Religions of the World
Middle East Pre WWII Middle East Post WWII (1948) WHAT’S DIFFERENT??
A PLACE TO CALL HOME Due to the Holocaust, the United Nations comes together and tries to find a way to “pay back” the Jewish people The Answer? To give them their homeland back. The country of Israel is created in 1948….but we gotta kick out the Muslims that have been living there for 2,000 years!
1930s-1970s Middle Eastern countries fight for their independence from the French & British Once independent, they fight over the Holy Land amongst themselves
Israel wants to expand their homeland to what it used to be, (yes it’s been over 2,000 years!!) including Mt. Sinai (10 commandments) and Jerusalem (David’s temple) 720 BC 1967-77 1948…
CONNECTION!!! OPEC/Oil Crisis of the 1970s…we support Israel in these Holy Wars, OPEC cuts us off until we lessen our support of Israel President Carter’s solution? Peace Accord! 1977, Egypt & Israel are fighting over Sinai so Carter invites Egypt & Israel to USA for a “Peace Summit”
THE AGREEMENT Israel promised to give up the land of Sinai to Egypt if Egypt promised NOT to help any Arab countries in fighting Israel Embargo was lifted and the two countries began to trade with each other Egyptian leader, Sadat, assassinated in 1981 by an Egyptian Muslim Armed Forces
1979-1980 Iran Hostage Crisis President: Jimmy Carter Iranian Leader Ayatollah Khomeini Presentation by Robert Martinez Images as cited.
TIMELINE OF Iranian leadership 1952 1954 Late 1954 1978
BUT FIRST Let’s Go Back… It’s all about the $$$ this case: OIL 1951 - Great Britain owns a “piece of the oil pie” as long as the pro-west/anti-Muslim Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi is in charge 1953 – Shah is overthrown by the people and pro-Muslim Mohammad Mosaddegh, takes back control of oil
1954 – Shah returns to power – Iranians are outraged Late 1953 – Great Britain pleas with Pres. Eisenhower to help overthrow Mosaddegh (“they’re all commies!!!), reinstate the Shah in return for a “piece of the oil pie”….Eisenhower agrees 1954 – Shah returns to power – Iranians are outraged What was the Shah like??
Anti-US & Anti-Shah Campaign… Ayatollah Khomeini Prisoned and later exiled for his preaching, Khomeini rallied support against the Shah for 14 years before the Islamic Revolution in 1978 exiling the Shah and instating Khomeini.
- The Shah left for Egypt but later requested to go to the USA to be treated for Cancer - October 22, 1979, the Pres. Jimmy Carter permits Shah angering the Iranians.
The Shah’s admission to the U. S The Shah’s admission to the U.S. intensified Iranian revolutionaries anti- Americanism and spawned rumors of a U.S. backed coup to re-install the Shah.
Around 6:30 am on November 4, the Muslim Student Followers of the Imam’s Line (500 Islamic students) forced themselves into the U.S. embassy taking 50 US hostages in the capital city of Teheran.
The students bound and blindfolded the embassy soldiers and staff and paraded them in front of photographers.
The Muslim Student Followers of the Imam’s Line demanded that the Shah pay the Iranians blood money, return to Iran for trial and a formal apology from the US.
US RESPONSE: President Carter applied economic and diplomatic pressure on Iran. Oil imports from Iran were stopped, and $8 billion of Iranian assets were frozen.
The hostage takers declared that the hostages were actually “guests” of the Ayatollah, but their treatment was not always gracious. They were often paraded blindfolded before local crowds and television cameras.
The hostages experienced long periods of solitary confinement and forbidden to speak to one another for months…execution pranks
After rejecting Iranian demands, Carter approved an ill-fated secret rescue mission, Operation Eagle Claw.
In the Iranian desert, a rescue helicopter ran into a C-130 tanker aircraft and crashed, killing eight U.S. servicemen and injuring several more.
After the mission and its failure were made known, Khomeini’s prestige skyrocketed in Iran as he credited divine intervention of Islam.
In America, President Carter’s popularity and prospects for being reelected in 1980 were further damaged after a April 25 television address in which he explained the failed rescue mission.
The death of the Shah, and the invasion of Iran by neighboring Iraq in September 1980 may have made Iran more receptive to the idea of resolving the hostage crisis.
With 3rd-party assistance, the U. S With 3rd-party assistance, the U.S. and Iran agreed to the Algiers Accords. Iran agreed to release the hostages, and the U.S. unfroze Iranian assets, and pledged the following….
…. “it is and from now on will be the policy of the U. S ….“it is and from now on will be the policy of the U.S. not to intervene, directly or indirectly, politically, or militarily, in Iran’s internal affairs.” This was viewed as a major victory over the West by a middle-eastern Muslim country.
On January 20, 1981, minutes after Reagan was sworn in as President, the American hostages were released by Iran, having spent 444 days in captivity.
The hostages were flown to Rhein-Main Air Base in West Germany, where former President Carter, received them.