Krsnas Tu Bhagavan Svayam (Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.3.28) Lord Krishna is the original Supreme Personality of Godhead in Person Created by
Lord Krishna is the One True God
There are 2 primary categories of evidence that completely prove Lord Krishna as the One True God 1. Evidence from within Sanatan-Dharma a. Evidence from the Vedic scriptures. - Krsna Himself declaring that He is the Supreme. - Others declaring that Krsna is the Supreme. b. Krsna physically proving Himself as the Supreme. 2. Evidence from outside Sanatan-Dharma
Evidence from the Vedic Scriptures “The whole cosmic order is under Me Evidence from the Vedic Scriptures “The whole cosmic order is under Me. Under My will it is automatically manifested again and again, and under My will it is annihilated at the end.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 9.8) “I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me. The wise who perfectly know this engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 10.8) “Furthermore, O Arjuna, I am the generating seed of all existences. There is no being – moving or nonmoving – that can exist without Me.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 10.39) "Even though over a period of time I might count all the atoms of the universe, I could not count all of My opulences which I manifest within innumerable universes." (Lord Krishna, Srimad-Bhagavatam 11.16.39) There are no statements like the above made by any other applicant for the position of God.
Eye Witness Report From Arjuna who saw Lord Krishna Bg 11 Eye Witness Report From Arjuna who saw Lord Krishna Bg 11.19 — You are the supreme primal objective. You are the ultimate resting place of all this universe. You are inexhaustible, and You are the oldest. You are the maintainer of the eternal religion, the Personality of Godhead. This is my opinion. Bg 11.19 — You are without origin, middle or end. Your glory is unlimited. You have numberless arms, and the sun and moon are Your eyes. I see You with blazing fire coming forth from Your mouth, burning this entire universe by Your own radiance. Bg 11.20 — Although You are one, You spread throughout the sky and the planets and all space between. O great one, seeing this wondrous and terrible form, all the planetary systems are perturbed. Bg 11.21 — All the hosts of demigods are surrendering before You and entering into You. Some of them, very much afraid, are offering prayers with folded hands. Hosts of great sages and perfected beings, crying “All peace!” are praying to You by singing the Vedic hymns. Bg 11.22 — All the various manifestations of Lord Śiva, the Ādityas, the Vasus, the Sādhyas, the Viśvedevas, the two Aśvīs, the Maruts, the forefathers, the Gandharvas, the Yakṣas, the Asuras and the perfected demigods are beholding You in wonder.
Many Great Personalities have declared Krishna as the Supreme “Arjuna said: You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the ultimate abode, the purest, the Absolute Truth. You are the eternal, transcendental, original person, the unborn, the greatest. All the great sages such as Nārada, Asita, Devala and Vyāsa confirm this truth about You, and now You Yourself are declaring it to me.” (Bhagavad-Gita 10.12-13) (There are hundreds of other verses from the Bhagavad-Gita and other Vedic scriptures which very clearly confirm that Lord Krishna is the One True God.)
Physical Proof of Lord Krishna as the one True God
Evidence from outside Sanatan-Dharma to prove that Krishna is the One True God
Which Scriptures were delivered Directly from God Which Scriptures were delivered Directly from God? “Regulated activities are prescribed in the Vedas, and the Vedas are directly manifested from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Consequently the all-pervading Transcendence is eternally situated in acts of sacrifice.” (Bhagavad-Gita 3.15) In the Bhagavad-Gita it very clearly states “Sri-bhagavan uvaca” in many verses. This means “The Supreme Personality of Godhead said”. The Bhagavad-Gita was directly spoken by Lord Krishna to Arjuna and there were millions of witnesses. In Canto 11 of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, there is the Uddhava-Gita. Which was directly spoken by Lord Krishna to Uddhava. The Uddhava-Gita has more verses than the Bhagavad-Gita and is an extension of the knowledge in the Bhagavad-Gita. The Holy Bible was not directly delivered from God. The Christians claim the Bible statements were based on inspirations from God. The al-Quran was not directly delivered from God. The Muslims claim every word of the al-Quran was transmitted by God to Angel Gabriel, who re-transmitted to Muhammad, and he re-transmitted to his followers.
Which Scripture Name Indicates it’s ‘The Word of God’ Which Scripture Name Indicates it’s ‘The Word of God’? There are millions of verses in the scriptures of Sanatan-Dharma. The Bhagavad-Gita is the essence of all Sanatan-Dharma knowledge and thus the main scripture of Sanatan-Dharma. In Sanskrit, ‘Bhagavad’ means of God and ‘Gita’ means Song. The Bhagavad-Gita means ‘The Song of God’. The Bhagavad-Gita is the only scripture which literally means ‘The Word of God’. The Bhagavad-Gita is not a one off scripture. It has been spoken millions of times by Lord Krishna in millions of universes. The Holy Bible has 35,527 verses, and is the only scripture of Christianity. This is all the knowledge they have from their God. In Greek, ‘Bibli’ means little books. The Bible does not mean the word of God. The Bible is a one off scripture, created only once. The al-Quran has 6236 verses, and is the only scripture of Islam. This is all the knowledge they have from their God. In Arabic, ‘Qara’ means to recite. The Quran does not mean the word of God. The Quran is a one off scripture, transmitted only once.
Number of Witnesses for their God Number of Witnesses for their God? Sanatan-Dharma: Millions of people have seen Lord Krishna. Christianity: ZERO. No witnesses. Nobody has seen the Christian God. Yahweh is the God of the Bible, not Jesus. “It is true that no one has ever seen God at any time.” (John 1:18) “And God said, “Tell the Israelites that you were sent by Yahweh, the God of your ancestors—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob. This will always be my name. It is how I want the people to remember me from now on.” (Exodus 3:15) “Don’t worship any other god. I am Yahweh Kanah—the jealous Lord. That is my name. I hate for my people to worship other gods.” (Exodus 34:14) Islam: ZERO. No witnesses. Nobody has seen the Islamic God. “No vision can grasp Him.” (Quran 6:103) “Whoever claimed that (the Prophet) Muhammad saw his Lord, is committing a great fault, for he only saw Gabriel in his genuine shape in which he was created covering the whole horizon.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 3234)
What Physical Proof for their God? Sanatan-Dharma: Lord Krishna has physically appeared and proved Himself as God, millions of times. Christianity: ZERO physical proof, since Yahweh has NEVER been seen. The Christians claim the existence of the Bible is the only proof for the Christian God. Islam: ZERO physical proof, since Allah has NEVER been seen. The Muslims claim the existence of the Quran is the only proof for the Islamic God.
How to Tell a True God? A true God is one who is real. He has been seen and proven. A true God is one who ensures justice for all living beings. Nobody can get away by harming others (human or animals or plants). A true God is one who is truly forgiving. He gives us unlimited chances (unlimited lives) and not just one (only one life). A true God is one who is truly merciful. He does not send anyone to eternal hell. A true God is one who is responsible. He doesn't make irresponsible statements. A true God is one who is not a bully. A true God is one who does not curse. A true God is one who is loving. He doesn't instill hate and violence into His followers. He only instills love for all living beings. A true God is one who does not order women to be taken captive and made into sex slaves. A true God does not allow slavery, period. A true God does not divide humans into believers and unbelievers. A true God does not order His followers to wage wars onto others simply because they follow different paths. A true God is equal to women, men, and all living beings. A true God maintains all living beings, regardless if they follow Him or not.
A true God considers all living entities (souls) equal. A true God considers all living entities His. A true God is equal to all living entities. A true God does not order His followers to invade and steal from others. A true God gives free will. He does not force anyone to follow His instructions. He allows freedom of thought, and speech. A true God is one who is eternally known. A true God is one who has given thousands of books of knowledge and not just one or two. A true God is one who has appeared millions of times already, because He is eternal and timeless. A true God is one who has appeared in millions of universes, and not just on one insignificant planet, because His creation is unlimited. A true God will deliver His instructions (scriptures) millions of times and not just once, because He is timeless and His deliveries are unlimited. A true God can speak for Himself, and thus delivers His instructions directly. A true God does not consider anyone as His enemy, because He is the creator of everyone. A true God does not tax people based on their beliefs. A true God does not order His followers to murder others as a religious duty. Only one person satisfies all the above criteria without any doubt, Lord Krishna. "Know that all opulent, beautiful and glorious creations spring from but a spark of My splendor. But what need is there, Arjuna, for all this detailed knowledge? With a single fragment of Myself I pervade and support this entire universe." (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 10.41-42)