Washington Connection Benefit Portal Partnership Mission: Improve access to a variety of services and benefits to help families and individuals meet basic needs and achieve self-sufficiency Within Reach September 23 & 26, 2016 Anh.Ong@dshs.wa.gov www.washingtonconnection.org
Today’s Objective Importance of Community Partnerships Washington Connection New Feature Ways We Can Provide Support DSHS Updates
Importance of Community Partnerships Currently we have 927 registered community partners 431 Host Organizations provide access to computers and information to customers seeking assistance 496 Assisting Agencies provide staff support to assist customers in applying for or renewing benefits and services online Through community networks, our community partners are able to identify and reach out to underserved populations, such as elderly, homeless, or people with disabilities. We continue to recruit more community partners to help more people find the help they need.
Why Become a Community Partner Community Partners: Receive marketing materials and invitation to free trainings, webinars, and community meetings. Receive emails about new features and update information. Have opportunity to network with other partnering agencies. Assisting Agencies: Have the ability to create Partner Account, complete and review client applications, assign cases to staff, and change assignments. Can use the “Search for a DSHS/HCA Client” feature in the Partner Account to see what benefits the client is receiving now, what other services the client may apply for, and when they need to renew their benefits. Provide clients with full access to multiple services and benefit information.
Washington Connection New Feature Implemented on 7/17/2016: Added Working Connections child care information to Client Benefit Account Display in the Client Benefit Account if the client is known to ACES, has a DSHS Client ID, and receives Cash, Food, or Classic Medical Assistance Can be viewed by community partners through the “Search” feature in their Partner Accounts
Ways We Can Provide Support How do we support our partners? Present overview information to special groups, committees, or councils Provide marketing materials such as flyers and information cards Find answers to specific questions for partners Discuss ideas to enhance Washington Connection features Set up Partner Accounts for new partners Provide partnership training Demonstrate online application process Contact Information: Anh.Ong@dshs.wa.gov, (425) 412-2799 Stephanie.Hill@dshs.wa.gov, (360) 725-4666
Like to Register as Community Partner?
Basic Food Updates Elderly Simplified Application Project (ESAP) households will no longer have their application interview waived starting August 1, 2016. These households will remain eligible to have their recertification interview waived. What to do if Basic Food ends because of the ABAWD rules? The first time benefits can end because of ABAWD rules is March 31, 2016. Even if Basic Food benefits end, persons can still requalify if they become exempt, or participate in an approved activity. Otherwise, they won’t qualify for Basic Food again until January 1, 2018, when the 36 month period resets.
Basic Food Updates Food Assistance Standards: Annual changes for food assistance programs standards effective October 1, 2016. (see handout) Extend dates of SNAP Issuance: Second Substitute House Bill 2877 passed during the 2016 legislative session, requiring us to expand the monthly Basic Food issuance dates from the first of the month through the tenth to the first through the twentieth. Effective February 1, 2017, all new Basic Food households will be assigned an issuance date between the first through the twentieth. Existing households will not be affected.
Child Care Program Updates Child Care Subsidy Program (CCSP) Changes: The Working Connections and Seasonal Child Care programs will see two major changes take effect under the Early Start Act and related federal law. True 12-month eligibility and simplified reporting: On July 1, 2016, most CCSP reporting requirements were removed and families will be eligible to receive child care benefits for twelve months regardless of changes in their approved activity or income (unless greater than 85% of the state median, about 300% FPL). This means most children will have access to child care for a full year without interruption – giving them a more consistent and stable early learning opportunity. In addition to the benefit for children, stable child care also supports parents that lose employment while they search for work or handle other urgent needs.
Child Care Program Updates Early Achievers requirement: Beginning August 1, licensed child care providers must be enrolled in Early Achievers in order to receive state subsidies for children who are not yet school age. Early Achievers is the state’s child care quality rating and improvement system designed by the Department of Early Learning and the University of Washington to help improve outcomes of children in licensed child care settings. In October, families with an income between 200-220 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL) at the time of their review will be eligible for three additional months of child care subsidy to assist with the transition to private pay. Resources over $1 million dollars will not be eligible for child care subsidies.
Regional Contacts Contact your Regional Partnership Consultant by clicking on the appropriate email address link below. Please see the Regional Map to identify your consultant. (https://www.washingtonconnection.org/home/publicaccessdirectory.go) Region Regional Consultant Name/E-Mail Phone 1- Eastern Washington Francesca.Naccarato@dshs.wa.gov 509-249-6477 2- North Anh.Ong@dshs.wa.gov 425-412-2799 3- South and West Jarret.McGill@dshs.wa.gov 253-476-7037