Early Years Maths Workshop


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Presentation transcript:

Early Years Maths Workshop for parents and carers May 2017

Aims Early Learning Goal expectations A mastery approach Developing number sense and visualisation What the children are taught and how  Supporting your child at home

A Mastery approach Prioritising number Concrete, pictorial, abstract approach Multiple representations, doing the same thing in different ways Develop 5 key mastery behaviours: Number sense Visualisation Communication Metacognition Generalisation

Early Learning Goal: Numbers Children count reliably with numbers 1 to 20, place them in order and say which numbers are one more and one less than a given number. Using quantities and objects they add and subtract two single digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer. They solve problems involving doubling, halving and sharing.

Counting Underpins success in all areas of maths. Count in ones forwards and back to 100 initially from zero but increasingly starting at any number. Count in multiples of 2s, 5s and 10s from zero.  Recognising numbers to 100                  Play counting games                  Count over the tens barrier                  Listen out for number pronunciation

Developing number sense Children need opportunities to: 1. Work with concrete materials and familiar ideas 2. Compose and recompose different arrangements and representations of number 3. Discuss and share their discoveries and solutions 4. Investigate the realistic uses of number in their everyday world 5. Explore number patterns and relationships 6. Create alternative methods of calculation and estimation 7. Solve realistic problems using a variety of approaches 8. Calculate for a purpose rather than just for the sake of calculating

Fluency -Being fluent, more than just memorisation of maths facts but a flexibility with numbers that creates ‘number sense’ ● Number facts are useful and arguably essential but the best way to memorise them is to use them in different ways, with number sense. ● Fluency does not mean instant or fast recall it means comfort with numbers, flexibility. https://www.youcubed.org/what-is-number-sense/

Intelligent practice Varied repetition If I know this... what else do I know? Calculations are not random but carefully constructed Pattern spotting                  Say a number fact. What else do you know if you know this?

Consider each of the following arrangements of dots before reading further. What mental strategies are l likely to be prompted by each card? What order would you place them in according to level of difficulty? Card A is the classic symmetrical dice and playing card arrangement of five and so is often instantly recognised without engaging other mental strategies. It is perhaps the easiest arrangement of five to deal with. Card B presents clear sub-groups of two and three, each of which can be instantly recognised. With practice, the number fact of 'two and three makes five' can be recalled almost instantly. Card C: A linear arrangement is the one most likely to prompt counting. However, many people will mentally separate the dots into groups of two and three, as in the previous card. Other strategies such as seeing two then counting '3, 4, 5' might also be used. Card D could be called a random arrangement, though in reality it has been quite deliberately organised to prompt the mental activity of sub-grouping. There are a variety of ways to form the sub-groups, with no prompt in any particular direction, so this card could be considered to be the most difficult one in the set. Card E shows another sub-group arrangement that encourages the use (or discovery) of the 'four and one makes five' number relation.

Subitising ability to 'see' a small amount of objects and know how many there are without counting Comes from Latin ‘suddenly’ Develops properties of number: conservation and compensation 2 types: perceptual/conceptual - Can emerge before counting Making units or single things to count Conceptual-visualizing, pattern spotting, spatial patterns Helps develop arithmetic strategies Dot images, shown quickly Use of fingers and other resources

Use of ten frames Ten-frames are two-by-five rectangular frames into which counters are placed to illustrate numbers less than or equal to ten, and are therefore very useful devices for developing number sense within the context of ten. Plenty of activities with ten-frames will enable children to think automatically of numbers less than ten in terms of their relationship to ten, and to build a sound knowledge of the basic addition/subtraction facts for ten which are an integral part of mental calculation. For example, a child, when shown the ten frame with 8 counters said, "There's eight because two are missing."

Multiple representations Part, part, whole Cbeebies clips 'Numberblocks' Can you show it with more than one apparatus?

Addition Starting with objects, telling number stories. Then encouraging pictorial representations by drawing objects Progressing to abstract calculations Adding zero Adding two one digit numbers

Addition Methods: Counting all Counting on from the largest set Using a numberline Part, part, whole Doubles, near doubles Number bonds not just for 10 but for all numbers to 10 Use of the ten frame Missing box calculations

Subtraction With objects, telling number stories-getting on and off the bus Drawing objects (the whole) and crossing off parts Abstract calculations up to 20 Subtracting zero Subtracting a one digit number from another one digit number Subtracting a one digit number from a two digit number to 20

Subtraction Methods: Crossing off Recognising that – is the inverse (opposite operation) of + Number fact families (order of numbers) Counting back from the greatest number Using a numberline and a blank numberline Part, part, whole-missing parts

Number Fun Exploring odd and even numbers Ordering non consecutive numbers Sharing Finding simple fractions of objects and amounts Learning number facts and using them

Shape, space and measure Early Learning Goal: Shape, space and measure Children use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money to compare quantities and objects and solve problems. They recognize, create and describe patterns. They explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical objects to describe them.

Position- use of language such as near, far, under, on top, next to, to describe the placement of objects. Time-reading o’clock times. Identifying the numbers on a clock and the minute and hour hands. Money-recognising coins, sorting, discussing size, shape and colour. Add coins to find a total and knowing ways to make a given total. Finding a different ways to make 10p
