FOLDERS Electronic information are placed in . . . FOLDERS Emails are filed in . . . FOLDERS MATCH YOUR PAPER AND ELECTRONIC RECORDS FILING SYSTEM

Electronic Information Organization Start with an inventory (No. 7) Shared servers: Don’t use personal names Standardize file names/folder names Share procedures with everyone with access to shared drive Audit the shared drive yearly Annual, destroy records that have met retention

BONUS ORGANIZING HINTS Put years on tabs/file names to help with figuring retention: Financial FY 10-11 Use Sub-Folders: Student Correspondence Course 511 – Spring 2010 Use colored folders (use color electronically if possible) Review your organizational scheme regularly and adjust as needed

No. 3 TIME TO VISIT YOUR STORAGE Have an off site storage? Paying $100 or more per month? Have never been there? Storage in the basement, attic or secret closet? Do you keep shoving boxes or file cabinets in storage? TIME TO VISIT YOUR STORAGE

Boxed Storage Useful for storage of records or other items that need to retained, but are not used regularly DO NOT put boxes of someone’s desk in storage!! We have found our share of old aspirins, combs, handcream, shoes, sweaters, 1970’s clocks, etc.

Storage Hints Have an inventory of everything in storage Can be a box list Label/Identify every box – with more than just a name Contents Year(s) Retention or Destruction dates Contact person Visit Storage at least once a year to remove boxes you no longer need and to organize other boxes

Bad Storage

Good Storage

No. 2 Have too many emails in your in box? Not sure what to keep? Not sure how to organize? Using UVa Email for all kinds of personal correspondence? MANAGE AND ORGANIZE YOUR EMAIL!!!

EMAIL: 5 second rule In the first 5 seconds of opening an email decide: Is this email something I need to follow-up on? Yes, keep in In-Box, use In-Box as list of things to do Once you have followed-up, move email and your response to a folder on the subject/topic See Hint #4 for folder organizational tips Is this email something I need to keep for records or reference purposes? File in a folder for reference Is this email BACN/SPAM or no longer useful? DELETE!!

EMAIL Tips UVa email are public records Manage UVa email based upon content and follow the retention schedules Personal mail on the UVa system – okay – but be careful and delete when no longer needed. Empty your trash regularly File/delete from your sent box regularly Daily – schedule 5-30 min daily file/delete email Yearly – schedule time to review folders, create new folders and delete folders that have met retention

No. 1 HELP!!! Records Management to the RESCUE!! Website: Call US with Questions? Caroline – 243-9162 or Lori - 243-7624 Email Questions Schedule a SITE VISIT to your office or storage

UVa Records Management Office Up Coming Events: Personal Records Management June 8, 2010 – 10 a.m. – Noon, Commonwealth Room Records Management Conference June 16, 2010 – Newcomb Hall Ballroom Registration limited to 100 REGISTRATION OPEN NOW Records Management Day July 29, 2010 Onsite Shredding/Destruction of paper and electronic media Morning (Gilmer Hall); Afternoon (Carruthers Hall)

Questions? Records Management Office University of Virginia, 2400 Old Ivy Rd. Box 400898, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4898 Caroline Walters: (434) 243-9162 Lori Kressin: (434) 243-7624 Email: