SS7H2b EQ. What are the historical reasons for the establishment of the modern state of Israel?
History of Palestine Created by Ottoman empire @ the end of WWI Important to Jews, Christians, and Muslims because it is where much of what is written in their Holy Books took place Most important – Jerusalem Before WWII, Palestine divided again Most people living there were Arabs However, Jews started immigrating there to create a Jewish homeland
Palestine’s importance Region important to Jews, Christians, and Muslims because this is where much of what is written in the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Qur’an took place. There are many religious sites in Palestine sacred to all three religions.
BALFOUR DECLARATION statement issued by the British government in 1917 in favor of a Jewish state located in Palestine
1920 Mandate for Jewish Palestine
1922 Mandate for Jewish Palestine
United Nations An international organization composed of most of the countries of the world. It was founded in 1945 to promote peace, security, and economic development. In 1947, the United Nations approved the partition of Palestine into two states, one Jewish and one Arab.
How was Israel established? On May 14, 1948* the state of Israel declared independence and this was followed by a war with the surrounding Arab states, which refused to accept the UN plan. *May 14, 1948, the day the British Mandate over Palestine expired
The United States was the first country to recognize Israel when President Harry Truman granted de-facto recognition eleven minutes after the proclamation of independence. Three days later, the USSR granted Israel de-jure recognition. Nearly a year after its creation, on May 11, 1949, Israel was admitted as the 59th member of the United Nations. At least 149 countries officially recognize Israel, though a number of countries have suspended or severed their diplomatic relations. Twenty-five countries have never recognized Israel.
Before and after
4 main reasons Connection to the land Anti-Semitism Zionism Holocaust There are 4 Reasons for the Creation of Israel. Connection to the land Anti-Semitism Zionism Holocaust
Connection to the land The connection of the Jews to the land which is Israel spans several thousand years, so they feel they have a historical connection to the land.
The discrimination and prejudice against Jews. Widespread in Europe What is anti-Semitism? The discrimination and prejudice against Jews. Widespread in Europe Hatred towards Jews because they practiced the Jewish faith
What is Zionism? (Zionists) A worldwide Jewish movement started in the 1880’s that resulted in the establishment and development of the state of Israel.
What was the Holocaust? January 30, 1933 – May 8, 1945 The mass slaughter of the Jewish ethnic group by the German Nazis during World War II. It was the systematic killing of 6 million Jews (genocide=the killing of a specific group/race in an area) 5 million others were killed (gypsies, mentally ill, homosexuals) January 30, 1933 – May 8, 1945