SCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES Bienvenido Bienvenue أهلا بك Добро пожаловат خوش آمدی Benvenuto Herzlich willkommen Dr Elise Hugueny-Léger, Director of Teaching Prof. Will Fowler, Head of School
SCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES An international School About 60 members of staff; 50 postgraduate students; 500 undergraduates We teach 10% of the UG Student Population 25.4% overseas & UK/EU rest 18.8% UG from North America (2016 figures) Entry MINIMUM requirement is: Higher AAAB; A-Level AAB; IB 35 points
SCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES A research-active School Four research institutes Lively postgraduate community Research-led teaching 1st in Scotland on quality of publications Teaching excellence& sense of community Language, literature, culture Middle Ages to 21st century Digital resources Native speakers and language teachers Staff at all levels teach
SCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES A flexible system Scottish system vs. English system Variety of subjects and degree combinations Languages taken from beginners’ level Single Honours: French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish Joint Honours Triple Honours: 3 langs.; 2 langs + Comparative Literature/International Relations/English/Management/ Ancient History/Classical studies Comparative literature Arabic and Persian
SCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES Comparative literature COMPARATIVE LITERATURE Taught by subject specialists 1st in the UK for Student Satisfaction Pre-20th century (the Quran, Beowulf, Candide) Texts studied in English translation Some of our modules: The Literary canon Found in translation Literature and the Bible Autobiography and the Visual Arts Folk and Fairy Tales
SCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES The Year abroad Study abroad in 3rd year at Erasmus partner university Credit transfer = 50% of final degree grade or stay in St Andrews Final 4th year here (4-year degree programme) OR work placement and come back for two years (5-year degree programme)
SCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES Gracias Merci Спасибо متشکرم Grazie شكرا Vielen Dank Dr Elise Hugueny-Léger, Director of Teaching Prof. Will Fowler, Head of School