‘Unholy happenings in the Holy Land.’ The plight of the world’s oldest Christian community… 1948 : 10 – 20 % [ State of Israel created ] Today : 1.2 %
Under British Mandate from 1920’s, Palestine’s recent story: From Allies defeat Ottoman Empire in 1917 [World War 1]; Under British Mandate from 1920’s, Palestine progresses towards self-govt., until……
World War 2 & the HOLOCAUST… 1948 – U.N. General Assembly’s Resolution 181… Recommends : partition of Palestine & creation of the State of Israel. For Palestinians : ‘Al Nakba’ – The Disaster ‘We are sympathetic to the suffering of our Jewish brothers & sisters in the Holocaust. But -you don’t deal with one injustice by creating another injustice.’ Rev. Alex Awad, Bethlehem 2013. U.n. resolution 194 : ‘Return or compensation for displaced Palestinians’ !!
Palestinian land lost since State of Israel created [Al Nakba]….
1948: thousands killed; ¾ m. displaced. Dheish’eh refugee camp set up, Bethlehem – ‘ 2-3 weeks of displacement’ ???
Today -15,000 ppl in the camp - 3rd generation Youth leader born in the camp. [NB. names of destroyed Palestinian villages]
Heads of Christian Churches, Jerusalem, 2001 : ‘Come, see, tell.’ In 2002, sets up
Palestine’s West Bank : E. A Palestine’s West Bank : E.A. Placements Training : ‘Forget logic as you know it.’ 1967 Green / Armistice line - 315 kms; cf. Separation Wall [2002] - 709 kms. 60% of West Bank under Israeli military & civilian control.
EAPPI.’s Mission : Accompany - Advocate Lutheran Bishop Dr. Munib A. Younan : “EAPPI continues to be a nonviolent and peaceful way to create a human chain promoting peace, justice, and reconciliation in the Holy Land." ~
EAPPI. Group 56, mid-Mar. – mid-June, 2015.
West Bank- INJUSTICES from 50 yrs of Military Occupation… Separation Wall / fence IDs, permits [ 100 + ] Restricted access – to employment, health care, education, worship, farm land, basic utilities Demolitions – homes, businesses Land lost to illegal Israeli settlements; military zones… Evictions = ‘ COLD violence ’ [ Teju Cole in ‘The Guardian’ ]: every aspect of daily life is uncertain.
* SEPARATION WALL surrounds Jerusalem - 85% built on Palestinian land What tourists are told about the Wall…
Women have given birth in this shed, kept waiting * Check Point duty – Qalandia: frustrated West Bank residents queue @ 4.30 a.m. Women have given birth in this shed, kept waiting @ the ‘Humanitarian’ gate. ‘This is our hell…’
Working for peace - ‘Machsom [Check Point ] Watch:’ Hana Barag asks: ‘What is the Occupation doing to Israel’s soul??’
Beautiful Old City of Jerusalem… 2 peoples, 3 faiths…
Israeli mili Israeli military controls Palestinians’ access to work & worship in the Old City. Church of the Holy Sepulchre Al Aqsa mosque compound Wailing Wall
Al Aqsa Mosque, & Dome of the Rock, focus of Muslim worship.
Al Aqsa Mosque compound – for worship, study, recreation.
July 2017….
Friday prayers in Jerusalem streets, in protest…
Military disperses worshippers & journalists The next day : Nidal Aboud prays with his friends…
Palestinian Christians celebrate Palm Sunday, marching outside Jerusalem’s Old City [Mt of Olives] with Christian visitors to the Holy Land; but…
Orthodox Good Friday, inside the Old City - . Orthodox Good Friday, inside the Old City - Entry permits restricted; soldiers & barricades along the Via Dolorosa. Plaza @ Holy Sepulchre church Most Palestinian Christians have given up worshipping in Jerusalem.
Jewish worshippers @ the Western [ Wailing ] Wall.
What tourists are not shown… * Constant demolitions eg. East Jerusalem Mayor Bassam, West Bank : [ re children throwing stones] ‘You’ve occupied my land, you’ve taken my freedom, you’ve taken my home. What do you expect me to throw – candy?’
Widowed mother’s story… Silwan [Palestinian]– east of Old City:*excavations for ‘City of David’ tourist park…. Widowed mother’s story…
…built around a Palestinian home; other homes undermined. Tal, Israeli tour guide: ‘It feels as if we’re living in a parallel universe.’ …built around a Palestinian home; other homes undermined. Tal, tour guide: ‘It feels as if we’re living in a parallel universe.’
‘Rabbis for Human Rights’ support Palestinians. Rabbi Yehiel Grenimann Rabbi Arik Ascherman : ‘I pray that we will continue to uncompromisingly fight all that is wrong & unjust in Israel; while still being able to see all that is good in our country & our people.’
‘Kairos Palestine’ statement from Christians, 2009: ‘The Word of God is a source of LIFE, not death. It cannot be the source of our destruction.’ Palestinian Christians ask for ‘The right to self-determination in our own country…. The Occupation is a sin against God & against humanity.’
‘Mary weeps over Bethlehem.’ The priority: Living stones or ancient stones??
What can we do. be informed, inform others. Boycott, Divest & Sanction What can we do? * be informed, inform others * Boycott, Divest & Sanction * Pray for the peace of jerusalem