Cranbrook Education Campus Information Pack Job titles: Level 3 Early Years Practitioner Start date: As soon as possible Deadline: 25 September 2017 All-through Innovative Opportunity for impact High need community Great location Chance to grow
The aims of the Ted Wragg Trust are to: - Work in genuine partnership to strengthen schools and their communities. - Foster a culture of positive challenge and continual school improvement. - Provide a common sense of purpose with a focus on outstanding teaching and learning. - Offer an excellent educational experience so that every student fulfils their potential. - Encourage a rich, dynamic and purposeful range of learning opportunities for all students. - Develop life-enhancing values so that students leave school with a sense of self- worth and a determination to succeed. More details about the Trust can be found on our website:
What we can offer you: A beautiful location with excellent transport links Cranbrook is a new and growing town situated in beautiful Devon countryside and whilst only it is 30 minutes from the nearest beach it is only five minutes from Exeter airport and the M5, with excellent rail and road links to Exeter, Plymouth, Torquay and the South West. The chance to develop your career within a successful MAT This is an opportunity for you to join a thriving MAT which is looking for teachers with drive and enthusiasm to develop as future leaders. Our school is a part of the rapidly expanding MAT, The Ted Wragg Trust which educates and cares for thousands of children within the Exeter area and which is committed to providing an outstanding education for all of its students regardless of social or cultural background The opportunity to work in one of the UK’s first All Through Schools Our school is a new build school in the a new town of Cranbrook, one of the only All through Schools in the UK , educating and caring for children aged 2-16. The school includes one of the first new built secondary schools in decades and offers outstanding facilities to all of its young people. A fantastic learning environment with outstanding resources Our children benefit from access to the school’s own extensive grounds including ponds, a wetland meadow, copses , fields, forest school, fantastic all weather pitches and tennis courts. All children from age 2- 6 have direct access to an engaging outdoor learning environment from their Nursery and primary classrooms and their outside learning environment is an integral part of our continuous provision, all year round. All of our Primary and secondary children also benefit from very best of domestic science facilities, dance and theatre hall, sports hall , ICT suites, science labs and much more! A shared approach to developing best cross phase practice. As a member of our staff team you will benefit from cross phase sharing of subject expertise as primary and secondary staff have opportunities to work together across the phases and across the MAT, supporting teaching and learning for all ages. For example we have primary trained staff supporting the phonics understanding of less able secondary writers and a secondary Maths specialist working with able primary mathematicians to provide extra stretch and challenge.
Cranbrook Education Campus is a brand new all-through school (Ages 2-16) situated in the new town of Cranbrook in East Devon. We are part of the Ted Wragg Multi Academy Trust, a charitable foundation trust, which works with schools in Exeter and the local community to raise the aspirations of young people and enable them to become fulfilled, confident and motivated citizens, able to contribute actively to a democratic society. All students within the Ted Wragg Trust, regardless of social or cultural background, are motivated to succeed and make outstanding progress because their needs are met through creative, relevant and innovative provision. Cranbrook Education Campus is an exciting place to be set at the heart of our community. Our innovative, teachers facilitate effective learning for all students leading to outstanding progress and outcomes. We are a proud, motivated and committed team who will contribute to the success and development of aspiring, well rounded, lifelong learners. Students, staff and the school will grow together as a leading educational establishment locally, nationally and internationally and we look forward to sharing this journey with you.
New and purpose built facilities Every EYFS class has outside access to a purpose built outside learning environment. We enjoy amazing ICT, sports, domestic science, theatre and science facilities. Our grounds are beautiful and extensive and include all weather pitches. Our school is built in the heart of the community of Cranbrook.
About Cranbrook “Over a decade ago the ambitious vision for what we now know as Cranbrook took shape. Today that vision has overcome many challenges to become stunning reality. This first free standing new settlement built in Devon since the Middle Ages is now the South West's largest project of its kind. Cranbrook is modern, forward looking and dynamic, utilising leading edge technologies for communication, connectivity and energy, for homes and businesses alike. In addition, this innovative development clearly demonstrates how public and private partnership at its best works for the benefit of us all. The Cranbrook that's unfolding is not just an attractive and vibrant Devon town, but one with its roots firmly sunk into the history and architectural heritage of this wonderful county. It is also eco-friendly and low carbon to help minimise our use of energy and impact on the earth.” For more information about Exeter: Thinking about moving to Devon?:
Safer Recruitment Process Cranbrook Education Campus is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. To meet this responsibility, all candidates will be subjected to a rigorous selection process to discourage and screen out unsuitable applicants. This process is outlined below. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if further detail is required. Disclosure: This post is classified as having substantial access to children, and appointment is subject to an enhanced police check of previous criminal convictions (CRB). Applicants are required, before appointment, to disclose any conviction, caution or binding over including ‘spent convictions’ under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exemptions) Order 1975. Non-disclosure may lead to termination of employment. However, disclosure of a criminal background will not necessarily debar individuals from employment – this will depend upon the nature of the offence(s) and when they occurred. Short listing: Short listing will occur w/c 2 October 2017. Interview: Candidates will be subject to an in-depth, in-person interview and assessment. At each stage of the process candidates will be asked to address any discrepancies, anomalies or gaps in their application form or arising from information gained at the previous stage of the recruitment process. Reference checking: References from the previous and current employers will be taken up for shortlisted candidates, possibly before interview, and where necessary employers may be contacted to gather further information or address any discrepancies, anomalies or gaps in the reference provided. Probation: All new staff will be subject to a probation period (which may, in certain circumstances, be extended by up to 10 weeks). The probation period is a trial period, to enable the assessment of an employee’s suitability for the job for which they have been employed. It provides Cranbrook Education Campus with the opportunity to monitor and review the performance of new staff in relation to various areas, but also in terms of their commitment to safeguarding and relationships with pupils. Equal Opportunities: Cranbrook Education Campus provides equal opportunities and will monitor the recruitment process rigorously to ensure fair access and opportunity for all. If you require assistance in reading this information or in completing the application form, please contact