WELCOME! Kimberly Morse’s Classroom Curriculum Night Tuesday, 9/19/2017 and Tuesday, 9/26/2017
Who Am I? Certified special education teacher and general education teacher, teaching for 24 years, with a MA in special education and a BA in general education and psychology. I am currently working on an Administrator Credential at Seattle Pacific University I have taught with Issaquah School District since 2000 This is my eighth year at PCMS, I taught at PLMS for five years. I am a highly qualified teacher of math, reading, and writing.
PCMS Resource Classes What I teach: How to contact me: Resource Math, periods 1,2,3, and 5 I’m also one of the Special Education Team Leader How to contact me: E-mail: morsek@issaquah.wednet.edu ** best way to reach me Phone: 425-837-5924
Math Curriculum: Connected Math 3 (CMP-3) This is the general education math program, that covers Common Core 6 , 7 and 8. Connected Math teaches in a spiral curriculum, with very little extra practice or pre-teaching/ re-teaching of difficult concepts. Resource room covers about a half to two thirds of the books a general education math class will cover, with more opportunities for practice and remediation of missed concepts. It takes us a year and a half to complete one math textbook. Most students will complete the 7th grade textbook before going on to high school algebra.
How can I help my student Organizing their “stuff” Check the ARS for the day and make sure your student has gotten the warm-up, classwork, and homework done Check the website, if in doubt Check Family Access to check grades and for missing assignments, failing assignments, or failing assessments. All can be made up for a better grade.
Grading Procedures: All participation points (warm-ups, extra credit, behavior), daily work (computation, assignments), class/ homework and assessments (quizzes, tests, projects) are added together and calculated to develop a cumulative percentage score based on the following breakdown: Participation/ Having necessary school materials/ (Good Student Behavior) ~ 0% although it is tracked in the gradebook Computation (Skills) ~0% although this is also tracked for IEP writing purposes Assignments/Group work~40% Quizzes ~ 20% Tests~30%
Take Away Thought… I want parents to know that I am their “go to” person, to help facilitate meetings with teachers, help parents become more involved with their child’s education, to be aware of when there are problems brewing either at school, or at home, that I can help with, or connect you with others that can help. I am HERE for you, and your child. Please contact me if there is anything- yes anything I can do to make school and learning a better experience for you and your child.
Contact Information for Kim Morse Pacific Cascade Middle School Classroom phone: 425-837-5924 Connect Site: http://connect.issaquah.wednet.edu/middle/pacificcascade/staff/ms_morses_site/ Email contact: morsek@issaquah.wednet.edu