Europa, lanzamientos del 2010 Conservas de pescado Fuente: Base de datos “Product Launch Analytics”, Datamonitor
Conservas de pescado 2010 Filets de Maquereaux - Marines Citron Basilic In France, Wenceslas Chancerelle SAS has launched a new Filets de Maquereaux Marines Citron Basilic (Mackerel Fillets Marinated in Lemon and Basil) under the Connetable brand name. This product is said to be Fair Trade and rich in Omega 3. It is retailed in a 120g metal can. Claims: Fair Trade; High Omega-3 Packaging type: can Packaging material: metal Flavors: Basil; Blend; Lemon Ingredients: Mackerel; Water; Alcohol Vinegar; Wine Vinegar; Lemons; Extra Virgin Olive Oil; Sugar; White Wine; Salt; Basil; Guar Gum; Spices Nutrition: 160.00kcal Calories; 15.00g Protein; 2.50g Saturated Fat; 100g Serving Size; Servings Per Package; 0.40g Sodium; 11.00g Total Fat t
Conservas de pescado 2010 Ramirez TunaCol - Atum em Oleo de Girassol com Isoflovanas New to consumers in Portugal is the Atum em Oleo de Girassol com Isoflovanas (Tuna in sunflower oil with Isoflovanes) marketed under the Ramirez TunaCol brand name. Suitable for those suffering from cholesterol, the product is said to be made with 40 mg of isoflavones which help fighting against cholesterol. Manufactured in Portugal by Ramirez & Ca Filhos S.A., it is presented in a 120g metal can priced at 1.99 EUR. Packaging type: can Packaging material: metal Ingredients: Tuna; Sunflower Oil; Isoflavones; Salt Nutrition: 167.00kcal Calories; < 0.10g Carbohydrates; < 0.10g Fiber; 3.80g Monounsaturated Fat; 5.70g Polyunsaturated Fat; 18.20g Protein; 1.60g Salt; 1.60g Saturated Fat; 100g Serving Size; Servings Per Package; 0.60g Sodium; < 0.10g Sugar; 10.50g Total Fat Price & packaging size:1.99 EUR - 120 Grams t
Conservas de pescado 2010 Appel Gourmet-Klasse - Pangasius Filets - India Tandoori Sauce Appel Feinkost GmbH has recently launched a new variety of Pangasius Filets (Pangasius Catfish Fillets) to its Appel Gourmet-Klasse range. Consumers in Germany can now also purchase a flavor of India Tandoori Sauce. It comes in a 125g metal can and is priced at 1.69 EUR. Claims: Gourmet Packaging type: can Packaging material: metal Flavors: Blend; Catfish; Tandoori Ingredients: Pangasius Fish; Water; Canola Oil; Sugar; Tomato Puree; Spices; Spirit Vinegar; White Wine; Salt; E472e; Modified Starch; Milk Protein; Xanthan Gum Nutrition: 177.00kcal Calories; 7.40g Carbohydrates; 0.50g Fiber; 14.00g Protein; 1.20g Saturated Fat; 100g Serving Size; Servings Per Package; 0.44g Sodium; 7.20g Sugar; 10.20g Total Fat Price & packaging size:1.69 EUR - 125 Grams t
Conservas de pescado 2010 Saupiquet Selection - Filets de Maquereaux - Au Vin Blanc et aux Aromates Consumers in Romania can now purchase the new Filets de Maquereaux (Mackerel Fillets) under the Saupiquet Selection brand name. The product is sold in the variety Au Vin Blanc et aux Aromates (With White Wine, Herbs and Spices) and is presented in a 176g metal can priced at 15.4 RON. Saupiquet is the manufacturer. Packaging type: can Packaging material: metal Ingredients: Mackerel Fillets; Water; Pickles; Carrots; Red Pepper; Onions; Parsley; Vinegar; White Wine Vinegar; White Wine; Salt; Aromas Nutrition: 160.00kcal Calories; 0.60g Carbohydrates; 11.50g Protein; 100g Serving Size; Servings Per Package; 12.40g Total Fat Price & packaging size:15.40 RON - 176 Grams t
Conservas de pescado 2010 Essential Waitrose - Mackerel in Spring Water Recently in the United Kingdom under the Essential Waitrose private label brand name, new Mackerel in Spring Water has been launched for consumers. The product is presented in a 125ml metal can, priced at 0.75 GBP and is distributed by Waitrose Ltd. Claims: Private Label Packaging type: can Packaging material: metal Flavors: Blend; Catfish; Tandoori Ingredients: Pangasius Fish; Water; Canola Oil; Sugar; Tomato Puree; Spices; Spirit Vinegar; White Wine; Salt; E472e; Modified Starch; Milk Protein; Xanthan Gum Nutrition: 177.00kcal Calories; 7.40g Carbohydrates; 0.50g Fiber; 14.00g Protein; 1.20g Saturated Fat; 100g Serving Size; Servings Per Package; 0.44g Sodium; 7.20g Sugar; 10.20g Total Fat Price & packaging size:0.75 GBP - 125 Millilitres t
Conservas de pescado 2010 Fish 4 Ever - Scottish Mackerel In Spring Water Organico Real Foods Limited is launching new Scottish Mackerel In Spring Water to consumers in the United Kingdom under the Fish 4 Ever brand name. The product is "sustainably fished". It is presented in a 125g overboxed metal can, and priced at 1.13 GBP. Claims: Private Label Packaging type: Box; Can Packaging material: Metal; Paperboard Flavors: Blend; Catfish; Tandoori Ingredients: Mackerel; Spring Water Nutrition: 222.00kcal Calories; 18.20g Protein; 3.20g Saturated Fat; 100g Serving Size; Servings Per Package; 0.10g Sodium; 16.60g Total Fat Price & packaging size:1.13 GBP - 125 Grams t
Conservas de pescado 2010 Vera Marca Rizzoli le Rizzoline - Filetti di Alici - in Olio d'Oliva; in Salsa Piccante In Italy, consumers can now purchase the Filetti di Alici (Anchovies Fillets) marketed under the Vera Marca Rizzoli le Rizzoline, in a new packaging format. The product, available in the in Olio d'Oliva (with Olive Oil), and in Salsa Piccante (in Spicy Sauce) varieties, is now offered in a paperboard sleeve containing 6 x 85g plastic tubs. Manufactured by Rizzoli Emanuelli S.p.A., it is sold at the price of 4.45 EUR. Packaging type: Sleeve; Tub Packaging material: Paperboard; Plastic Flavors: Anchovy; Blend; Olive Oil; Spicy Ingredients: Anchovies; Olive Oil; Salt Nutrition: 930.00mg Calcium; 370.00kcal Calories; 0.00g Carbohydrates; 28.50g Protein; 18.50g Saturated Fat; 100g Serving Size; Servings Per Package; 0.20g Sodium; 28.00g Total Fat Price & packaging size: 6 Count; 4.45 EUR - 510 Grams t
Conservas de pescado 2010 John West - Tuna with a Twist - Lime & Black Pepper Dressing Information has arrived from Romania on the launch of John West Tuna with a Twist. This tuna product from John West Foods Ltd. of the U.K. is offered in a Lime & Black Pepper Dressing variety and is presented in an 85g packet. The retail price is 5.90 RON. Packaging type: Sachet Packaging material: Plastic Flavors: Black Pepper; Blend; Lime; Tuna Ingredients: Vegetable Oil; Tuna; Vinegar; Sugar; Modified Starch; Garlic; Salt; Mustard; Stabilizer E415; Flavoring; Lime; Lime Juice Nutrition: 652.00kj Calories; 2.80g Carbohydrates; 15.60g Protein; 1.20g Saturated Fat; 100g Serving Size; Servings Per Package; 0.30g Sodium; 2.10g Sugar; 9.20g Total Fat Price & packaging size:5.90 RON - 85 Grams t
Conservas de pescado 2010 Auchan - Mackerel Filtes - with Mustard; with White Wine The Auchan private-label brand of canned Mackerel Filets is available in Hungary in two varieties: with Mustard, and with White Wine. The fish is packed in easy-open 169g tins priced at 419 HUF each. Delpierre C.E. Kft. is the distributor for Auchan of France. Packaging type: Tin Packaging material: Metal Flavors: Blend; Mackerel; Mustard; Vinegar; Wine Ingredients: Mackerel Fillets; Water; Dijon Mustard; Vinegar; Salt; Citric Acid; Canola Oil; White Wine Vinegar; White Wine; Modified Corn Starch; Xanthan Gum; Flavoring; Spices Price & packaging size: 419.00 HUF - 169 Grams t